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Tuesday, 8. January 2008
NASUBI - THE REAL "OLD BOY" OR "THE TRUMAN SHOW" IS HARMLESS COMPARED TO THIS... Quirkyjapan about the sickest TV so far: "Nippon Television's (NTV) producers have obviously never heard of the Geneva Convention. If they had, they wouldn't have treated poor Nasubi the way they did. They wouldn't have stripped him naked and shut him in an apartment, alone with no food, furniture, household goods, or entertainment. They wouldn't have kept him there for over a year until he had won $10 000 in prizes by sending in postcards to contests. They wouldn't have cut him off from the world and they would have told him that he was on nation-wide TV." I thought someone made this up when I read this for the first time a while ago, but it actually looks kind of real:
by tommyblank, 17:17h
... Link PEOPLE:
by tommyblank, 14:55h
... Link Monday, 7. January 2008
JOE JACKSON, ANOTHER SMOKING KREUZBERGER The Telegraph: "Cradling a wheat beer in his local bar in Berlin's Kreuzberg district, Joe Jackson is pondering an question which must have come up often over the past year or so. What impact does he think that his moving to the German capital in 2006 might have had on the songs on his new album, Rain?" Via Dubwise
by -stern-, 14:48h
... Link MUSIC:
PESCADORES DE VENTANAS One of the coolest little bands in Berlin right now! Check out their homepage! Come and see them live this week. The first ten people get in for free! LIVE IN BERLIN: -Fri. 11-01-08 Kaffee Burger, Torstr. 60, Berlin, 21 hs. -Fri. 01-02-08 Quasimodo, Kantstr. 12a, Berlin, 22 hs. -Sat. 23-02-08 Oxident, Berlin -Sat. 08-03-08 Junction Bar, Berlin
by -stern-, 14:46h
... Link BERLIN:
VORAUSEILENDER GEHORSAM Der Deutsche steht Gewehr bei Fuß und selbst muselmanische Kreuzberger wollen da nich außen vor sein. Der Raucher soll raus in die Kälte und auch Jahre der Mitgliedschaft in der örtlichen Mafia helfen da nicht weiter. Schweigend steht man vor dem "Restaurant" am Kottbusser Damm und raucht sich seinen Teil. Jendretzki kommt des Weges und stellt sich mit dazu. Ist ja auch Blitzeis und im Radio haben sie gesagt, man soll drinnen bleiben und Zigaretten holen gehen ist keine Ausrede mehr. Ein steifer Wind schleicht sich vom Kanal herüber und von drinnen winkt der Kollege bereits mit dem Döner. Wir können weiter und landen in Friedrichshain, wo sich die Gastronomie bereits krakenhaft geeinigt zu haben scheint. Nur der "Feuermelder" ist nicht dabei und am Ende hätte ich fast deren T-Shirt gekauft, weil sie mir vor dem Blitzeis das Leben gerettet hatten als Will Smith gerade nicht zur Stelle war und auch wegen "gegen Nazis" und so. Zurück in Kreuzberg, verstohlene Blicke, die heimliche Zigarette. Im "Room 77" das Buch zum Thema: "How to smoke in public without anyone noticing". Die Amis wieder, sollte man auch selbst schnell 'ne Mark machen. So in der Art "Smokers Guide Berlin" als Stadtplan für umsonst und Mikhail vom "Max & Moritz" zahlt hinten drauf die Anzeige. Hier, Laura, mach das bitte mal eben klar! Aber, unglaublich, wer da so alles gleich übereifrig das Gesetz anwendet. Und flugs sind unbequeme Läden an der Ecke ma' eben weg vom Fenster. Und Helmut Kohl schlägt seine Frau! Und.....
by tommyblank, 00:28h
... Link Sunday, 6. January 2008
PUNKLAND: BACK IN THE AGE OF REAL TIME The "New Links" and the YouTube-Widget on the right are back! The archives, the archives, save the island, save the island! It's the lifestream, stupid! Faster than light! Only for you puny humans out there. 2008 years in the cave. Monkeys can talk now! And they figured out that thing with the bits and the bytes! They even stopped smoking! Excerpt from "Punkland", a fanzine I published in 1995: "Join the ranks of the young and exotic! Make love with your ego! Speed Up Now! COME ON! What's the matter with you, Bunky? All that merchandising got you in it's grip? Those warm fuzzy feelings you used to associate with your toys been corrupted by crass commercialism? Are the heroes you once held so dear now poisoned by over-heated hype? Well, welcome to the "Ozon Zombies Club", love it or leave it or get the fuck out in time because the red dreaming is happening and the voices from the future are calling. Be a rebel if you dare!" A big hand to Jason and "The Pink Skulls" for putting the punk back into Punk! This one's for you! And thanks for all the cigarettes back in the old days when Kneipen allowed smoking. Now I go and listen to a lot of David Bowie and old "Social Unrest"!
by tommyblank, 23:55h
... Link PEOPLE:
70 YEARS OF ADRIANO CELENTANO Happy Birthday! You rock! "Una Festa Sui Prati" live im teutonischen Fernsehen mit einem sichtlich verwirrten Michael "Flitterabend" Schanze! I didn't know Celentano also played the Satan character in Mel Gibson`s The Passion of the Christ.
by -stern-, 18:03h
... Link MUSIC:
by tommyblank, 14:19h
... Link MEDIA:
BBC WORLDWIDE That YouTube-Channel they got is getting better and better! In case you're into "jolly good cricket coverage"... John Cleese: "What have the BBC ever given us?"
by -stern-, 13:58h
RAUCHER SAMMELN UNTERSCHRIFTEN Freieraucher.de kämpfen gegen das Rauchverbot...
by -stern-, 13:37h
... Link MEDIA:
"PERSONA NON GRATA" KEHRT ZURÜCK Damals, so ca. zwischen 1752 und 1999, als der Mensch noch aufrecht ging statt gebückt vor dem Monitor zu sitzen, wurde der interessierte Kulturfreund regelmäßig von einem Magazin aus Leipzig erfreut, welches sich Witz und Charme zu behaupten wusste. Heute haben die auch so ein Blog, aber das is' natürlich nich' die selbe Sorte Wurst. Deshalb bin ich erfreut, Ihnen mitteilen zu dürfen, dass das PNG sich demnächst wieder an alter Stelle zum Kauf anbietet und man auf dem Lokus endlich wieder was G'scheites zum Lesen hat.
by -stern-, 13:31h
... Link MUSIC:
MICHAEL J. SHEEHY "Ghost On The Motorway", sie wissen schon. Hier is' der MySpace mit einem "unreleased Demo" Vom 10. bis 17. Jänner auf Tour in Germany. Am 13. Januar im Tacheles!
by -stern-, 13:26h
... Link Saturday, 5. January 2008
THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF LITTLE BATMAN ![]() What if Batman was only five years old?! "Based on the 1966 Batman TV series, a very young Bruce Wayne takes on the famous, pint-sized villains of Gotham City. Directed, shot and edited by Joe Valenti of Valenti Vision Films and Produced by Jordan Wachtell." (Valentivisionfilms.com) ![]() ![]()
by -stern-, 21:33h
... Link PEOPLE:
by -stern-, 20:45h
PROBLEMKINDER - NAZI FASHION LABEL Indymedia: Seit einiger Zeit ist auf Weimars Straßen, in Form einer Modemarke ein neues Label präsent: Die "Problemkinder". Nach "Walhalla" und "Hardcore - No Respect" ist in Weimar nun eine dritte Modemarke zum Vorschein getreten, die mehr als Mode ist und dem rechten Spektrum zuzuordnen ist.
by tommyblank, 16:15h
... Link MOVIES:
FOX NEWS EXPLOITS 9/11 "Cloverfield": FOX News creates false controversy, exploits victims…
by tommyblank, 16:11h
... Link Friday, 4. January 2008
RUMBA ON THE RIVER - MUSIC FROM THE TWO CONGOS If you wanna try something new, try the sound of Congo, a country formerly known as the "Heart of Darkness". They have a rich tradition of happy music you never heard of. Really interesting stuff and great for dancing. Here are some links to get you started. Book: "Rumba On The River: A History Of The Popular Music Of The Two Congos is an enthralling dissemination of how changing times and ancient traditions blended to create a distinctive type of music along the Congo River. From the currents of political struggle to the tides of self-expression, the history, vibrancy, and popularity of this music flowed, and its indelible impressions upon the human psyche are succinctly framed in an unforgettable prose." Read it online at Google Books A short history of Congo Music Music from Congo - A list of Homepages Music from Congo - Another list of Homepages Wikipedia:: Soukous ist ein ursprünglicher Musikstil der traditionellen afrikanischen Musik aus der Kongo-Region. Der Soukous beeinflusste später vor allem den Merengue in der Dominikanischen Republik. Seine Ursprünge liegen in den 1930ern und 1940ern. Später in den 1960ern wurde der Begriff Soukous auch für einen in ganz Afrika sehr populären afrikanischen Tanz verwendet, der auf eine für Afrika spezifische Variante des Rumba getanzt wurde. Inspired by an interview with Carsten Höller, who is a big fan of the music of the Congos.
by tommyblank, 13:37h
... Link PLACES:
WHERE THE COLD WAR NEVER ENDED ![]() Stuff.co.nz: "Scientists trekking across a little visited part of Antarctica have discovered a bizarre relic of the Soviet Union is dominating the South Pole of Inaccessibility. In the middle of no-where – literally the point on Antarctica furthest from the sea – an imposing bust of revolutionary Bolshevik Vladimir Lenin peers out onto the polar emptiness."
by tommyblank, 12:50h
... Link Thursday, 3. January 2008
JOOX - DON'T GO THERE! Free Movies, Divx-Streaming, the latest thing! They got all kinds of stuff. See how long they last....! In case you wanna watch Elizabeth: The Golden Age and other movies
by -stern-, 01:42h
... Link 3D Design:
by -stern-, 01:36h
... Link Comics:
BLACK DOSSIERS "Die Welt" über das neue Werk von Alan Moore: "Der Britische Kult-Comicautor hat einen neuen Band der 'League of extraordinary Gentlemen' verfasst. 'Black Dossier' plündert die halbe Kulturgeschichte. Auch James Bond und Spiderman. Deshalb darf das Buch nicht in Europa verkauft werden. Wo bleibt das Urheberrrecht? Ja, wo bleibt es!" -Der Muff des 20. Jahrhunderts. Man könnte auch "Zensur" sagen. Es fängt zu stinken an.
by -stern-, 01:06h
... Link Wednesday, 2. January 2008
Geeks, you can't live without seeing these films: The homemade 1977 Super 8 version of "Star Wars" (the real thing! Greedo doesn't shoot first!) Video of the 2007 version from England (the one with all the extra crappy special effects!)
by tommyblank, 18:55h
... Link MOVIES:
TOM HANKS IN BERLIN? AGAIN? It's all about Dean Reed of course! Da hat sich die "B.Z." ja wieder was ausjedacht!
by tommyblank, 18:26h
... Link PLACES:
by -stern-, 17:55h
... Link MOVIES:
by tommyblank, 14:55h
... Link Tuesday, 1. January 2008
PIRATE BAY WANTS TO BUY SEALAND ![]() Gesagt, getan - Die Festplatte wird Hackerinsel "The Local" from Sweden reports: Swedish file-sharing website The Pirate Bay is planning to buy its own nation in an attempt to circumvent international copyright laws. The group has set up a campaign to raise money to buy Sealand, a former British naval platform in the North Sea that has been designated a 'micronation', and claims to be outside the jurisdiction of the UK or any other country." Vor einem Jahr: DIE FESTPLATTE oder SEALAND, DAS KLEINSTE LAND DER WELT - Story und Sealand Links
by -stern-, 23:35h
... Link HISTORY:
by -stern-, 23:29h
... Link MUSIC:
by tommyblank, 17:18h
... Link Monday, 31. December 2007
BORAT WILL BE ABBIE Cinematical: Sacha Baron Cohen Signs to Play Abbie Hoffman for Spielberg: "The film will be called The Trial of the Chicago Seven and was written by Aaron Sorkin (Charlie Wilson's War) with presumably Spielberg directing. The story will center on the infamous trial of seven men for riots at the 1968 Democratic convention. Hoffman was an activist and author who, along with Bobby Seale and Jerry Rubin, were put on trial for conspiracy and inciting to riot. He was eventually cleared of the charges and was still a celebrity at the time of his death in 1989." Wikipedia: "Abbott Howard "Abbie" Hoffman (November 30, 1936 – April 12, 1989) was a self-identified Jewish Road Warrior, communo-anarchist, social and political activist in the United States, co-founder of the Youth International Party ("Yippies"), and later, a fugitive from the law, who lived under an alias following a conviction for dealing cocaine."
by -stern-, 02:09h
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INTERNET 2008 Immer nur "del.icio.us/popular" kann ja auch nicht sein....
by -stern-, 02:05h
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Taschenbuch (7,95 € / 14,80 Sfr /3-7466-2261-1) (Hardcover, 314 Seiten, 34 Abbildungen, 22,50 €)
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...Playlist: Songs for the Sun ...Story: Jobs - Work in progress ...Buffalo Bill und der Western als Weltanschauung ...Comics: Animal Man & the Meta-Fiction Discussion ...Buch: Tomte - Die Schönheit der Chance ...Comics: Nach der Krise ist vor der Krise ...Politik: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation ...Art: Destino - The Disney/Dali-Project ...Medien: Lost: Mindfuck Marketing ...Musik: Kettcar: Im Bett mit Marcus Wiebusch