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Sunday, 10. September 2006
COURT ROOM CONVERSATIONS "ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active? WITNESS: No, I just lie there. ATTORNEY: What is your date of birth? WITNESS: July 18th. ATTORNEY: What year? WITNESS: Every year. ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor? WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar. ATTORNEY: But could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless? WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law." More in Moronland
by -stern-, 22:03h
... Link PEOPLE:
NEW NUMA! THE RETURN OF GARY BROLSMA Remix and video of the legendary video "Numa Numa". Visit
by -stern-, 13:27h
... Link MEDIA:
THE BUSHIES PAID JOURNALISTS AGAIN AND AGAIN I don't think they will stop doing this only because some newspaper nobody reads anyway has a problem with this... Nobody reads anyway... New York Times: "The Bush administration’s Office of Cuba Broadcasting paid 10 journalists here to provide commentary on Radio and TV Martí, which transmit to Cuba government broadcasts critical of Fidel Castro, a spokesman for the office said Friday."
by -stern-, 12:55h
... Link MOVIES:
Listen to that bearded old hippie!
We can get rid of crime by designing little science fiction cities on our computers! That's awesome!
Someone please wake that guy up and walk him around the realities outside of his hazienda in california!
"This documentary was just completed in June of 2006. William Gazecki (WACO: The Rules of Engagement) produced and directed the movie and it premiered at the Atlanta Film Festival in June."
by -stern-, 12:48h
... Link Computing:
by -stern-, 12:40h
... Link Saturday, 9. September 2006
THE VIDEO PIRATE : WHEN MAX HEADROOM TOOK OVER "DR. WHO" "During a broadcast of the Dr. Who episode 'Horror of Fang Rock' on WTTW Chicago Channel 11, on Sunday November 22nd, 1987, at around 11:15pm, a Video 'Pirate' wearing a Max Headroom mask broke into the signal and transmitted one of the weirdest, unauthorized things ever to hit the Chicago airwaves. Earlier in the evening on the same day, during the Nine O'Clock News on Channel 9 (Yes, a completely different channel) the Max Headroom Pirate also broke in - although it was for a much shorter time and there was no audio."
by -stern-, 15:49h
... Link PRODUCTS:
"The fast-food chain that helped make our kids the fattest on Earth cut a deal with General Motors to sell future car buyers on the fun of driving a supersized, smog-spewing, gas-guzzling SUV originally built for the military." Visit Ronald McHummer! They have a fun generator to create your own McDonalds-sign.
by -stern-, 15:36h
... Link MEDIA:
WORÜBER DIE MEDIEN NICHT REDEN MÖGEN Marketwatch: "Ten big news stories you aren't hearing Traditional media ignore or downplay significant events"
by -stern-, 15:31h
... Link POLITICS:
CIA-GEFÄNGNISSE: KOMPLIZEN UND MITWISSER SOLLTEN BESSER DIE FRESSE HALTEN Washington Post: "U.S. officials urge nations' discretion on CIA prisons The Bush administration yesterday cautioned countries with secret CIA prisons in their territory against disclosing the sites' existence, even as the European Parliament renewed its demand that its members come clean if they host such detention centers."
by -stern-, 15:29h
... Link POLITIK:
FOLTERKNECHT WILL SCHMERZENSGELD Wo werden eigentlich die deutschen Folterknechte ausgebildet? Schicken wie die zu den Amis oder besorgen wir das Training selbst? Müsste ja von Opa irgendwo noch das Handbuch rumliegen... "Der berüchtigte BKA-Krimalhauptkomissar und Mann fürs Grobe Gerhard Lehmann, alias 'Sam', will von der linksradikalen JUNGEN WELT Schmerzensgeld haben. Er fühlt sich von der JUNGEN WELT - angeblich zu Unrecht - als der berüchtigte Folterknecht "Sam" enttarnt." Indymedia
by -stern-, 14:23h
... Link Medien:
AMERIKA VERFOLGT SEINEN LETZTEN UNABHÄNGIGEN JOURNALISTEN Wer auch nur über die tatsächlichen Realitäten des Bush-Regimes berichtet, riskiert, von der US-Gestapo in einen orangenen Overall mit Kapuze über dem Gesicht gesteckt zu werden. Und Greg Palast ist kein rechter Waffenbruder des Präsidenten wie Michael Moore und auch kein wirrer Prediger wie Alex Jones. Greg Palast ("Armed Madhouse") war der Mann, der 2000 Jeb Bushs Florida-Schwindel aufdeckte und als einziger über die Manipulationen bei der Wahl 2004 berichtete. Der Journalist, der vielfach als bester investigativer Medienmann der USA gepriesen wurde, ist inzwischen nach England geflohen, berichtet von dort aber weiter über seine Heimat. Dort will man ihm nun den Prozeß machen weil er wohl das falsche Haus gefilmt hat, ein Gebäude der feinen Firma Exxon. Öl, Bush, Sie wissen schon. Bush hat mit seiner Rede von letzter Woche endgültig klar gemacht, dass es sich bei seinen Hintermännern um Menschen mit hoher krimineller Energie handelt, die das Verschwinden oder den Tod eines Menschen, der der Bush-Junta Probleme bereitet, längst öffentlich mit in ihre Kalkulation einplanen. Und die Medien schweigen.
by -stern-, 14:17h
... Link MOVIES:
THE RETURN OF THE ART ZOMBIES Der Zombiefilm von Vroni und Silke läuft heute Abend beim Trashfilmabend im Kreuzberger SO36 zusammen mit zwei anderen Filmen, zudem live johnny freedom und Dj jörg buttgereit. Ab 21:45: -Blutgeil (Zürich) -Meter Maid Me Massacre (Kung Fu Zombie Movie / San Fransico) -The Return Of The Art Zombie (Vroni Schuhmacher & Silke Thoss / Bremen)
by -stern-, 13:52h
... Link Friday, 8. September 2006
by -stern-, 17:23h
... Link POLITIK:
GRENZKONFLIKT SPON: Schießereien zwischen irakischen und iranischen Patrouillen An der irakisch-iranischen Grenze nehmen die Spannungen zu. Der Irak warf Iran vor, sein Gebiet angegriffen und sechs irakische Soldaten entführt zu haben. In den vergangenen Tagen war es immer wieder zu Schusswechseln gekommen.
by -stern-, 16:32h
... Link MOVIES:
HOW IT SHOULD HAVE ENDED... Ende besser, alles gut! Crazy website with funny parodies. Their ending of "Star Wars" is pretty funny! Go crazy I will!
by -stern-, 14:38h
... Link PEOPLE:
THE STORY OF LONELYGIRL15 Metafilter: "It's official. Lonelygirl15 of YouTube fame is fake - an elaborate narrative created via a Hollywood talent agency."
by -stern-, 14:20h
... Link MEDIA:
9/11 IN A MOVIE-MADE WORLD Tom Engelhardt in The Nation: "For most Americans, even those like me who were living in Manhattan, 9/11 arrived on the television screen. This is why what leapt to mind--and instantaneously filled our papers and TV reporting--was previous screen life, the movies. In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, the news was peppered with comments about, thoughts about and references to films. (...) What if the two hijacked planes, American Flight 11 and United 175, had plunged into those north and south towers at 8:46 and 9:03, killing all aboard, causing extensive damage and significant death tolls, but neither tower had come down? What if, as a Tribune columnist called it, photogenic "scenes of apocalypse" had not been produced? What if, despite two gaping holes and the smoke and flames pouring out of the towers, the imagery had been closer to that of 1993? What if there had been no giant cloud of destruction capable of bringing to mind the look of "the day after," no images of crumbling towers worthy of Independence Day? We would surely have had blazing headlines, but would they have commonly had "war" or "infamy" in them, as if we had been attacked by another state? Would the last superpower have gone from "invincible" to "vulnerable" in a split second? Would our newspapers instantly have been writing "before" and "after" editorials, or insisting that this moment was the ultimate "test" of George W. Bush's until-then languishing presidency?"
by -stern-, 13:06h
... Link TV:
by -stern-, 12:54h
RE-RE-REFERRERS VON HEUTE 1 Search request: der skater junge nahm meinen schwanz 1 Search request: drückte ihre Schenkel 1 Search request: disney war propaganda 1 Search request: ficken und net zahlen 1 Search request: finnische Filme Berlin 1 Search request: popstar live gucken im net 1 Search request: weste side story schlagwort
by -stern-, 12:07h
... Link PERSONEN:
BIBI MCBENSON HAT DIE BAND WIEDER ZUSAMMENGEBRACHT Ganz klar die CD des Monats! Von diesem Manne wird man noch viel hören! Beobachten Sie ma' diese Internetz-Heimseite!
by -stern-, 12:04h
... Link MUSIK:
ROOKIE RECORDS Finest Punkrock since 1996! Jede Menge alte Bekannte am Start!
by -stern-, 11:31h
... Link MUSIK:
OLLI SCHULZ UND DER HUND MARIE Also, die neue CD soll ja angeblich schon als Torrent in Internetz-Tauschbörsen zu kriegen sein. Für Olli natürlich 'ne superduper Promotion! Immerhin hat jeder Downloader sein eigenes Blog und warum sollen eigentlich nur 40jährige Rock-Journalisten mit Kunstlederjacke Promo-CDs besprechen? Ich sehe Olli schon unter Platinplatten zusammenbrechen.
by -stern-, 11:26h
... Link Science:
ICH WÜNSCHTE, ICH WÜRDE MICH FÜR TENNIS INTERESSIEREN ABC: "Woman in coma plays tennis - When the researchers asked the woman to imagine she was playing tennis, her brain scan lit up in virtually the same places as the brains of healthy volunteers asked to do the same thing."
by -stern-, 11:18h
... Link Medien:
Die Amerikaner dürfen sich mal wieder übers TV-Programm erregen. Vorne weg Bill Clinton, der nicht möchte, dass er in einem "Dokudrama" als der Mann dasteht, der keine Zeit hatte, Osama zu jagen weil er zuviel mit seiner Praktikantin beschäftigt war. Aber auch sonst hat jeder die Wahrheit für sich selbst gebucht. Bis zum Wochenende tobt in den US-Blogs eine Art virtueller Bürgerkrieg in Sachen 11. September. "ABC's upcoming five-hour docudrama "The Path to 9/11" is quickly becoming a political cause célèbre. The network has in recent days made changes to the film, set to air Sunday and Monday, after leading political figures, many of them Democrats, complained about bias and alleged inaccuracies. Meanwhile, a left-wing organization has launched a letter-writing campaign urging the network to "correct" or dump the miniseries, while conservative blogs have launched a vigorous defense." In Deutschland darf man sich derweil an einer Berichterstattung freuen, die hauptsächlich aus aufgekochten Texten der letzten Jahre besteht. Vorne weg der "Spiegel" mit einer reißerischem Cover-Story plus beigelegter DVD und zusätzlich noch einem Special mit Sammelbildern und einem prima Poster von den brennenden Türmen. Nächste Woche dann wieder irgendwas mit Hitler, gell?
by -stern-, 11:07h
... Link TV:
by -stern-, 10:48h
... Link Comics:
by -stern-, 10:44h
... Link Thursday, 7. September 2006
DEAN REED - STJÄRNAN SOM KLEV UT I KYLAN "Mer djupgående och försedd med såväl filmo- som diskografi är däremot Der rote Elvis (Den röde Elvis) av den tyske statsvetaren Stefan Ernsting (Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag)." Dean Reed für Schweden im Svenska Dagbladet
by -stern-, 13:57h
... Link POLITIK:
BUSH BESTÄTIGT EXISTENZ GEHEIMER FOLTERKAMMERN IN EUROPA Amerika moralisch endgültig kaputt... Original und Fälschung: "An excerpt from the annual White House Correspondents Association dinner. President Bush’s presentation included an impersonator, Steve Bridges, who "interpreted" the president's remarks for laymen." (Video) Als Entertainer ist der Bush nicht so schlecht....
by -stern-, 11:52h
... Link 3D Design:
POSER 5 - FREE DOWNLOAD Meine Lieblings-Software in Sachen 3D bis morgen für umsonst! Free Download Mac/Win (644.08 MB)
by -stern-, 11:36h
... Link PLACES:
MOUNT WEATHER Guardian: "Is this Bush's secret bunker? Mount Weather is a top-security underground installation an hour's drive from Washington DC. It has its own leaders, police, fire department - and laws. A cold war relic, it has been given a new lease of life since 9/11. And no one who's been inside has ever talked. "
by -stern-, 11:27h
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