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Wednesday, 6. September 2006
by -stern-, 14:03h
... Link MUSIC:
SOPHIE SOLOMON, THE GIRL WITH THE VIOLIN Sophie Solomon is a member of that sensational supergroup Oi Va Voi and a former student of Yehudi Menuhin. Her first solo album is, well, it's really that good! She is Keith Richards with a violin. Visit her MySpace!
by -stern-, 13:58h
... Link PERSONEN:
by -stern-, 02:48h
... Link Tuesday, 5. September 2006
AFRO-PUNK "Afro-Punk, a 66-minute documentary, explores race identity within the punk scene. More than your everyday, Behind the Music or typical "black history month" documentary this film tackles the hard questions, such as issues of loneliness, exile, inter-racial dating and black power. We follow the lives of four people who have dedicated themselves to the punk rock lifestyle. They find themselves in conflicting situations, living the dual life of a person of color in a mostly white community. The style of the documentary inter-cuts interviews from scores of black punk rockers from all over the nation with scenes from our four protagonists' lives. They come from different regions, generations, genders, and sexual preferences but their stories are amazingly similar. Afro-Punk features performances by Bad Brains, Tamar Kali, Cipher, and Ten Grand. It also contains exclusive interviews by members of Fishbone, 247- spyz, Dead Kennedys, Candiria, Orange 9mm and TV on the Radio to name a few." From the Homepage (trailer and all that!) More: Afro-Punk Message Board
by -stern-, 17:42h
... Link TV:
"LOST" - THE VIDEO GAME! Only four weeks left before you-know-what...! Check out this video about the exciting new game all your friends are talking about! Fun for Feierabend:"Lost" MAD TV Parody
by -stern-, 17:11h
... Link TV:
Great commentary about the decline of childrens television in the LA Times: "Yes, I know that children love Elmo. But children are idiots. That's why we don't let them have jobs. Could you imagine an office full of children? They'd spend all day telling dumb jokes and talking about their poop. It would be like it was before women entered the workplace. (...) When I watched "Sesame Street" in the '70s, the human cast and the Muppets were quirky adults who didn't talk down to me with baby voices. Now the human cast gets almost no airtime, and the show is dominated by Elmo, Baby Bear and, now, Abby Cadabby — preschoolers enamored by their own adorable stupidity. The lesson they teach — in opposition to Oscar, Big Bird, Grover or Bert — is that bland neediness gets you stuff much more easily than character. We are breeding a nation of Anna Nicole Smiths."
by -stern-, 16:47h
... Link Comics:
MARVEL BABIES - NOW YOU'RE GETTING CHILDISH! Yes, no joke! Baby Hulk will smash puny humans! That plus Baby Moe, Larry & Curly. Jim Hill has more.
by -stern-, 16:31h
... Link Computing:
WIRED: SPAM + BLOGS = TROUBLE "'Splogs – spam blogs. : Like email spam, splogs use the most wonderful features of networked communication – its flexibility, easy access, and low cost – in the service of sleazy get-rich-quick schemes. But whereas email spammers try to induce recipients to buy products, sploggers and other Web spammers make most of their money by getting viewers to click on ads that run adjacent to their nonsensical text. Web page owners – the spammer, in this case – get paid by the advertiser every time someone clicks on an ad."
by -stern-, 15:24h
... Link Comics:
by -stern-, 15:20h
... Link PEOPLE:
THE PICKLE GIRL Maury Show : Girl Who's Scared Of Pickles (Video) I'm still laughing really hard...! Found by Hannah
by -stern-, 15:12h
... Link Comics:
THE JAPANESE SPIDER-MAN They have a totally different version of Spider-Man in Japan. Very strange... You might have heard this one before, but now there are a few videos up on youtube you might want to check out: Here or there for example. Interesting: Stan Lee about the japanese Spiderman - An extra from the DVD Boxset of Toei's 1978 Spiderman Series. Don't miss this one, geeks: "Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating Watchmen" on that wonderful blog called
by -stern-, 14:21h
... Link 3D Design:
THE BONKER - ADOLF ALONE IN BERLIN (Video) "Adolf allein in Berlin - Download", that funny shortfilm by german comic-mastermind Walter Moers with english subtitles. Everyone wants one of those Adolf-rubberduckies...
by -stern-, 14:09h
... Link MOVIES:
IRAQ FOR SALE - THE WAR PROFITEERS (Trailer) A new film by Robert Greenwald ("Outfoxed") which will be released September 26th.
by -stern-, 14:05h
... Link PLACES:
A BRUCE LEE WITH SCREAMING ROBOTS? "Chinese news sources are reporting that just such a theme park is being planned and will feature a roller coaster that will feature Bruce Lee’s signature 'screams and grunts'. Wait... it gets even better. The park will be 'patrolled by Bruce Lee ‘mannequin robots’ radio-controlled from inside a giant statue of the late film star.” Story at aint-it-cool-news
by -stern-, 13:48h
... Link PERSONEN:
by -stern-, 13:45h
... Link PEOPLE:
JOSCHKA FISCHER, "REBEL REALIST" hat den Fischer als Kolumnenonkel eingekauft: "Every month in The Rebel Realist, written exclusively for Project Syndicate, Joschka Fischer brings his unique perspective to global developments." Von wegen "every month", gleich zu Anfang erstma' Funkstille beim Realo Rebellen!
by -stern-, 00:49h
... Link POLITICS:
"JAPAN TIMES" ABOUT GERMANY Der Japaner kriegt was erklärt: Merkel's reforms drift toward dead end : No less than 41 percent of the voting-age adult population lives primarily on government transfers such as state pensions, full-scale public stipends, unemployment benefits, disability benefits, and social assistance. (In East Germany, the figure is a whopping 47 percent.)"
by -stern-, 00:42h
... Link Monday, 4. September 2006
PAN'S LABYRINTH (2006) A new movie by Guillermo del Toro (Devil's Backbone, Hellboy). Chud has the trailer! Looks sweet!
by -stern-, 23:34h
... Link 3D Design:
I'm working on a 3D-Frankenstein-version of myself!
Don't forget your free copy of Bryce: Through September 6, 2006, you can download Bryce 5.0 for no charge via
by -stern-, 17:30h
... Link TV:
by -stern-, 14:36h
... Link PLACES:
AFGHANISTAN, THE FORGOTTEN WAR Spiegel: "More than 200 Taliban militants have been killed during a major offensive in southern Afghanistan started over the weekend. The fierce clashes also claimed the lives of at least 20 NATO troops as the international force attempts to quash the insurgency and restore power in the region to the central government."
by -stern-, 14:31h
... Link Medien:
NATASCHA KAMPUSCH, EIN GEFUNDENES FRESSEN FÜR MEDIENBERATER Spon: "Entführungsopfer Natascha Kampusch wird ihrem Medienberater zufolge noch diese Woche ein Fernsehinterview geben - gegen den Willen ihrer Eltern. (...)Die Zeitung 'Österreich' berichtet, dass die Eltern bereits vor dem Wochenende einen Anwalt damit beauftragt haben, das Interview durch eine einstweilige Verfügung vom Gericht zu unterbinden. 'Natascha wird von Betreuern manipuliert', zitiert das Blatt die Eltern. Der Vater sei fassungslos: 'Was da mit meinem Mädchen geschieht, ist doch verrückt', habe er gesagt."
by -stern-, 14:30h
... Link PRODUCTS:
HOLY MERCHANDISING! Spiegel: "As the pope prepares for his upcoming visit to Bavaria, the Vatican has embarked on an unprecedented campaign to market the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. By selling official fan paraphernalia, the church plans to turn a profit from the hype surrounding Pope Benedict XVI."
by -stern-, 12:50h
... Link MOVIES:
WALDORF & STATLER GO BACK TO SCHOOL What about that new "Muppets Show" then?
by -stern-, 12:25h
... Link 3D Design:
by -stern-, 12:17h
... Link MEDIA:
TOPIX.NET Excellent news-site! Follow world-news and the blogosphere or get the local spin. Play around with the possibilities!
by -stern-, 12:07h
... Link TV:
BEI KRÖMERS Heute um 0.20 kommen in der ARD auch die Menschen im Rest von Deutschland in den Genuss der famosen Show von Kurt Krömer, Neu-Köllns berühmtestem Sohne. In der ersten Folge erhalten die Krömers Besuch von Lucy (früher "No Angels") und Joachim Król. "Für eine Zukunft ohne Gift"-Spot für den BUND mit Anna Thalbach und Kurt Krömer
by -stern-, 11:53h
... Link POLITIK:
DIE PIRATENPARTEI DEUTSCHLAND STICHT IN SEE Hier entwickelt sich was! Vor allem die internationale Einbindung und der enge Kontakt zu ähnlichen Parteigründungen in anderen Ländern ist für eine Parteigründung völlig neu.
by -stern-, 11:44h
... Link PERSONEN:
MAYDAY, MAYDAY, BONNIE TYLER ON A PLANE! Spon:"Bonnie Tyler hatte es gut gemeint. Die 55-jährige Sängerin erfüllte einem Piloten auf seinem letzten Flug seinen sehnlichsten Wunsch und sang für ihn. Doch das blieb für die anderen Passagiere an Bord nicht ohne Folgen."
by -stern-, 10:23h
DER PÄPSTLICHE EXORZIST KÄMPFT WEITER GEGEN HARRY POTTER Dem Vatikan ist die erfolgreiche Kinderbuchserie weiterhin ein Dorn im Auge. Der Tuckenpapst hat sich ja bereits 2005 zu Harry Potter geäußert und jetzt ist mal wieder sein Leib-Exorzist an der Reihe. Die Existenz des Exorzisten an sich ist schon sehr komisch und die wiederholten Ausfälle gegen die Autorin Rowling beweisen, dass der Mann einfach nicht genug zu tun hat... Gibt halt nicht mehr genug Besessene. Im Mittelalter war alles besser! Da hatte die Kirche auch noch Autorität und die Macher von "Popetown" wären auf dem Scheiterhaufen verbrannt worden. Diese Typen wollen für irgendwen die Hüter von Moral und sonstwas sein? Fraglich, wer hier besessen ist und welche Gesellschaft des 3. Jahrtausends noch Exorzisten braucht oder fette, alte Männer in Frauenkleidern, die persönlich schützend die Hand über jeden einzelnen Kinderschänder in den eigenen Reihen halten und mit ihrer anti-aufklärerischen Haltung in Sachen Aids Millionen von Kindern haben sterben lassen. Dieser verkommene Haufen von verfaulten Überresten einer blutigen Vergangenheit, die sich niemand zurückwünscht, diese Typen wollen sich mit einer Kinderbuchautorin messen, die von Kindern in aller Welt geliebt hat? In der Hölle wird für Benedikt & Co schon mal vorgeheizt. MSN: "Pope Benedict XVI's chief exorcist, Rev. Gabriele Amorth, has called fictional wizard-in-training Harry Potter the 'king of darkness, the devil.' Amorth made the statement about the star of the best-selling children's series by British author J. K. Rowling during an interview with Vatican Radio during the week. (...) Benedict voiced his disapproval of the character and series before he became Pope in April 2005. Then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, he wrote a supportive letter in 2005 to the author of a book Harry Potter - Good or Evil? In it, sociologist Gabriele Kuby had argued that Harry Potter series distorts young people's ideas about the battle of good versus evil."
by -stern-, 10:15h
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