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Monday, 31. December 2007
CCC ÜBER STASI 2.0 UND SO... Ermüdend. Den ganze Abend drüber geredet. SPON mit den ersten Ergebnissen vom Chaos Computer Congress. Who's left, who's right?
by -stern-, 02:03h
... Link MOVIES:
I AM LEGEND "I need a medic!" DARAUF haben die Nerds gewartet? Na, denn ma' viel Spaß! Das überaus langweilige Filmjahr 2007 kriegt noch was oben drauf, eine gähnend langweilige "Filmversion" mit diesem Will Smith... Wie Herr Neuenkirchen die Tage sagte, man ahnt doch, was einen erwartet, wenn Will Smith, Tom Cruise oder Johannes B. Kerner die Hauptrolle spielen. Und trotzdem gehe ich hin. Man ist ja eingeladen und hat morgens kurz vor Sylvester sonst nichts vor als sein Uralt-Handy vom Sicherheitsdienst analysieren und konfiszieren zu lassen... Nee, dafür kein Applaus und in 2008 kommt Ihr mir nicht mehr so einfach davon! Und das Buch war dabei eigentlich nicht schlecht....
by -stern-, 01:59h
... Link Sunday, 30. December 2007
by tommyblank, 13:02h
... Link Friday, 28. December 2007
by tommyblank, 15:24h
... Link MUSIC:
by tommyblank, 15:23h
... Link MUSIC:
THE BOSS Get The Wild, The Innocent & The E Street Shuffle Outtakes and some other Bruce Springsteen Bootlegs
by tommyblank, 14:59h
... Link MOVIES:
THE DARK KNIGHT - THE FIRST SIX MINUTES The best version of the IMAX-bootleg so far.This is going to be good!
by tommyblank, 14:56h
... Link PRODUCTS:
ANARCHIST ACTION FIGURE Ha, ha! Over at Packard Jennings' website!
by tommyblank, 14:23h
... Link Tuesday, 18. December 2007
by tommyblank, 00:27h
BLOODY NOSE "STAR TREK GUY" You wanna be internet-superstar this x-mas, kid? Then clean your bloody nose, damn it!
by tommyblank, 00:24h
... Link MUSIC:
Ä-SCHWEIZ: ÄRZTE VERSCHENKEN NEUES ALBUM Frech kopiert beim Tonspion: "Am 5.12. beim Konzert in Zürich ließ die selbst ernannte 'beste Band der Welt' verlauten, ihre Musik verschenken zu wollen, wenn weniger Schweizer den Rechtspopulisten Blocher wählen würden. Nachdem Blocher im Laufe der letzten Woche nicht als Justizminister im Amt bestätigt wurde und daraufhin aus dem Bundesrat ausschied, erinnerte ein Schweizer Radiosender die Ärzte an ihr Versprechen. Und die Band aus Berlin hält Wort. Weil die Server von Bademeister.de, der Website der Ärzte, beim ersten großen Ansturm auf die Economy-Version von 'Jäzz ist anders' am 14.12. in die Knie gehen mussten, bittet die Band alle Schweizer noch etwas um Geduld. Am 19.12. 'gegen Mittag', so die Website der Ärzte, soll die Aktion wieder anlaufen. Dann sollen die technischen Voraussetzungen geschaffen sein, um den zweiten Ansturm all jener zu "überleben", die Blocher, Mitglieder der Schweizerischen Volkspartei, nicht gewählt haben. Florian Schneider / Tonspion.de
by tommyblank, 00:18h
... Link PRODUCTS:
MINOR THREAT - THE HOT SAUCE Ach nee, keine T-Shirts verkaufen wollen, aber dann zum Ketchup ja sagen! Das ham wir gern! Pitchforkmedia.com: Minor Threat Turns Condiment, But Ian Doesn't Mind : MacKaye is into it, having asked only that an original label design parodying the famous "Bottled Violence" image be nixed. "I don't have an occasion to eat a lot of hot sauce," he's quoted in the Gothamist story as saying, "but I also thought the Minor Threat stuff was nice."
by tommyblank, 00:14h
... Link Sunday, 16. December 2007
LAUREL & HARDY - LOST COLOR PROPAGANDA FILM - THE TREE IN A TEST TUBE "THE TREE IN A TEST TUBE, a low-budget one-reeler produced by the Department of Agriculture, was a lost and forgotten film until Richard Bann discovered the existence of a copy of it in 1967. For many years, published sources stated that the film was made and distributed in 1943; Bann's later research, however, determined that Laurel and Hardy's footage was filmed on November 29, 1941, eight days before the attack on Pearl Harbor. The purpose of the short was to promote all the wonderful products made from wood, which was easily adapted into a plea for wartime conservation when the film was assembled for distribution. Shot on 16mm Kodachrome stock, THE TREE IN A TEST TUBE is notable for being the only existing footage of Stan and Babe in color, save for some home movies from the '50s and a few short clips from the long-lost THE ROGUE SONG. Laurel and Hardy's contributions are silent, as they rummage through their belongings to find wood-based products while narrator Pete Smith makes wisecracks. "
by -stern-, 15:03h
... Link Science:
ELEKTRO, THE SMOKING ROBOT Excerpt from the 1939 movie "The Middleton Family at the New York World's Fair" belonging to the Collection "1939-40 New York World's Fair". Elektro, the "Westinghouse Motor Man" filmed inside the Westinghouse Pavillion at the Fair. From UnknownWW2InColor, a great little YouTube-Channel .
by -stern-, 14:58h
... Link MEDIA:
ONLINE FOR 2000 DAYS! That's today! Stay tuned for more from the new edge of post-pop-everything from the industrial dead end!
by -stern-, 14:35h
... Link MEDIA:
10 YEARS OF "WEBLOGS" Wired found out: Jorn Barger of Robot Wisdom coined the term "weblog" Dec. 17, 1997 -- 10 years ago Monday -- to describe the daily list of links that "logged" his travels across the web.
by -stern-, 14:32h
... Link Saturday, 15. December 2007
REBLOG: THE MONKS ![]() TV-TIPP: Monks - The Transatlantic Feedback (Documentary) - Sunday, 21:15 on 3SAT in Germany "Formed in 1964 by five American GI's stationed in Germany, the Monks started off as a very traditional rock'n'roll outfit. Initially called the Torquays, the band played the standard beat music of the day. The musicians (Gary Burger, lead guitar/vocals; Larry Clark, organ/vocals; Dave Day, rhythm guitar/vocals; Roger Johnston, drums/vocals and Eddie Shaw, bass/vocals) covered Chuck Berry tunes, surf music and various songs by British Invasion artists. Fortunately, the band was comprised of highly imaginative musicians. They soon tired of the expected format and began experimenting with their sound, focusing almost solely on rhythm." From a biography at furious.com Rare video from the 60s on gofish.com ! Book: Black Monk Time: Coming of the Anti-Beatle (Paperback) by Thomas Edward Shaw Legendär nicht nur ihr Debut-Album "Black Monk Time" mit dem schwarzen Cover (zwei Jahre vor dem "White Album" der Beatles!). Die Jungs galten als "Anti-Beatles" und waren mit ihrer rotzigen Attitüde, den Tonsuren, dem Chaos auf der Bühne und der komischen Mischung aus Garage, Surf und sonstwas an der Erfindung von Punk nicht unbeteiligt. Während Herr Wahrhol und Konsorten dererlei Freakzeugs in Manhattan betrieben, tourten die Monks durch Deutschland, wo sie mit ihrem Sound relativ isoliert vor sich hinmuckelten. Vergleichbares produzierten zu dieser Zeit sonst nur die Sonics und andere Bands aus der Ami-Provinz. Viel von diesem Zeug ist bei Crypt Records, dem besten Label der Welt, erschienen, wo man auch die Vinyl-Version von "Black Monk Time" bekommen kann. Auf deren Website gibt es unter "Crypt Radio" übrigens diverse Perlen als MP3-Downloads.
by tommyblank, 15:48h
... Link MOVIES:
FALCO - DER FILM : VERDAMMT, WIR LEBEN NOCH Trailer gibt's koan! Aber der kommt, der Film! Im Februar. Da werden's überrascht sein!
by tommyblank, 15:42h
... Link 3D Design:
SEX AND THE SOCKET GREAT! "Created by Vancouver Film School student Cesar Montero through the VFS Digital Design program. It recently won Gold at the M16 Advertising Awards." More from Vancouver Film School
by tommyblank, 15:34h
"HOW STAR WARS CHANGED MY LIFE!" ![]() Popcultmag: Expert geeks reexamine their experience! I got a good story about that! Maybe some other day!
by tommyblank, 15:30h
... Link MUSIC:
THE SOUND OF CAMBODIA Really cool collection at Metafilter: "The 1960's and early 70's saw an explosion of creativity and an astonishing variety of stylistic influences coming together in the pop and rock music of Cambodia.Tragically, almost all of the artists of that era were executed (or otherwise perished) during the nightmarish Khmer Rouge years."
by tommyblank, 15:13h
... Link BERLIN:
by tommyblank, 15:07h
... Link MOVIES:
SWEENEY TODD - 30 MINUTES! A new Trailer plus 30 minutes of "behind the scenes" and stuff. A musical by Tim Burton. Starring Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter,...
by tommyblank, 15:01h
... Link MOVIES:
DARK KNIGHT TRAILER Should be over here on sunday! That shitty cam-version is all over the place. Looks like the studio leaked it. Marketing nowadays, tssss..
by tommyblank, 14:59h
... Link MUSIC:
by tommyblank, 14:56h
... Link Friday, 14. December 2007
by -stern-, 17:57h
... Link Thursday, 13. December 2007
I AM NOT A TAMAGOTCHI! (Comic stolen from Bokado.com) Facebook reminds me of the good old Tamagotchi. People have virtual pets representing themselves. Other people feed them, give them virtual beers or snacks, attack them with their werewolf fangs...
by -stern-, 18:34h
SWAMI DURCHANANDA, 53, GURU Owner, Leader and enlightend Soul of the Church of Esoterrorism and the Laughter of Truth. "Feel the inner beer, keep away from the fish and depression will go next door!" Seht den Guru op MySpace oder YouTube Via Arschbrand
by -stern-, 18:06h
... Link PEOPLE:
by -stern-, 17:57h
... Link MOVIES:
THE RED WESTERNS BBC RADIO 4 - Russia's Lone Rangers: "Lucy Ash explores the history of the Red Westerns, action films made in the former Soviet Union during the Brezhnev era. White Sun of the Desert, based on the experiences of a soldier who fought in Central Asia during the Civil War, remains popular to this day." Story: New Statesman: "Soviet-era cowboy films have inspired politicians, writers and cosmonauts alike (...) While Pravda editorials attacked decadent Hollywood, Soviet leaders couldn't resist a good western. Stalin was both fascinated and infuriated by John Wayne; the American actor's anti-communism so disturbed Uncle Joe that, accor ding to Orson Welles, he once sent the KGB to California to assassinate him."
by -stern-, 17:23h
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DER PHANTASTISCHE REBELL ALEXANDER MORITZ FREY oder Hitler schießt dramatisch in die Luft
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