Sunday, 26. July 2009
Sorry, this blog has moved! ![]() Wait for the orientation videos over at my Homepage or read this first!
by tommyblank, 15:24h
... Link HOT:
READ ME FIRST! This blog had many technical problems this year and it doesn't look like it's gonna get any better. It loads extremely slow. So, it's still around, but it doesn't get any updates right now. Maybe this will change at some point, who knows. So, this was my blog from 2002 to 2008. Seven years, eh? It's been a blast. There is plenty of good stuff around here I have to export whenever I have the time (like in 2014...) though. My first blog on manilasites (1999-2001) vanished for some mysterious reason at some point and I don't want that to happen again. Thanks to Antville.org for still keeping this up. They are the true pioneers of Blogging. You can find me on Facebook of course or through my Homepage. You can get my brandnew 24-7 livefeed of links, videos and nasty remarks here: POPMODERNE Friendfeed An easier way to stay up-to-date without the Facebook Updates would be my Popmoderne Wordpress Blog My archives are open for browsing over here. Bookmarks: Popmoderne del.icio.us Videos: Popmoderne Vodpod I'm also on Last.Fm if anyone is interested in the MP3s I play here and there.
by tommyblank, 15:03h
... Link Monday, 26. January 2009
THE NEW BLOG IS OPEN! Over at popmoderne.wordpress.com! Tränen, Danksagungen, Kommentar zur Zukunft von Antville und so kommt noch.
by -stern-, 19:24h
... Link Saturday, 10. January 2009
WATCH MORE COOL DOCUMENTARIES FOR FREE Harry says: "Our friends at Cinetic Media are doing a great service which allows folks like me and you to embed some really high quality Documentaries on a site - your site - or even this site! And right now there's just 6 fantastic Docs, but if you embed it on your Myspace, Facebook, personal website, from time to time they may change, add and flush the content out. " They got "Confessions of a Superhero" right now! Awesome film!
by -stern-, 14:53h
... Link Computing:
ADD BACON TO THIS BLOG! In case you want bacon: bacolicio.us
by -stern-, 14:50h
... Link TV:
CAB CALLOWAY SINGS "HI DE HO MAN" ON SESAME STREET YouTube : "Sesame Street has had guest stars from nearly all eras of the 20th century. It's extremely hard these days to find an entertainer with the impact and talent of someone like "Cabby" Calloway."
by -stern-, 14:45h
... Link Wednesday, 7. January 2009
by tommyblank, 18:16h
... Link ART:
by tommyblank, 18:16h
... Link Tuesday, 30. December 2008
VIDEOS The Old Video Archive is over here. I will start a new one soon and let you know.
by tommyblank, 15:07h
... Link HOT:
PREPARING THE RELAUNCH This space will soon be an archive plus some personal updates here and there. The new blog is under construction and will be announced SOON! Update: OK, maybe not thaaat soon!
by tommyblank, 15:04h
... Link Tuesday, 16. December 2008
WILDLIFE PHOTO OF THE YEAR National Geographic: "Man and right whale size each other up in the winner of the 2008 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition's underwater category, announced on October 30. "The whales were highly curious of us. Many of these animals had never seen a human before," Skerry told National Geographic. Photographed off New Zealand for National Geographic magazine (more photos from the magazine article), the whales shared top honors with a comical, quizzical monkey, eagles in an air battle, and a battling lizard and snake, among others. (The National Geographic Society owns National Geographic News and National Geographic magazine.)
by tommyblank, 15:21h
... Link MOVIES:
SLINGSHOT HIP HOP Sounds like a really interesting documentary. Check out the Homepage: "Slingshot Hip Hop braids together the stories of young Palestinians living in the West Bank, Gaza and inside Israel as they discover Hip Hop and employ it as a tool to surmount divisions imposed by occupation and poverty. From internal checkpoints and Separation Walls to gender norms and generational differences, this is the story of young people crossing the borders that separate them."
by -stern-, 12:58h
... Link Monday, 15. December 2008
by tommyblank, 17:37h
... Link 3D Design:
SQUID GIRL Art of Pullpo
by tommyblank, 16:34h
... Link Computing:
WIE BITTE? Meine YouTube Favorites haben ihr Maximum von 650 erreicht.... Mehr geht nicht, sagen die von YouTube. Her mit einer neuen Lösung, sage ich. Naja, das aktuelle Widget auf der rechten Seite ist noch frisch bestückt. Da spielt ein Astronaut Schlagzeug, George W. wird mit Schuhen beworfen, die Hobbymasters machen Kindern Angst und Musik ist auch dabei. Geht für heute noch.
by tommyblank, 16:28h
... Link MUSIC:
MARCUS SINGT "FICK DICH" Kettcar covern Frittenbude und man kann den Song für umsonst aus dem Internet "saugen". Mehr in der Frittenbude selbst.
by tommyblank, 16:24h
... Link 3D Design:
WORLD WAR Watch it at Vimeo - Vincent Chai - Homepage Neatorama: "Check out this excellent animated robot fight scene set in the year 2045. Vincent Chai produced this for his final project at the University Of Hertfordshire. It doesn’t end like you think it will."
by tommyblank, 16:05h
... Link MOVIES:
WOLVERINE - X-MEN ORIGINS - THE TRAILER IS OUT! Don't try to watch the crappy version of the trailer on YouTube, bub! It will appear on MySpace a little later today! Snikt! Update: It's there and it looks sweet!
by tommyblank, 14:34h
... Link Sunday, 14. December 2008
MEGAVIDEO - ONLINE MOVIES IN QOOD QUALITY Check out Star Wars III-Revenge Of The Sith or Iron Man for example. There are way more movies if you check around the site.
by -stern-, 20:16h
... Link MOVIES:
HEADCHEESE HEADCHEESE -PART 2 - HEADCHEESE -PART 3 dignan00: "Co-produced by Kim Henkel, co-writer of the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre with Tobe Hooper, HEADCHEESE is a short 16mm experimental/horror film by Duane Graves and Justin Meeks. It features many locations from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre as they appear today. It is much in the vein of Richard Kern, David Lynch and classic horror movies of the 1920's such as those by Sergei Eisenstein. Synopsis: "Nestles the viewer cozily within the diseased mind of a serial killer as he confronts the lurking demons that have driven him to madness and murder." Look for their other short works on their YouTube channel at dignan00 or visit www.greeksproductions.com for more information!"
by -stern-, 16:00h
... Link PRODUCTS:
by -stern-, 15:49h
... Link PEOPLE:
BETTIE PAGE - DEATH OF AN ICON Manohla Dargis in the New York Times - Always Comfortable in Her Own Skin: The art critic John Berger once wrote: “To be naked is to be oneself. To be nude is to be seen naked by others and yet not recognized for oneself.” I’m pretty certain he never met Bettie Page, naked, nude or otherwise." latimesblog: "Hugh Hefner, who knew Bettie when she was young and when she resurfaced, told AP yesterday: "I think that she was a remarkable lady, an iconic figure in pop culture who influenced sexuality, taste in fashion, someone who had a tremendous impact on our society. She was a very dear person.""
by -stern-, 14:55h
... Link POLITICS:
THE MULTI KILL VEHICLE (MKV-L) - LOCKHEED FINALLY PRESENTS THE FLYING KILLER ROBOT Yes, it does sound like "Terminator", but it's real! Check out the hover test in the video. It's pretty frightening. Terminator-like Killer Robot Unveiled by U.S Government:"Lockheed is the world's #1 military contractor, and responsible for the U-2 and SR-71 spy planes, the F-16, the F/A-22 fighter jet, and Javelin missiles. In the event of an enemy missile launch, a carrier vehicle would be fired into space to unleash hordes of weapons, which would then lock on to their targets and destroy them. Specifically, the plan is to mount one or more MKVs onto carrier missiles, which would launch into space to engage enemy nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles at the apogees (or peaks), of their trajectory arcs, the Pentagon said. The MKVs would then break off from the carrier vehicles and shoot at enemy warheads with big bullets, "kinetic interceptors" in military-speak, before dropping back down to Earth. The weapon is the latest addition to the US's controversial missile defense shield, formerly referred to as "Star Wars" when first announced by the Reagan administration in the 1980s at the height of the Cold War. The US Missile Defense Agency said that rival defense contractor Raytheon, is also working on its own multiple kill vehicle program." Multiple Kill Vehicle Completes Hover Test (PDF) More about this at Closing Velocity From engadget
by -stern-, 14:38h
... Link POLITICS:
JELLO BIAFRA - OPEN LETTER TO BARACK OBAMA Read the whole thing at alternativetentacles.com! "IRAQ – TRY THIS! The closest thing to a solution I have heard was offered clear back in April 2004 by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (www.oic-ico.org). The OIC is comprised of 57 Islamic countries ranging from West Africa clear over to Southeast Asia. At their annual meeting they found six member nations (Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Yemen and Morocco) willing to pony up enough of their own troops (approx. 150,000) that our troops could have gone home! Who slammed the door on that one? Colin Powell, on the grounds that having the Islamic soldiers under UN command instead of Americans was out of the question. WHY??!? Wouldn't a neutral force of Muslim peacekeepers make a lot more headway than the disaster we've made? Wouldn't they at least command a lot more respect, resulting in a huge drop in violence? Surely the non-stop carnage and Iracketeering we have spawned is Exhibit A that we need to get over this colonialist illusion that other countries' problems can only be solved by Americans. The OIC's proposal for US withdrawal and peace in Iraq must be revisited immediately, and also considered for Afghanistan. We must end not just our military occupation of Iraq, but our economic occupation NOW. Iraq is not ours to sell, and neither is its oil. Your promise not to leave any permanent US military bases in Iraq is a good start. But you have also backed leaving US troops in Iraq to "protect American assets like the Green Zone." The Green Zone is not our "asset." We stole it and we have to give it back. "
by -stern-, 14:28h
... Link MEDIA:
by -stern-, 14:24h
... Link Saturday, 13. December 2008
DAS SCHMUTZIGE HEILIGE "Der ,Schmutz', den in ihren jeweils verzerrten Wahrnehmungen die Spezialeinheiten von ,C.S.I.', das postsexuelle Kino und die Nichtraucherinitiativen angewidert wahrnehmen, ist das Unreine dessen, was noch vor kurzem das alltägliche Heilige der Kultur gebildet hat." Aus Robert Pfallers "Das schmutzige Heilige und die reine Vernunft. Symptome der Gegenwartskultur" (Fischer Verlag) taz: "In seinem neuen Buch denkt der Kulturhistoriker Robert Pfaller über den heiligen Ernst des Spiels, schmutziges Rauchen und "Die Reifeprüfung" nach."
by -stern-, 16:21h
... Link Friday, 12. December 2008
by -stern-, 16:22h
EUROPE WITHOUT GERMANY Interesting story at Strange Maps – Europe Without Germany : "Is this what a Europe without Germany could have looked like? For starters, it doesn’t resemble the Kaufmann map (cf.sup.) And it’s unknown which basis in fact (or fiction) it might have. But the re-drawn borders don’t look like an occupation so much as an absorption: German toponyms have been rendered in the idioms of each conquering country."
by tommyblank, 13:47h
... Link PEOPLE:
RESIDENTS.COM The website has changed a bit. If you wanna know the true identities of the greatest mystery band of all time (you will probably be pretty disappointed!), go to one of their shows in time, hang around the bar and look for a small group of people having exactly one drink together while watching the audience from the back. That's their little ritual before they go backstage to put on their costumes.
by tommyblank, 13:44h
... Link POLITICS:
WAR PROPAGANDA A Collector’s View has a good collection. Some new stuff you might not have seen plus golden oldies like "Duck and Cover".
by tommyblank, 13:39h
... Link ... Next page
ID - Stefan Ernsting - I have two books out, I work on cool movies and I've been blogging for 8294 days. SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG | BOOKMARK BLOG
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New York im Schnelldurchlauf -
Grosser Apfel mit Stellen Aus aktuellem Anlass und weil zahlreiche...
by tommyblank (8/18/09, 12:24 PM)
Sorry, this blog has moved!
Wait for the orientation videos over at my Homepage or...
by tommyblank (7/26/09, 3:24 PM)
READ ME FIRST! This blog
had many technical problems this year and it doesn't look...
by tommyblank (7/26/09, 3:03 PM)
Over at popmoderne.wordpress.com! Tränen, Danksagungen, Kommentar zur Zukunft von Antville...
by -stern- (1/26/09, 7:24 PM)
FREE Harry says: "Our friends at Cinetic Media are doing...
by -stern- (1/10/09, 2:53 PM)
DER PHANTASTISCHE REBELL ALEXANDER MORITZ FREY oder Hitler schießt dramatisch in die Luft
DER ROTE ELVIS oder Das kuriose Leben eines US-Rockstars in der DDR
Taschenbuch (7,95 € / 14,80 Sfr /3-7466-2261-1) (Hardcover, 314 Seiten, 34 Abbildungen, 22,50 €)
"Von Stefan Ernsting hervorragend übersetzt." (Bayrischer Rundfunk))
...Playlist: Songs for the Sun ...Story: Jobs - Work in progress ...Buffalo Bill und der Western als Weltanschauung ...Comics: Animal Man & the Meta-Fiction Discussion ...Buch: Tomte - Die Schönheit der Chance ...Comics: Nach der Krise ist vor der Krise ...Politik: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation ...Art: Destino - The Disney/Dali-Project ...Medien: Lost: Mindfuck Marketing ...Musik: Kettcar: Im Bett mit Marcus Wiebusch