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Sunday, 30. November 2008
EVIL MONITO Lots of good stuff to read: Evil Monito Magazine
by tommyblank, 18:59h
... Link POLITICS:
by tommyblank, 18:57h
... Link POLITICS:
A LIST OF IRAQI ACADEMICS ASSASSINATED DURING US-LED OCCUPATION Uruknet.info - information from occupied Iraq: "Pakistan Daily published a list of Iraqi academics assassinated in Iraq during the US-led occupation This is a particularly meaningful aspect of the Iraq genocide, the extermination of its intellectual classes. It wasn't enough to invade and occupy what was once the most advanced country in the Middle East and destroy its economy. Iraq had to be obliterated, its history re-written and its future denied. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) representative Roger Wright said in the October 2004 report: "Iraq used to have one of the finest school systems in the Middle East." Who remembers now that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was awarded the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) prize for eradicating illiteracy in 1982!"
by tommyblank, 17:27h
... Link TV:
MOGADISCHU Heute den ganzen Abend in der ARD. Hat vorher reichlich Lorbeeren kassiert. Wollen mal sehen.
by tommyblank, 17:15h
... Link MOVIES:
DR. HORRIBLE'S SING-ALONG BLOG A smile here and there is all you get from me, Mister! This is a "please become a viral marketing success story" that could have been much better. You can't sell this shit to any TV station, but you can put it on the internet and give the fanboys something to talk about.
by tommyblank, 17:05h
... Link Saturday, 29. November 2008
by tommyblank, 15:56h
... Link MOVIES:
by tommyblank, 15:26h
... Link POLITICS:
GLADIO - THE SECRET ARMY Episode 1 - The Ring Masters Gladio - Episode 2 - The Puppeteers Gladio - Episode 3 - The Foot Soldiers INFO: Gladio by Allan Francovich - BBC Timewatch (1992) "BBC series about a far-right secret army, operated by the CIA and MI6 through NATO, which killed hundreds of innocent Europeans and attempted to blame the deaths on Baader Meinhof, Red Brigades and other left wing groups. Known as 'stay-behinds' these armies were given access to military equipment which was supposed to be used for sabotage after a Soviet invasion. Instead it was used for massacres across mainland Europe as part of a CIA Strategy of Tension. Gladio killing sprees in Belgium and Italy were carried out for the purpose of frightening the national political classes into adopting U.S. policies."Director Allan Francovich Series Editor - Roy Davies MORE INFO: en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org www.archive.org GLADIO, PARLANO GLI INGLESI Repubblica — 11 giugno 1992 pagina 43 sezione: TELEVISIONE ricerca.repubblica.it...
by tommyblank, 15:17h
... Link BERLIN:
5 JAHRE MINIBAR Glückwünsche per Rauchsignal nach nebenan!
by tommyblank, 15:11h
... Link MEDIA:
ATTENTION CRASH Very interesting article at cjr.org: Overload! - Journalism’s battle for relevance in an ?age of too much information: "News is part of the atmosphere now, as pervasive—and in some ways as invasive—as advertising. It finds us in airport lounges and taxicabs, on our smart phones and PDAs, through e-mail providers and Internet search engines. Much of the time, it arrives unpackaged: headlines, updates, and articles are snatched from their original sources—often as soon as they’re published—and excerpted or aggregated on blogs, portals, social-networking sites, rss readers, and customizable homepages like My MSN, My Yahoo, myAOL, and iGoogle. These days, news comes at us in a flood of unrelated snippets. As Clay Shirky, author of Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing without Organizations, explains, “The economic logic of the age is unbundling.” But information without context is meaningless. It is incapable of informing and can make consumers feel lost. As the AP noted in its research report, “The irony in news fatigue is that these consumers felt helpless to change their news consumption at a time when they have more control and choice than ever before. When the news wore them down, participants in the study showed a tendency to passively receive versus actively seek news.”
by tommyblank, 15:09h
... Link Friday, 28. November 2008
DIE DEUTSCHEN IN DER "TERROR-HÖLLE" An sich interessiert es kaum, was da in den Indien in jüngster Zeit passiert ist und der Ausbruch von Gewalt in dieser Woche interessiert nur, wenn es zumindest ein Opfer aus Deutschland gibt. So stottert sich die "Bild" halt was zusammen und die anderen machen auch irgendwie mit. Man selbst schaltete nach Feierabend die Glotze ein und es lief die schmierige Bambi-Preisverleihung oder alternativ ein unwichtiges Fußballspiel und dazu auf ntv der Börsenreport. Nur auf Phoenix gab es um 19 Uhr 30 eine halbe Stunde Berichterstattung, die halbwegs Sinn machte und ansonsten durfte man sich bei der BBC informieren oder auf CNN darauf warten, dass es endlich noch mehr Blut zu sehen gibt. Kamera drauf, wir brauchen Bilder für die Spätnachrichten. Katastrophenporno oder "Disaster Porn", wie die Kollegin Milly Getachew im New Statesman schreibt. Dabei kennen die Medien inzwischen keine Skrupel mehr. Unter dem Deckmantel des Mitgefühls werden die Bilder, die man haben will, schon irgendwie aus der Situtation rausgepresst. Beispielsweise in Somalia: "Somali doctors and nurses have expressed shock at the conduct of film crews in hospitals," report Rakiya Omaar and Alex de Waal of African Rights. "They rush through crowded corridors, leaping over stretchers, dashing to film the agony before it passes. They hold bedside vigils to record the moment of death."
by tommyblank, 16:29h
... Link Thursday, 27. November 2008
by tommyblank, 16:15h
... Link PEOPLE:
by tommyblank, 13:10h
... Link Wednesday, 26. November 2008
by tommyblank, 17:40h
... Link MEDIA:
KNOW YOUR MEME I just love Rocketboom's Know Your Meme ! Found by Dr. Watson.
by tommyblank, 17:21h
... Link BOOKS:
THE YELLOW BOOK Wikipedia: "The Yellow Book, published in London from 1894 to 1897 by Elkin Mathews and John Lane, later by John Lane alone, and edited by the American Henry Harland, was a quarterly literary periodical (priced at 5s.) that lent its name to the "Yellow" 1890s. It was a leading journal of the British 1890s; to some degree associated with Aestheticism and Decadence, the magazine contained a wide range of literary and artistic genres, poetry, short stories, essays, book illustrations, portraits, and reproductions of paintings. Aubrey Beardsley was its first art editor, and he has been credited with the idea of the yellow cover, with its association with French fiction of the period. He obtained works by such artists as Charles Conder, William Rothenstein, John Singer Sargent, Walter Sickert, and Philip Wilson Steer. " All 13 volumes are available to download from www.archive.org in either djvu or pdf formats. Wikipedia has direct links. Also on archive.org: The later work of Aubrey Beardsley
by tommyblank, 12:19h
... Link MUSIK:
PICTURES OF THE ROLLING STONES IN THE EARLY DAYS Birmingham Mail: "Castle Fine Art in the ICC, together with Castle Galleries in the Mailbox, Mill Lane in Solihull and Poplar Arcade, Touchwood, will be exhibiting the limited edition collection taken by photographer Philip Townsend. The previously unseen collection includes a black and white shot of the band taken at ATV Studios in Birmingham in 1963. Philip said: “This shot was taken at ATV Studios just before they appeared on Thank Your Lucky Stars, which was the first time they had appeared on television. “They were plugging their first single Come On and it was the second and last time they were wearing these checked jackets, as their manager Loog Oldham stated: ‘they are not the image I want’.”
by tommyblank, 12:14h
... Link TV:
A COLBERT CHRISTMAS Can't wait to see this! Comedy Central Insider - A Colbert Xmas to Feature Elvis Costello, Feist, Toby Keith, John Legend, Willie Nelson and Jon Stewart! The Colbertnation has some videos.
by tommyblank, 11:45h
... Link WRITING:
KEYBR - LEARN TO TYPE FASTER THAN STEPHEN KING Where? Here! Read this: "You can choose from three basic lessons that start with a certain number of keys on the keyboard, and then, as you progress through the lessons, more keys are added to the mix to make things a little tougher. As a nice touch, it keeps live track of all your mistakes and your words-per-minute (wpm), and even creates graphs of your performance."
by tommyblank, 11:41h
... Link MOVIES:
by tommyblank, 11:39h
... Link TV:
24-REDEMPTION : JACK BAUER DOES AFRICA "I'm not going back to America!" (Jack Bauer) Wie, was, der knochenharte Geheimagent wird im nicht so richtig dolle angekündigten TV Movie plötzlich zum Obama im Felde? Kurz vor der 7. Staffel ein Ausflug zu den Kindersoldaten in Afrika und da nützt dann auch das Handy nichts. Erfrischende Renovierung und natürlich "testing ground" gen Kinoversion!
by tommyblank, 01:21h
... Link ART:
CHEW THE FAT - OFFICIAL TRAILER AND HOMEPAGE ![]() Thanks, Flo! The Trailer is online! I worked as a consultant/editor on this for a year! Cheers to Rirkrit! Official synopsis by Raimar Stange: "Just say it – in his feature film "CHEW THE FAT“, 2008, Rirkrit Tiravanija meets up with twelve international artists of his own generation. He takes a stroll in the Californian desert with Andrea Zittel; in Berlin he visits Angela Bulloch, as well as the recently arrived Douglas Gordon. He relaxes with Elizabeth Peyton on her porch on Long Island, NY, before hooking up with Jorge Pardo in his spacious Los Angeles studio. Upping the pace of what begins like a roadmovie, he checks e-mails in New York with Liam Gillick, receives a visit in Thailand from Pierre Huyghe, and inspects Carsten Höller's birdcage in Stockholm. Then he enjoys a glass of wine in Paris with Philippe Parreno, and saunters along the Seine with Dominique Gonzales-Förster. Finally, with Tobias Rehberger, he rides a train across Germany. The only absence is Maurizio Cattalan, who is nonetheless present in everyone else's memories. If this sounds varied and entertaining, that is exactly what it is. But the relaxed mood of these meetings in locations chosen by the artists themselves also makes for pleasantly focused yet far-reaching conversations. Tiravanija begins each talk by asking the artist to tell him about his or her motivation and art education. What happens next is left to chance: the topics covered in "Chew the fat“ range from the Football World Championships to current art projects; from street cleaning in Paris to structural changes in artists' working conditions since the 1990s. High and low, life and art are intentionally yet casually intermingled; participants discuss the value of art as a commodity and as entertainment; again and again the materialness of art objects is eclipsed by discussions of key temporal and spatial relations. While each one of the twelve conversations is unique, they share one aspect: playfully yet searchingly they adress reflections and ideas that have made art so fascinating since the 1990s. Rirkrit Tiravanija made "Chew the fat“ in the context of twelve individual artist portraits created over the past several years. A must-see! © Translation from German, Oct. 2008: Margret Powell-Joss"
by tommyblank, 00:41h
... Link Tuesday, 25. November 2008
KIRK MEETS OLDER SPOCK IN THE NEW "STAR TREK" TRAILER Wow, that's what I call a slow news-day!
by -stern-, 23:18h
... Link ART:
FRIENDS OF CRYSTAL BALL BALL The third group exhibition of Crystal Ball associate artists of the program with good friends and companions of the gallery for a big versatile presentation of art works. The exhibition should help to secure the gallery work in the future. Parallel to this the Circle of Friends Kristallkugel is launched under the auspices of Svea Lena Kutschke. I want to thank the artist who participate or donate their works for this presentation and all of the debut members of the Circle of friends Kristallkugel! Teilnehmende Künstler sind: Julia Baier, Norbert Bauer, Thomas Behling, Matthias Bösche, Marion Bösen, Francoise Cactus, Alexander Callsen, Stefan Demming, Marcia Farquhar, Anja Fußbach, Elke Graalfs, Marco Goldenstein, Christian Haake, Mareike Hube, Juwelia, Aylin Kayser, Andreas Kotulla, Ins A Kromminga, Max Müller, Wolfgang Müller, Astrid Küver, Jonathan Kroll, Monika Müller Kroll, Henrik Jacob, Michael Jungblut, Lydia Karstadt, Martin Löhr, Stu Mead, Kay Michalak, J. Maizlish Mole, Sugár Meliton, Flowrian Pauly, Christian Metzner, Hannes Niepold, Veronika Schumacher, Inhalt und Sinn, Alexander Steffens, Annette Stemmann, Zoe Thorne, Silke Thoss, Bob Tooke, Heike Walter, Ole Wulfers, Barbara Wagner, Daniela Weber, Sabine Wewer, Ming Wong und weitereGalerie Crystal Ball Manfred Kirschner Schönleinstrasse 7 10967 Berlin / Kreuzberg www.galeriecrystalball.de U Bahn Linie 8, Station Schönleinstrasse Di, So: 15- 20 Uhr Fr: 15- 24 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung
by tommyblank, 19:42h
... Link MUSIC:
by tommyblank, 19:35h
... Link Computing:
EAT MY DUST! Internet, Du bist zu langsam!
by tommyblank, 01:01h
... Link Monday, 24. November 2008
THIS MODERN LIFE Found over here: This Modern Life
by tommyblank, 16:54h
... Link ART:
by tommyblank, 01:19h
... Link MOVIES:
A QUANTUM OF SOLACE (YAWN!) VS. CHINESE DEMOCRACY (YAAAAAWN!) James Bond war immer eine einfache Formel: die besten Stunts, die wahnsinnigsten Sets, coole Schurken, schöne Frauen und Technik-Gadgets. Okay, das alles ging für "Casino Royale" über Bord, M war schon vorher eine Frau und John Cleese hat als "comic relief" auch nicht so richtig gezündet, aber muss man die Marke James Bond deswegen so verwässern, dass davon nichts mehr übrig bleibt? Sie haben auch Superman einen Technodress verpasst und am Ende bekam der Mann nach einem Jahr den alten Anzug zurück. Never change a winning team. Mag "Quantum of Solace" auch noch so erfolgreich sein, ich habe mich nur mäßig amüsiert und dachte, hey, warum spielt nicht stattdessen Axl Rose den Superschurken aus Amerika, "Chinese Democracy" wäre als Soundtrack durchgewunken worden (ey, "live and let die"...) , man hätte sich über die 80er amüsiert, etwas "tongue in cheek", wäre gegangen... Stattdessen eine ironiefreie Endlosverfolgungsjagd mit hölzernen Gesichtern, pseudokritische Amerika-Kritik und CGI-Anleihen. Wenn wir Bond wollen, wollen wir die verdammt besten Stunts und die verflucht besten Kameraleute aller Zeiten und nicht irgend so ein Computergezuckel. Es sollte "echt" wirken oder es ist nicht James Bond. Und der neue "James Bond" ist soviel James Bond wie Batman noch Batman war als er zwischendurch "Azrael" hieß und eine Technorüstung trug. Tarzan im Jeansanzug funktioniert nicht (just don't change the original design, ok?) Und für "Chinese Democracy" gehören einige Hosenboden versohlt. Sowas macht man heutzutage nicht mehr und vor allem gibt man für solch pubertären Unsinn nicht mehr soviel Geld aus.
by tommyblank, 00:42h
... Link TV:
SWITCH RELOADED Tatsächlich ganz lustig! Gibt ja sonst keine Satire in Deutschland... Die aktuelle Folge (Youtube) ist nicht so richtig stark, aber die Typen sind auf dem richtigen Weg. Eigentlich ganz okay....
by tommyblank, 00:27h
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DER PHANTASTISCHE REBELL ALEXANDER MORITZ FREY oder Hitler schießt dramatisch in die Luft
DER ROTE ELVIS oder Das kuriose Leben eines US-Rockstars in der DDR
Taschenbuch (7,95 € / 14,80 Sfr /3-7466-2261-1) (Hardcover, 314 Seiten, 34 Abbildungen, 22,50 €)
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...Playlist: Songs for the Sun ...Story: Jobs - Work in progress ...Buffalo Bill und der Western als Weltanschauung ...Comics: Animal Man & the Meta-Fiction Discussion ...Buch: Tomte - Die Schönheit der Chance ...Comics: Nach der Krise ist vor der Krise ...Politik: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation ...Art: Destino - The Disney/Dali-Project ...Medien: Lost: Mindfuck Marketing ...Musik: Kettcar: Im Bett mit Marcus Wiebusch