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Thursday, 18. September 2008
DAVID LACHAPELLE - HOLY WAR Nach seiner sensationellen Serie "Jesus is my Homeboy kehrt der Lieblingsfotograf der Lieblingsfotografen wieder auf die Erde zurück. Wer gerade in New York verweilt, sollte sich die Show besser nicht entgehen lassen.
by tommyblank, 14:28h
... Link ART:
KLAUS NOMI - THE COLD SONG Nomi sings the air of the cold genius from Purcell's "King Arthur" in Munich in 1982.
by tommyblank, 13:47h
... Link ART:
by tommyblank, 13:45h
... Link POLITICS:
THE POWER OF POLITICAL MISINFORMATION Very interesting article in the Washington Post: "As the presidential campaign heats up, intense efforts are underway to debunk rumors and misinformation. Nearly all these efforts rest on the assumption that good information is the antidote to misinformation. But a series of new experiments show that misinformation can exercise a ghostly influence on people's minds after it has been debunked -- even among people who recognize it as misinformation. In some cases, correcting misinformation serves to increase the power of bad information. In experiments conducted by political scientist John Bullock at Yale University, volunteers were given various items of political misinformation from real life. One group of volunteers was shown a transcript of an ad created by NARAL Pro-Choice America that accused John G. Roberts Jr., President Bush's nominee to the Supreme Court at the time, of "supporting violent fringe groups and a convicted clinic bomber." A variety of psychological experiments have shown that political misinformation primarily works by feeding into people's preexisting views. People who did not like Roberts to begin with, then, ought to have been most receptive to the damaging allegation, and this is exactly what Bullock found. Democrats were far more likely than Republicans to disapprove of Roberts after hearing the allegation."
by tommyblank, 13:43h
... Link Wednesday, 17. September 2008
DICK AND THE KING Elvis and Nixon strategize around the war on drugs. Here's another one: Elvis Meets Nixon
by -stern-, 14:11h
SCHNAPSIDEE 1 Search request: nerd will silvester online feiern Noch 'ne Schnapsidee: 18. Geburtstag in WOW feiern
by -stern-, 14:05h
... Link PEOPLE:
ALEXANDER HACKE Wir haben es immer gewusst und vorsichtshalber nochmals bei Wikipedia nachgeschlagen, aber die toll gemachte Homepage www.alexanderhacke.de lässt tief blicken. Dort steht neben Informationen zum Feuerwehrmusikzug und Rubriken wie "mein größtes Abenteuer" u. a. geschrieben: "Meine besondere Kompetenz liegt in vielen Bereichen." Die Jahre mit der Zementmischer-Combo Einstürzende Neubauten haben ihre Spuren hinterlassen. Musikalisch ist demnächst der Soundtrack zum sensationellen Animationsfilm "Memory Hotel" von Heinrich Sabl (der Film wird der Hammerhammer!) zu erwarten.
by -stern-, 14:00h
... Link Tuesday, 16. September 2008
by tommyblank, 11:57h
... Link GAMES:
by tommyblank, 11:42h
... Link Monday, 15. September 2008
UMSONST IST NUR DAS WETTER Search request: wo kann man umsonst essen kriegen in berlin kreuzberg
by -stern-, 14:09h
... Link PEOPLE:
BLOCKWART 2.0 IM GRAEFEKIEZ Die üble Website rottenneighbour.com ist inzwischen auch in der eigenen Nachbarschaft angekommen und bespricht eine "miese Kneipe und Hundekacke", eine "unmögliche Kneipe mit asozialem Publikum oder ein "vorbildliches Restaurant". Via Graefekiezwatch.
by -stern-, 14:05h
... Link Saturday, 13. September 2008
AM HANS ALBERS PLATZ... Mitteilung der Abteilung Einbürgerunswissen für ausländische Mitbürger mit Integrationswillen, Sektion Hamburg. Wikipedia: "Hans Albers (September 22, 1891 Hamburg - July 24, 1960 Starnberg) was a German actor and singer. He was the single biggest male movie star in Germany between 1930 and 1945 and one of the most popular German actors of the twentieth century. Clip from "La Paloma" (1944) When the Nazis came to power in 1933, Albers and his Jewish girlfriend Hansi Burg moved to Starnberger See in Bavaria. While Albers himself never supported the Nazi regime, he became the most popular actor under Nazi rule. While Hitler's propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels adored Albers, the actor avoided the Nazi clique, and refused to show with them in public. As the ultimate sign of his popularity, the Nazis even silently accepted his relationship with Hansi Burg for a long time. But Albers finally gave in to the pressure. Hansi Burg went to Switzerland and then to Great Britain in 1939, but they secretly remained a couple and were reunited after the war. In 1943, Albers was paid a huge sum of money to star in Ufa's big-budgeted anniversary picture Münchhausen but was always careful not to give the impression that he was endorsing the National Socialist regime. " Don't miss this classic song: Auf der Reeperbahn...
by tommyblank, 14:21h
DIE JUGEND VON HEUTE IST BESSER ALS IHR RUF Interessante Story in der Netzeitung: "Reiche Schüler, arme Schüler. Morgens, halb neun in Deutschland: In der Schule wird über Reichensteuer, Hartz IV und die wegbrechende Mittelschicht diskutiert. Die einen kennen das aus eigener Erfahrung, andere Schüler träumen vom Auto, das sie bald geschenkt bekommen. (...) «Der Mittelstand rutscht langsam runter», meint Onur Kutun (17) und rückt seine Baseballkappe zurecht."
by tommyblank, 13:56h
... Link POLITICS:
LADIES OF "THE VIEW" CONFRONT MCCAIN WITH HIS LIES The Huffington Post has the video: McCain Grilled On "The View": Sarah Palin, His Abortion Stance, His Obama Attack Ads, And More : "The ladies of 'The View' confronted John McCain today for lying in his recent attack ads, pressed him on abortion and questioned his choice of Sarah Palin." Whoopi Goldberg asked if she'd be returned to slavery!
by tommyblank, 13:31h
THE JOY OF LAUGHTER... Yesbutnobutyes.com: "Take a bunch of kids at a playground. Add a piece of playground equipment that looks like a penis. Thrown in "Bohemian Rhapsody" played on the underarm-farts for a music track. And you get The World's Worst Playground."
by tommyblank, 13:24h
... Link Thursday, 11. September 2008
TONIGHT: THE SHITTY LISTENER & BENYA "Melodisch schräge Musik" & Folkrock. Live at the Trödler in Kreuzberg, Dresdener Str. 123. Starts around 22 Uhr.
by -stern-, 18:36h
... Link Wednesday, 10. September 2008
CREEPY OLD ADS Weirdomatic has a pretty cool collection: Old Creepy Ads
by tommyblank, 10:51h
... Link BERLIN:
by tommyblank, 10:50h
... Link MOVIES:
TARANTINO IS LOOKING FOR EXTRAS IN BERLIN Big casting on the 20th and the 27th of September at Studio Babelsberg in Potsdam. More at thueringer-filmservice.de: CASTING am 20.09./27.09. für INGLOURIOUS BASTARDS von QUENTIN TARANTINO: "Gesucht werden vor allem Männer zwischen 20 und 45 Jahren, gerne blond, sowie Frauen und Kinder jeden Alters. Keiner der Bewerber darf gefärbte oder gesträhnte Haare haben. Natürlich sind auch solariumgebräunte Menschen tabu, ebenso wie künstliche Fingernägel oder Piercings, wir suchen normale Menschen ebenso wie markante und einprägsame Gesichter. Besonders Männer mit militärischer Ausbildung werden von unserem Castingteam gesucht, aber auch Menschen mit Handicaps wie z. B. Amputationen an Arm oder Bein werden zum Einsatz kommen. "
by tommyblank, 10:48h
BECOME THE CREEPIEST PERSON ON EARTH For Sale: Michael Jackson's Unwashed Underpants : The undies in question were reportedly part of the evidence confiscated in 2003 by Santa Monica DA Tom Sneddon as part of their child molestation case against the former King of Pop and current King of Crazy. A pair of size-28 Calvin Klein underoos can be yours if you meet the reserve price of $1 million dollars." (yesbutnobutyes.com)
by tommyblank, 10:40h
... Link MOVIES:
WATCH THE FANTASTIC FEST ONLINE From their website: "From September 14-20, AMD FANTASTIC FEST ONLINE will provide five feature films and five shorts from the official 2008 Fantastic Fest lineup to also be available for online viewing for free via the BSide network. All films will stream in low-resolution for slow connections and in beautiful high-resolution for those with blazing speed. You must be a member of the BSide community to watch the films, but the good news is that it is quick, easy and free to join. " The feature films are Dr. Inferno, I Think We're Alone Now, La Creme, Rule of Three, and South of Heaven
by tommyblank, 10:37h
... Link Monday, 8. September 2008
by -stern-, 18:37h
... Link ART:
SPIDER-MAN HAT JETZT FEIERABEND! Foto von Patrick Strattner, 2008, aus der Klubfoto-Ausstellung "Privat" Das Museum der Arbeit zeigt die neue Ausstellung der Hamburger Vereinigung Klubfoto, ein unabhängiges Forum für Fotografie, vom 6. September bis 12. Oktober.
by -stern-, 18:30h
... Link MUSIC:
THE CURE - KILLING AN ARAB Zur Feier des Ausbaus unserer hauseigenen Abteilung für arabische Studien im Bookmark-Ordner.
by tommyblank, 16:32h
... Link 3D Design:
Interesting article from Menassat.com: "Amid the crowded soap opera programming during Ramadan this year, cartoons targeting grown-ups are gaining popularity. As a result, these cartoons are attracting the biggest stars for voice-over work this season, and have the traditional Ramadan soap operas fearing for their audience share."
by tommyblank, 16:23h
... Link POLITICS:
HOW THE CIA LINKED SADDAM HUSSEIN TO THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS Gulfnews.com: "In his new book The Way of the World, Pulitzer-Prize reporter Ron Suskind makes two accusations against the Bush administration. First, that the Bush administration received credible information from the British intelligence (who were informed by Iraq's intelligence chief Tahir Habbush) that Saddam Hussain had no weapons of mass destruction. Bush, and especially Dick Cheney and his neo-conservative entourage dismissed the information because they were intent on waging war. Suskind reports that after the invasion of Iraq and the confirmation that Habbush was telling the truth, the Americans made a secret arrangement with him, hid him in Jordan and paid him $5 million. Second, when it became clear after the invasion that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the Bush administration, under pressure to justify the war decision, ordered the CIA to fabricate evidence in the form of a letter purportedly written by Habbush, and backdated to 2001. The letter is addressed to Saddam Hussain and in which Habbush purportedly writes that Mohammad Atta, the alleged mastermind of the September 11 attacks, had visited Iraq and "displayed extraordinary effort" and that he would be "responsible for attacking the targets we have agreed to destroy". The forged letter could thus be used as 'evidence' of the link between Saddam Hussain and the September 11 attacks, a link which Bush and Cheney deceivingly claimed justified the war."
by tommyblank, 16:17h
... Link Saturday, 6. September 2008
EXTRA3 - NEUESTE NATIONALE NACHRICHTEN Es spricht der “Föhrer”: “Wieder einmal macht mir der Osten sähr viel Froide: Die Befreiong der Presse schreitet hier sähr schön voran. Die “Torgauer Zeitong” hat eine Pressemeldong der NPD als Läserbrief abgedruckt, Wort för Wort braunes Gedankengot, onverfälscht, in einem doitschen Blatt! Daför den Erföllungsgehilfen der “Torgauer Zeitong” meinen innigsten Donk!” Extra3 läuft jeden Donnerstag um 22:30 auf N3(Wiederholung in der Nacht von Freitag auf Samstag, unregelmäßig zwischen 00.30 und 02.00 Uhr) und DieNeueUnterschicht sammelt die Kläuse und den ganzen Spaß beim YouTube. Der NDR stellt ausgewählte Beiträge von Zapp und Extra 3 unter einer Creative-Commons-Lizenz zur Verfügung. Lustig:Lerne Ostdeutsch Und Blog haben die auch. Die Redaktion ist auch im Netz lustig. Aktuell Der große Extra 3 Ausbürgerungstest
by -stern-, 23:21h
... Link MOVIES:
"FILM" BY SAMUEL BECKETT Buster Keaton is trying to get away from a big eye. This silent shortie was directed by Alan Schneider in 1965. Beckett wrote it and supervised the production.
by -stern-, 22:09h
... Link MOVIES:
THE STAR WARS AUDITIONS Look at what I found on that internet!
And maybe you didn't know this, but in 1975, Robert De Niro nearly became Luke Skywalker. No, seriously! Check it out!
by -stern-, 21:56h
... Link MUSIC:
VIDEO OF NIRVANA IN 1987 Young Nirvana playing in bassist Krist Novoselic's Mom's house. Dave Grohl wasn't in the band yet. Filmed on 1st of January 1987. Watch Cobain singing against a wall. Nirvana played their first show at 17 Nussbaum Road, Raymond, WA. Here's a recording of "If You Must" from that night.
by -stern-, 21:38h
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