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Monday, 24. November 2008
CAPRI SONNE! NEUKÖLLNER GANGSTER SCHWÖREN DRAUF! Gibt es wieder überall und Bushido nuckelt täglich dran! Das Revival hängt mehr als in der Luft!
by tommyblank, 00:23h
... Link Computing:
DAS VIDEO WIDGET LÄDT NICHT NACH! I know! Wir beobachten die Verstopfung! Bis dahin gibt es die neuen Videos gebündelt beim YouTube... Hat einer die Livenummer gesehen? War Fred wieder scheiße?
by tommyblank, 00:21h
... Link Sunday, 23. November 2008
GUNSHOTS FIRED AT PRESIDENTS OF GEORGIA AND POLAND CNN Breaking News: "Shots were fired Sunday at a motorcade carrying the presidents of Georgia and Poland, but the motorcade was not hit and there were no injuries, according to the Interior Ministry of Georgia. The ministry said the motorcade, which carried Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and Polish President Lech Kaczynski, was passing a checkpoint near Georgia's South Ossetia region when the shots were fired. No other shooting was reported in the area. South Ossetia was the site of intense conflict between Russian and Georgian troops in August. The shots were fired from Russian-controlled territory as the motorcade passed, the ministry said."
by tommyblank, 20:19h
... Link Saturday, 22. November 2008
Mehr im wachsenden Flickr Set der Nachbarin: Gags & Gore / Hardcore 90er (inclusive nacktem Hno!)
by -stern-, 19:46h
... Link MOVIES:
WOODY ALLEN - A LIFE IN FILM Extended interview with Woody Allen, talking in detail about his influences and the inspiration behind many of his best films
by -stern-, 14:51h
... Link TV:
by -stern-, 14:47h
... Link POLITICS:
DIE TROTTEL VOM BND BOMBEN MUNTER WEITER Spiegel: "Drei Mitarbeiter des Bundesnachrichtendienstes sind nach SPIEGEL-Informationen im Kosovo festgenommen worden. Die örtlichen Ermittler verdächtigen sie, an einem Anschlag beteiligt gewesen zu sein."
by -stern-, 14:42h
... Link Friday, 21. November 2008
by -stern-, 00:26h
... Link Thursday, 20. November 2008
THE SPOTNICKS Listen to the amazing space surf sound of The Spotnicks: "The Spotnicks are an instrumental rock group from Sweden, who were formed in 1961. They were famous for wearing "space suit" costumes on stage, and for their innovative electronic guitar sound. They have since released 42 albums, selling more than 18 million records, and still tour. (...)They soon became the first Swedish group to have significant international success, in a similar style to The Shadows and The Ventures. They toured Europe, and one of their early records, "Orange Blossom Special", became their first big international hit, making the Top 30 in the UK Singles Chart in 1962 on the Oriole label, and reaching # 1 in Australia." Yes, they're still around. The official website is over here and some videos are over here.
by -stern-, 17:39h
... Link PEOPLE:
DERRIDA - DOCUMENTARY DERRIDA :: A FILM BY KIRBY DICK AND AMY ZIERING KOFMAN - Documentary from 2002 (86 min., english subtitles)
by -stern-, 17:17h
... Link TV:
by -stern-, 17:13h
... Link MOVIES:
60sgaragebands.com: Songs Inspired By Batman: "In 1966, it was a regular occurrence for a rock or pop star to make a guest appearance on the popular (and even forgotten) television series’ of the day (check out our Cameos section for further proof). Batman was no exception, and through the course of its three-year run, the program featured such disparate musical acts as Liberace, Leslie Gore, Chad & Jeremy, Johnny & The Greenmen, and the great Paul Revere & The Raiders. On the contrary, the popular (and even forgotten!) musical acts of the day tried to capitalize on the show’s meteoric success by recording songs inspired by the program, whether they be parodies, tributes, or ditties aimed at a young audience. "
by tommyblank, 16:38h
... Link MOVIES:
NON-GENRE SPECIFIC A series of film posters advertising a Quentin Tarantino Film Festival. Each poster explores character interaction within scenes, displayed using a circular mapping system.
by tommyblank, 16:34h
... Link Comics:
AFRODISIAC Check out the Art of Jim Rugg
by tommyblank, 16:32h
... Link MOVIES:
Guardian.co.uk: "McQueen's Hunger reveals the artist as a master of cinema - a talent first brought to light by the Turner prize. Steve McQueen's film Hunger is the answer to a lot of questions. Perhaps the most radical and pertinent is one asked by critic Dan Fox in an editorial in this month's issue of Frieze magazine: where's the beef? Where's the content in art now? As the world faces recession, will the clever-clever games of the art world continue to satisfy? Won't people want art to be about something?" Details for "Hunger": 2008, Ireland, UK, Cert 15, 90 mins, Drama, Dir: Steve McQueen With: Liam Cunningham, Michael Fassbender, Stuart Graham Summary: Drama about the events surrounding the 1981 hunger strike by IRA prisoners, led by Bobby Sands, over conditions at the Maze prison Related article: McQueen and country "He has won the Turner Prize, been a war artist in Iraq, and is campaigning to put the heads of dead British soldiers on stamps. Now Steve McQueen has made a stunning film about the harrowing lead-up to the starving to death of IRA prisoner Bobby Sands, including a scene that moved him to tears on the set. By Sean O'Hagan"
by tommyblank, 16:18h
... Link MOVIES:
ANDY WARHOL'S MONSTER MOVIES Poster Galery: Andy Warhol Meets the Monsters
by tommyblank, 13:29h
... Link PLACES:
DUBAI - THE FUTURE IN THE DESERT 28 amazing photos at Boston.com: "Wealthy Dubai continues to grow though, in both land area as new islands are built, and in height as new, taller skyscrapers are planned to best the Burj Dubai, already the tallest in the world. "
by tommyblank, 13:26h
... Link Wednesday, 19. November 2008
3D Design:
by -stern-, 13:37h
... Link ART:
A PERSONAL MOON - PHOTOS BY LEONID TISHKOV & BORIS BENDIKOV I just found this amazing series of photographs by Leonid Tishkov and Boris Bendikov. Sweet stuff!
by -stern-, 13:21h
... Link TV:
MONTY PYTHON LAUNCH THEIR OWN YOUTUBE CHANNEL Check it out yourself: "For 3 years you YouTubers have been ripping us off, taking tens of thousands of our videos and putting them on YouTube. Now the tables are turned. It's time for us to take matters into our own hands." IT'S ABOUT TIME FOR THE GALAXY SONG!
by tommyblank, 11:51h
... Link Tuesday, 18. November 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIABOLIK Dazed Digital: "Pop and optical art, an explosion of colours, psychedelic and futuristic interior designs a la Joe Colombo and costumes inspired by the work of iconic ‘60s designers: these are just some of the ingredients Italian director and master of horror Mario Bava threw into his magic cauldron when he turned into a film “Diabolik”, an iconic comic series written by sisters Angela and Luciana Giussani. Bava’s film turned 40 this year, but it’s still considered a cult movie. (...) While the Diabolik character represented a constant inspiration for some fashion designers - Dolce & Gabbana’s Autumn/Winter 2008-09 menswear collection features tight shirts and sweatshirts inspired by Diabolik’s style, while the Italian design duo often claimed Brazilian model Giselle represents for them an incarnation of sensual Eva Kant - the film has kept on inspiring a new generation of directors." From an interesting interview with Diabolik Überfan and London-based director Ben Robinson on Dazed Digital The Trailer
by tommyblank, 17:35h
TAKASHI MURAKAMI ABOUT THE FINANCIAL CRISIS, THE ART MARKET AND THE ORIGIN OF OTAKU EXCERPT: “Now, we’re seeing cracks develop in the global economic structure. A structure built by rich people for the benefit of rich people. For many years, art has been thought of mainly as a luxury for these same privileged few. Those who seek to understand the history of museums would do best to look at the Louvre Museum as a guide. In other words, during the French Revolution, the conventional hierarchy of rich and privileged people on the top and less privileged people on the bottom was overturned, and forms of entertainment once thought of only as a luxury for royal consumption became open for all people to enjoy. I, too, as a Japanese, began my work as an artist with the belief that making works accessible to the general public was an idea at the very core of art itself. But the fact is that my work as well has largely served as a luxury for those who find themselves ahead in our capitalist system, for the rich. In Japan, it is very difficult for artists to grow and thrive. The reason lies in the country’s post-war tax system. Before WW II, a great number of our wealthy could be relied on as collectors of Japanese art but after the war, the powerful conglomerates were broken up and it became nearly impossible to retain expensive works for more than a generation. Foundations, as well, began to lose their merit and it became harder and harder for them to function. It was under these circumstances that Manga, Anime, Games and the entire Otaku world that surrounds them came to be. Not a luxury made for the consumption of those who can afford it, but something made for everyone. That’s otaku culture. The Superflat concept that I refer to is simply the setting aside of economic considerations in order to preserve the context provided by that culture. But now, even Superflat has gradually become a luxury. However, I would remind you of the example that the Louvre provides. Art may travel a long road but it always returns eventually to the hands of the people. In Japan, it is very difficult for artists to grow and thrive. The reason lies in the country’s post-war tax system. Before WW II, a great number of our wealthy could be relied on as collectors of Japanese art but after the war, the powerful conglomerates were broken up and it became nearly impossible to retain expensive works for more than a generation. Foundations, as well, began to lose their merit and it became harder and harder for them to function. It was under these circumstances that Manga, Anime, Games and the entire Otaku world that surrounds them came to be." Takashi Murakami
by tommyblank, 16:11h
... Link Comics:
by -stern-, 15:21h
... Link MUSIC:
BEATLES - THE COMPLETE BBC SESSIONS The Ultimate Bootleg Experience is offering a great free Download: The Beatles -The Complete BBC Sessions (9 CDs): "Simply stunning box set on the Great Dane label, Italy, 1993. Catalog #9326/9. Contains every extant Beatles performance on BBC radio, from March 1962 through their final set in June 1965. Only a relatively small portion of these performances, all recorded exclusively for BBC broadcast (and thus different from the familiar LP studio versions), are otherwise available"
by -stern-, 15:19h
... Link Comics:
WHEN THE FANTASTIC FOUR MET THE BEATLES Classic Kirby Cover! They really were a hip bunch back then, those boys at the House of Ideas. Related stories on this blog: By the way, Stan lee got a fancy medal from president W himself! Washingtonpost.com: "Stan Lee, who helped create hundreds of comic book superheroes, including 'Spider-Man,' and Olivia de Havilland, 92, who was nominated for an Academy Award in 1939 for her portrayal of Melanie Hamilton in 'Gone With the Wind,' were among the recipients of the National Medal of Arts and the National Humanities Medal at the White House yesterday."
by tommyblank, 14:03h
... Link Monday, 17. November 2008
FIRST PICTURE OF JOHNNY DEPP AS THE MAD HATTER IN TIM BURTON'S "ALICE IN WONDERLAND" Or is it Scarecrow in "Batman returns, strikes back and comes back from the dead".... Kudos to Fangirlmag. Follow the white rabbit to find out where it came from.
by tommyblank, 20:20h
... Link Comics:
75 COMICS BEING MADE INTO MOVIES RIGHT NOW Denofgeek.com knows them all. Red Sonja? Nobody wants to see that. Tintin? Stupid idea. Only works in the original medium. Witchblade? Again? Submariner? You gotta be fword kidding? There's an old rule in the comic industry: Aquaman doesn't work! No, "caught up in an ecological war" doesn't work either. And the Submariner is just like Aquaman (except for he fought in WWII and he has cute little wings on his feet). I wanna see the Jonah Hex movie though...
by tommyblank, 20:16h
... Link ART:
by -stern-, 17:05h
... Link ART:
JOHN POWERS - STAR WARS: A NEW HEAP Are you familiar with John Powers? Anyway, check out his latest work Star Wars: A New Heap. It's "a piece on the relationship between Star Wars and modernism" (Eva Hagberg).
by -stern-, 16:52h
... Link ART:
KRIS KUKSI - IMMINENT UTOPIA "Imminent Utopia" Kris Kuksi Solo Exhibition Exclusive You gotta watch the high resolution version of this! Kris will have a major solo exhibition in New York City opening November 22nd at the Joshua Liner Gallery located at 548 W. 28th Street Suite 334, New York NY. Lots of cool stuff at Kuksi.com.
by -stern-, 16:32h
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DER PHANTASTISCHE REBELL ALEXANDER MORITZ FREY oder Hitler schießt dramatisch in die Luft
DER ROTE ELVIS oder Das kuriose Leben eines US-Rockstars in der DDR
Taschenbuch (7,95 € / 14,80 Sfr /3-7466-2261-1) (Hardcover, 314 Seiten, 34 Abbildungen, 22,50 €)
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...Playlist: Songs for the Sun ...Story: Jobs - Work in progress ...Buffalo Bill und der Western als Weltanschauung ...Comics: Animal Man & the Meta-Fiction Discussion ...Buch: Tomte - Die Schönheit der Chance ...Comics: Nach der Krise ist vor der Krise ...Politik: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation ...Art: Destino - The Disney/Dali-Project ...Medien: Lost: Mindfuck Marketing ...Musik: Kettcar: Im Bett mit Marcus Wiebusch