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Saturday, 6. September 2008
AUSTRALIAN CHIEF JUSTICE QUOTES JUDGE DREDD: "I AM THE LAW" Unbelievable story in the Sydney Morning Herald: "Robert French is unapologetically bringing a touch of Hollywood to the High Court of Australia. Not the gargantuan budgets - he is uncomfortable with the rising cost of justice - but the popular culture of Harry Potter, The Simpsons and even the sci-fi future justice of Judge Dredd." Via Io9 - Judge Dredd Inspires A Different Kind Of Australian Justice: New Chief Justice Robert French, a self-confessed science fiction fan, tells the Sydney Morning Herald about his recent speech where he inserted clips of the Judge Dredd movie:
You want a soundtrack with that? Try Anthrax - I Am the Law (Live 2005)
by tommyblank, 14:22h
... Link MOVIES:
CLIVE BARKER ABOUT RATINGS "It’s one of the most disgusting developments in the last few years; the whole notion of a PG-13 horror movie to me is a contradiction in terms," he said. "It’s like having a XXX Disney picture. It doesn’t work." From Screenhead
by tommyblank, 14:07h
... Link Computing:
SEINFELD HELPS BILL GATES BUY NEW SHOES Computerworld has the new commercial for Microsoft Windows. See video inside the story. I find it funny!
by tommyblank, 14:05h
by tommyblank, 13:58h
... Link Friday, 5. September 2008
by -stern-, 18:31h
... Link MUSIC:
by -stern-, 18:30h
... Link PLACES:
MOUNTAIN TOWN Tons of great pictures over at pixdaus.com/
by tommyblank, 13:32h
... Link BERLIN:
"LA PARASITE" STARTS HERE AND NOW This is super secret of course. Yo, no details, but here's an excerpt from a message from Gaby an Geffen: "La Parasite is a new alternative movement in composing a new alternative life style. It will be launched by lady gaby & geffen3 on Saturday 6th 2008.. La Parasite is our new creation in order to survive in Berlin. We plan to grow and take over the world. But first we have things to do and explain. this is a new approach on life, or even better: 'how can you survive without having to crawl' Our Manifesto: a.Don't shit where you eat! b.Don't have to be cool to rule c.Don't think that nobody is a nobody d.Don't be eaten by leeches e.Find out what is the thing you like the most and what is the best thing you can do, if its the same thing:go 4 it 100%! f.Find out who your real friends are! Start Time: Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 9:00pm. Wonderbar. Everyone will get A MASK AND A ROLE TO PLAY:
by -stern-, 13:08h
... Link BERLIN:
ZOMBIEDISCO DRESSCODE: UNDEAD zombiefication station: if you show up looking alive, we'll take care of that LIVE: I ♥ SHARKS (elektro . berlin) BRAINDEAD FLOOR: TAKE ME TO THE TOP DJ TEAM (80s . power ballads . cyber pop) IT'S ALIVE! FLOOR: VAMPARELA (indie . pop . electro) FRÄULEINWUNDER DELUXE (90s . rave . animals) FR 19.09.08 | 23:00h | 5 EUR | Magnet Club
by -stern-, 12:59h
... Link MOVIES:
"SLACKER UPRISING" - WATCH THE NEW FILM BY MICHAEL MOORE FOR FREE! Watch it for free on this blog here and now or get the torrent link. Wired: "The film, called Slacker Uprising (trailer embedded), documents the director's 62-city tour during the 2004 U.S. presidential election, during which Moore rallied young voters to support Democrat John Kerry. To receive the download, people can sign up at SlackerUprising.com. Trailer:
by tommyblank, 11:32h
... Link POLITICS:
by tommyblank, 11:23h
... Link ART:
ABC - WER, WIE WAS, WIESO, WESHALB, WARUM? Und "Peaches" hat Lieder gesungen. Schmutzige Lieder! Naja, "Art Berlin Contemporary", die "Minibar" ist derzeit ziemlich voll...
by -stern-, 02:28h
... Link Thursday, 4. September 2008
FRAGE DER WOCHE: "IST DER HUND JETZT EIGENTLICH DER HASE ODER DER EISBÄR?" Es ging natürlich um "Olli Schulz & der Hund Marie"- Gucken sie oben "Der Moment", sagenhaft guter Song, super Video! Kauft die Platten und geht zu den Shows! Hier eine Live-Kostprobe: Olli Schulz verarscht Rammstein @Kulturladen Konstanz Auch lustig: Olli Schulz stellt Walter Schreifels einen Song vor. Was macht man bloß mit diesem Jungen?!
by tommyblank, 20:17h
... Link TV:
ROBIN WILLIAMS IN 1979 Comedian Robin Williams hijacks an interview by keeping the journalist in stitches.
by -stern-, 14:25h
... Link MUSIC:
TOMTE HABEN DICKEN FISCH AN DER ANGEL Das neue Video ist da, tärätärä! TV-TIPP DES TAGES: Durch die Nacht mit Feridun Zaimoglu und Thees Uhlmann am Donnerstag, 4. September 2008 um 23:55Uhr
by -stern-, 14:22h
... Link PEOPLE:
by -stern-, 14:19h
by tommyblank, 12:44h
... Link Tuesday, 2. September 2008
GOOGLE LAUNCHES IT'S OWN BROWSER See the comic and more over here!
by -stern-, 10:39h
... Link MUSIC:
by -stern-, 10:34h
... Link MOVIES:
TIL SCHWEIGER TATSÄCHLICH AUCH AN BORD BEI HERRN TARANTINO Es ist amtlich: der Volksschauspieler hat tatsächlich eine Rolle als Nazi in der Killertruppe von Brad Pitt ergattert
by -stern-, 10:33h
... Link Monday, 1. September 2008
PORN & PONG This sounds like an interesting book. The Homepage says: "In 'Porn & Pong: How Grand Theft Auto, Tomb Raider and Other Sexy Games Changed Our Culture' (September 2008, Feral House), Playboy Magazine journalist Damon Brown spent five years exploring how the $20 billion video game industry traces our evolution in sexual mores, technological dependence and personal interaction. The VCR and the dawn of the modern porn industry parallels the first Atari systems, Reality TV skyrocketed the same year as The Sims, and the surgically-endowed Pamela Anderson was only outshined by one other woman: Lara Croft. In one of the most stimulating moments, Brown examines Presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 2005 tirade against Grand Theft Auto, and how politics, hidden agendas and financial pressure affect all controversial art forms."
by tommyblank, 17:33h
... Link BOOKS:
FLASH FICTION The most concise and widely-cited example of flash fiction is the story Ernest Hemingway penned, allegedly to settle a bar bet: “For sale: baby shoes. Never worn.”
by tommyblank, 17:27h
... Link MEDIA:
I'VE BEEN RICKROLLED! The Rickroll Internet Phenomenon (as described by Wikipedia): "In 2007 Rick Astley became the subject of a viral Internet meme in which an estimated 25 million Internet users were tricked into watching the video for Rick Astley's 'Never Gonna Give You Up' by posting it under the name of other popular video titles. The practice is now known as Rickrolling. The phenomenon became so popular that on April 1, 2008, YouTube pranked the Internet community by making every single video link on the front page a Rickroll."
by tommyblank, 17:26h
... Link TV:
LOST 2.0 ON G4 edshrinker says: "This little 4 minute piece is pulled from the hourlong special run on G4 following their Comic Con Coverage. This clip deals exclusively with the internet influence on the show and visa versa. It is a promo piece introducing their "LOST in 2.0" (every episode from the very beginning, enhanced with on-screen facts and creator commentaries)show that begins September 15."
by -stern-, 12:57h
... Link TV:
MUPPETS - BEAKER, BUNSEN AND SOME PENGUINS Great! Don't miss Beaker's Ode To Joy
by -stern-, 12:36h
... Link TV:
HURLEY SINGS! Related: Jorge Garcia sings Elvis. Fans, check out The Lost Vault: Some bloopers from Season 4, uncut scenes and more nonsense we haven't seen yet is over here. Looks like previews of dvd extras.
by -stern-, 12:30h
... Link MUSIC:
ÄRZTE - PROTESTSONG Den ganzen Vormittag im Kopf gehabt. Warum nur?
by -stern-, 12:22h
... Link MUSIC:
CHEUNDERGROUND - SAN DIEGO PUNK FROM THE 80S Wired: "The music that brought them together remains one of most powerful elements on the Che Underground site. MP3s created from dusty, one-of-a-kind cassette tapes, live bootlegs and unreleased demo recordings pepper the site. And this is truly vital music, combining a punk vision -- still fresh in '83 -- with a warped version of '60s garage and British invasion bands."
by -stern-, 12:12h
LEHRLINGE HALTEN ZUSAMMEN - DDR PROTESTSONGS WFMU has MP3s of this rare sampler from the GDR. Mit dabei sind die grandiosen Floh de Cologne. Dort auch verlinkt: Der Gummiknüppelpenissong aus dem Archiv von Dr. Michalke
by -stern-, 12:08h
... Link Saturday, 30. August 2008
WOCHENENDE ANDERER LEUTE Schmolly comes to town! Wir reichen den Flyer weiter . Es wird Geschichte in Tüten gemacht bis es voran geht: 30.08. Mash-Up Your Bootz feat. DJ SCHMOLLI // Österreichs greatest Mash-Up Exportschlager zu Gast in Berlin @ U5-Club 13.09. Invade The City feat. MUYB @ o25, Frankfurt 19.09. MUYB @ Bootie NYC, New York City 27.09 MUYB @ Bootie SF, San Francisco MySpacerei oder Schmollyblog, get the best party-mushy-mashy we could possibly get this weekend yourself.
Sonntag treffen sich dann alle gut draufen KreuzbergerInnen und solche, die es werden wollen, lesbisch, behindert, mit Kohleofen oder Lebensentwurf, zunächst natürlich pünktlich bei der Eröffnung der neuen Ausstellung über Wagenbewohner im guten, alten Kreuzberg Museum. Tarantino, Rirkrit und Brad Pitt wollen auch kommen. Danach geht es zügig rüber in's Kreuzberger Freiluftkino, wo der Zombie-Film von Bruce LaBruce (brauchen wir gar nicht den Namen sagen! Quentin ist ein Riesenfan....) zur Aufführung kommen wird und den Rest kann man sich denken.
by tommyblank, 02:34h
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