"THE MAXX" BY SAM KIETH (MTV ODDITIES) I really loved the comic and that show and it's unique simple style. The animated series is out on YouTube now. Not the best quality, but it's not out on dvd and the VHS tape is sort of rare. Wikipedia: "The Maxx is an American comic book and character created by Sam Kieth and published by Image Comics. The comic book spawned an animated series that aired on the MTV network. The series follows the adventures of the titular hero in the real world and in an alternate reality, referred to as The Outback. In the real world the Maxx is a vagrant while in the Outback he is the protector of the Jungle Queen. The Jungle Queen is similar to the Maxx in that she also exists in the real world as Julie Winters, a freelance social worker who often bails the Maxx out of jail. While the Maxx is aware of the Outback, Julie is not, though it is integral to the story of both the Maxx and Julie." Sam Kieth's website seems to be dead. The (almost) complete Sam Kieth checklist Picture from this great collection of DC Comics Wallpapers
by tommyblank, 19:32h
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by tommyblank, 16:28h
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THIS MODERN LIFE Found over here: This Modern Life
by tommyblank, 16:54h
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AFRODISIAC Check out the Art of Jim Rugg
by tommyblank, 16:32h
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by -stern-, 15:21h
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WHEN THE FANTASTIC FOUR MET THE BEATLES Classic Kirby Cover! They really were a hip bunch back then, those boys at the House of Ideas. Related stories on this blog: By the way, Stan lee got a fancy medal from president W himself! Washingtonpost.com: "Stan Lee, who helped create hundreds of comic book superheroes, including 'Spider-Man,' and Olivia de Havilland, 92, who was nominated for an Academy Award in 1939 for her portrayal of Melanie Hamilton in 'Gone With the Wind,' were among the recipients of the National Medal of Arts and the National Humanities Medal at the White House yesterday."
by tommyblank, 14:03h
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75 COMICS BEING MADE INTO MOVIES RIGHT NOW Denofgeek.com knows them all. Red Sonja? Nobody wants to see that. Tintin? Stupid idea. Only works in the original medium. Witchblade? Again? Submariner? You gotta be fword kidding? There's an old rule in the comic industry: Aquaman doesn't work! No, "caught up in an ecological war" doesn't work either. And the Submariner is just like Aquaman (except for he fought in WWII and he has cute little wings on his feet). I wanna see the Jonah Hex movie though...
by tommyblank, 20:16h
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WATCHMEN! THEY HAVE HOT COSTUMES! Der niegelnagelneue Trailer ist heißer als Sarah Palin in der Hölle je brennen wird. Aber Eye Candy, Eye Schmandy! Das Fräulein Cronin möge bitte die vor gefühlten 22 Jahren entliehene Gräfick Nöwel endlich lesen damit ich die endlich an einem stillen Winterabend mit Lego nachstellen oder einfach nur zum 100.000 mal lesen kann.
by tommyblank, 17:44h
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IN JUST 7 DAYS I CAN MAKE YOU A MAN Great story about the legendary Charles Atlas Ad: The Ad That Made an Icon Out of Mac Here's another version:
by tommyblank, 16:38h
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by tommyblank, 17:46h
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by -stern-, 15:44h
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by tommyblank, 12:10h
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POP WILL RAPE ITSELF (YES, "SOUTH PARK" IS BACK!) And they're better, meaner and funnier than ever. George Lucas and Steven Spielberg raping Indiana Jones, that has to be the best comment on the current state of culture since, eh, since the last season of "South Park".....
by tommyblank, 10:42h
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WHEN LEX LUTHOR WAS PRESIDENT... Remember the year 2000? Lex Luthor was president in the universe that Superman and his buddies live in. The storyline was more realistic than Sarah Palin becoming....
by tommyblank, 19:52h
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DECISIONS - WHO WILL SUPERMAN VOTE FOR? Even Superman will vote in the elections 2008. A new comic series deals with the real political views of DC Comics' fictional supericons. From an Newsarama Interview: DAN DIDIO ON DCU: DECISIONS "Dan DiDio: We’re entering a very interesting election year this year, and what I think is important about it is that it’s that there’s this excitement – a sense of “building”…there’s change in the air in regards to the whole political process that’s at play in the United States. What we want to do is tap into that emotion, and tell a story that plays in the DC Universe with our characters, while using the political backdrop we’re seeing now to help to define our characters better. (...) For the first time, we’ll be having our characters make true political stands in regards to their leanings, as well as what motivates them to be heroes, and what they believe is necessary for their world and their country to move in the direction they believe to be the right one. That’s the larger story.
by tommyblank, 18:46h
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SAVAGE DRAGON SUPPORTS "THAT ONE" "The Savage Dragon" is a cop and a superhero. For some reason he looks like a dragon... Themoment.com "Artist Erik Larsen is pleased with his story, which will mention Obama, though the senator will not make an appearance in the issue. 'He’s not slugging bad guys or anything like that — although that would be cool,' Larsen says. The comic does, however, include McCain supporters. But don’t be confused. Savage Dragon definitely leans Democrat — a cover dating back to the last presidential campaign showed Mr. Dragon taking a swing at President Bush."
by tommyblank, 17:36h
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SPIDER-MAN'S GREATEST BIBLE STORIES Hey, spongospongo.net, I just ffffound this!
by tommyblank, 16:53h
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ROBERT CRUMB TALKS Electricpolitics.com did a long interview: "Called by the noted art critic Robert Hughes the 'only genius the 1960s underground produced in visual art, either in America or Europe,' Robert is sort of a living bridge between our authentic cultural past and our authentic cultural future. It was a thrill to talk with him. Total runtime an hour and fourteen minutes. Enjoy!"
by tommyblank, 20:58h
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JUNK WORD - DIE COMICS AUS DER "JUNGLE WORLD" ![]() Vernissage am Freitag, den 22.08.2008 um 20.00 Uhr in Berlin mit Comics von 18 Metzger ("Totes Meer"), Digirev ("Zuhause während der digitalen Revolution"), Leo Leowald ("Zwarwald"), FIL (Mädchenworld), Andreas Michalke ("Bigbeatland"), Minou Zaribaf ("Rockrätseln") und Oliver Naatz (Lilli & Poldi) Seit bereits 10 Jahren bietet die Wochenzeitung Jungle World auf ihrer Comicseite, der "Junk Word", Comiczeichnern eine Plattform. Die sehr unterschiedlichen Comics treffen dort auf begeisterte Leser, sind aber auch nicht immer ganz unumstritten. Vom 23. August bis zum 13. September präsentieren sieben Zeichnerinnen und Zeichner, die hier regelmäßig ihre Strips veröffentlichen, erstmalig ihre Arbeiten in einer großen Ausstellung in der Galerie Neurotitan. More at neurotitan shop & gallery im Haus Schwarzenberg Rosenthalerstraße 39 10178 Berlin fon +49.(0)30.308 725 76 fax +49.(0)30.282 90 33
by tommyblank, 23:12h
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ROBERT DOWNEY JR. IS A DIEHARD MARVEL ZOMBIE Downey Jr. in an interview: "I loved 'The Prestige' but didn't understand 'The Dark Knight'. Didn't get it, still can't tell you what happened in the movie, what happened to the character and in the end they need him to be a bad guy. I'm like, 'I get it. This is so high brow and so f—king smart, I clearly need a college education to understand this movie.' You know what? Fuck DC comics."
by -stern-, 11:01h
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I've always been a fan of Evan Dorkin. Always! I read "Milk & Cheese" before it was even printed on paper. I even had that t-shirt Dorkin did for those funny punkers called "All you can Eat". And "Dork" is the funniest comicbook ever. EVER!!! It was funnier than "Hate" back when "Hate" was still one of the funniest books ever. Don't forget to visit Evan Dorkin and Sarah Dyer's House of Fun in case you have no idea what I'm talking about. Anyway, geeks, imagine a cartoon based on a series out of "Dork"! Oh, you heard about it already and you saw it on YouTube yourself the other day, but then again you were to busy sending out virtual Star Wars action figures to all your Facebook friends and you forgot to watch it. Well.... You can watch it over here!!! Wikipedia: "Welcome to Eltingville" is the name of a comedy cartoon based on the Eltingville stories in Evan Dorkin's comic book Dork!. The pilot episode, titled "Bring me the Head of Boba Fett", premiered March 1, 2002, on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim programming block. (...) The pilot introduces the four members of the Eltingville Club (...). It begins with a game of Dungeons and Dragons, where they are introduced as losers even in their own fantasy world. The boys then go through all the nerd clichés... lusting after science fiction babes (like Denise Crosby), sneaking into horror movies, collecting superhero and science fiction merchandise, and of course, going to their local comic book store."
by -stern-, 12:46h
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BOOK: "OUR GODS WEAR SPANDEX - THE SECRET HISTORY OF COMIC BOOK HEROES" BY CHRISTOPHER KNOWLES ![]() You shall not underestimate what is written in this book! It could have more depth, but it's an excellent read on Google Books. Voransicht des Buches - Read it on Google Books: "Was Superman's arch nemesis Lex Luthor based on Aleister Crowley? Can Captain Marvel be linked to the Norse god Thor? In Our Gods Wear Spandex, Christopher Knowles answers these questions and brings to light many other intriguing links between superheroes and the enchanted world of estoerica. Occult students and comic-book fans alike will discover countless fascinating connections, from the fact that like DC Comics editor Julius Schwartz started his career as H.P. Lovecraft's agent, to the tantalizing influence of Madame Blavatsky's Theosophy on the birth of comics, and the Gnosticism of Superman."
by tommyblank, 01:33h
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by -stern-, 16:02h
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I found something interesting in Mr. Sparky's awesome collection of free 3d-models. It's over at Share CG: "All 32 pages in .JPG format of a copyright expired/fair use historical document featuring the 1969 M16A1 Rifle 'user mannual' illustrated by the comic book artist Will Eisner."
by tommyblank, 18:57h
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COMIC BOOK RELIGION - MUSLIM & ISLAM SUPERHEROES Name: Muhammad X Religion: Black Muslim (Nation of Islam) Note: Based in Harlem, NY. Publisher: DC Learn more about this character and the character's religious affiliation here Check this out: Religion of Comic Book Characters listed by religious group...
by -stern-, 23:32h
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by -stern-, 13:37h
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OL ![]() Via Koepi137.net
by -stern-, 14:29h
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HITLER'S DISNEY DRAWINGS ![]() "The director of a Norwegian museum claimed yesterday to have discovered cartoons drawn by Adolf Hitler during the Second World War. William Hakvaag, the director of a war museum in northern Norway, said he found the drawings hidden in a painting signed "A. Hitler" that he bought at an auction in Germany. He found coloured cartoons of the characters Bashful and Doc from the 1937 Disney film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, which were signed A.H., and an unsigned sketch of Pinocchio as he appeared in the 1940 Disney film." Read the Story in the Telegraph Via www.boingboing.net ![]() Related Stories: -"Hitler's Traum von Mickey Maus" (Video) -EDUCATION FOR DEATH (THE UNKNOWN DISNEY) -Donald Duck - "Der Führer's Face" -DONALD DUCK: THE SPIRIT OF 1943 / POPEYE : SPINACH FOR ENGLAND (Videos) -Hansi: The girl who loved the Swastika -Disney Propaganda remastered -It's a small war after all! - Destino - The Disney/Dali-Project
by -stern-, 13:08h
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by tommyblank, 20:25h
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by tommyblank, 08:49h
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