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Monday, 4. February 2008
AMAZON BOWS TO SCIENTOLOGY Colex.org: "As a part of the war against the church, Anonymous posted its opinions on the ’science’ behind Scientology in an attempt to warn anyone considering joining Scientology what they might be getting into and provide a more even view against the 250 five star comments posted by church members. Amazon has since deleted the majority of these comments."
by -stern-, 14:24h
by -stern-, 14:22h
... Link MUSIC:
I WANT TO FUCK YOU! Nice song, nice ears! Bwah-ha-ha!
by tommyblank, 01:10h
... Link PEOPLE:
THE HOTTEST GIRL ON THE INTERNET That would be Miss Shake It, according to my referrers! I support that idea!
by tommyblank, 00:51h
... Link Sunday, 3. February 2008
FANTAWESTERN ![]() 80s-Hi-Tech-Zombie-Western
by -stern-, 18:56h
by -stern-, 18:47h
... Link TV:
THE YEAR WEB-TV BROKE The kids are on drugs, the parents are on Facebook and the writers are on strike: the web will take over as the main-distributor of entertainment in whatever way. Old School Television is only good for taking out the best clips and putting them on YouTube by now. Music Videos work best on the web by now. Shows like Chad Vader are out on DVD and there are quite a few more Webisodes worth watching. And there are so many short films and animations on the web already... Another indicator: they will have the European premiere of "Heavy Metal in Baghdad", sort of a production by Vice Magazine, at the 58th Annual Berlin International Film Festival. It was out as a streaming video last year already. Real Documentaries about real things will make Web-TV really interesting. Videoblogs about stuff that matters and not some nerd behind a desk talking to his wiener. So, you can get good stuff produced and distributed on the web, but still be recognized by a mayor film festival. That's a good thing, I guess.
by -stern-, 18:43h
... Link MUSIC:
THE WEASEL WALTER CHANNEL "The Flying Luttenbachers" are dead! But you can find Weasel Walter and Cellular Chaos over here on NonwaveTube!
by tommyblank, 18:29h
BODYMOBIL Irrer Leichenfledderer hat neue Idee: SZ: Ein Jahr nach Eröffnung seines Plastinariums will Gunther von Hagens mit dem Verkauf konservierter Körperscheiben beginnen - eine Kollektion kostet bis zu 2800 Euro.
by tommyblank, 18:17h
... Link MOVIES:
SEKOND SKIN - A DOCUMENTARY ABOUT ONLINE GAMERS Everything you ever wanted to know about people playing "World of Warcraft": Second Skin - A Pure West Film.
by tommyblank, 18:13h
... Link Saturday, 2. February 2008
by -stern-, 19:10h
... Link TV:
LOST - THE ISLAND STRIKES BACK ![]() The most amazing thing about this subculture called "Lost" is that you can choose how much time you wanna spend with it. And "Lost" really brings out the fanboy in you one more time. They're pretty good at coming back... Episode 1 of season 4, well, I really don't wanna ruin the fun for someone else, but it's all about everyone's favourite lottery-winner and the Oceanic Six. Fast forward to the future again. Some have left the island, some have not. So, who are the other three? One of them has to be Aaron, the baby. Kate is looking after the kid, not Sawyer. ![]() Find 815: Marvel Comics and Lost Crossover Archive tells me that too much smart marketing is still too much of something. Product placement in Spider-Man-comics, I don't know...
And what is it with the skyscrapers in the trailers! What's that all about? John Locke will start a new civilisation before those real-estate agents with their swift-boats make their move, or what? But those writers give us another clue you might not get without looking up the name of the mysterious man threatening poor Hurley: It's Abbadon. 0401 is the break-even. This is where the party really starts. Find 815 - Chapter 1-4 on YouTube Find 815 - Chapter 5.4 - game success
by -stern-, 18:10h
... Link Friday, 1. February 2008
EVERYBODY WANTS TO MARRY SARAH SILVERMAN! But unfortunately she's fucking Matt Damon! Yeah, very funny!
by tommyblank, 18:04h
... Link MOVIES:
CLOVERFIELD (2008) ![]() Yeah, right! No big surprise. It rocks! I wouldn't have shown the monster (remember why "Jaws" worked?) and that thing with the little twin towers and the dying love-interest in the end? Come on! It could have been a little closer to the gritty concept you guys started out with. Before the suits said "hey, you need a love story also." Seriously. Because you would have an instant classic now and not just this year's "Snakes on a motherfucking Plane." No, nothing wrong with a giant monster attacking New York, but maybe you should have kept the original name. The one with the date. Would have been more obvious for the audience in Neu-Kölln, that's for sure. And the sequel is on the way already? Well, congratulations to the writer who is like 22 years old or something and worked his way up from "Buffy", "Lost" and stuff like that. Man, relax! And do not write the sequel yourself. Sell the rights, buy an island and blame it on someone else.
by tommyblank, 03:20h
... Link Thursday, 31. January 2008
NORA BELOW - THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY ![]() 01.February 2008 – 15.February 2008 Opening 01.February 7pm GALLERY CURFEW & I Brunnenstr. 149/150 Exit (U8 Bernauer Str) 10119 Berlin Germany - Tel. 0049-172-1853550 Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday 12 Uhr – 19 Uhr as well as by request The gallery Curfew & I presents Nora Belows' exhibition "Through a glass darkly", a series of large-scale oil paintings on the relationship between film and painting. Her work is concerned with the representation of reflection and despair in films by Bergman, Fassbinder, Kassovitz and Ullmann. Her choice of scale, colour and composition confront the viewer with the absence of a distance to the characters. Sharp edged fragments constructed to new forms finally crystallize to the figure. Nora Below uses painting to strip off obscurity around the figures, aiming for high visual impact. Events: Mi, 06.02.2008 8pm Movie Night: Through a glass darkly (OmU) by Ingmar Bergman Fr, 08.02.2008 8pm Performance / DJs Mi, 13.02.2008 8pm Movie Night: La Haine (OmU) by Mathieu Kassovitz Fr, 15.02.2008 8pm Finissage Possibly there will be additional film nights; please check gallery homepage: curfew.co.nr For further information on Nora Below please view her homepage: www.norabelow.de
by tommyblank, 17:37h
... Link BERLIN:
ÖPNV MIT HUNDEN Immer wieder erheiternd: die Abteilung Psycholinguale Miniaturen (Sozio-Poetik/Stimmenhören) des Berliner Erratik Instituts. Da lohnt das nachmittägliche Stöbern im Archiv! Diese Woche: U-Hermannplatz, 1115h, zwei Junkies unterhalten sich. Typ: "Wenn ich in' Knast geh' geht mein Hund kaputt. Der frisst dann nix mehr, dass sachichdir. Frau: "Ach Quatsch! Als du die Woche im Krankenhaus warst hat er ja auch gefressn." Typ: "Das war was anderes. Da hat er gedacht: Herrchen is auf Party." U-Kottbusser Tor, 2307h. Ein Typ mit Hund schnorrt einen an, der auf die U-Bahn wartet. "Ey, haste mal 'nen Euro." Der andere schüttelt den Kopf. "Aber meine Hündin is schwanger." "Hättste halt besser aufpassen müssen oder 'nen Gummi benutzen."
by tommyblank, 17:24h
... Link MOVIES:
CLOOOOOOOVERFIELD! What if I don't make it in time tonight? I ordered the popcorn already....!
by -stern-, 17:06h
... Link MOVIES:
ONLINE GARAGE "The Online Garage Studio is an online preproduction platform: a virtual space at the Berlinale Talent Campus where participants of the Garage Studio can connect and make plans before arriving in Berlin. (...) Four 'Garage Flick' directors have already selected their teams and are now developing their ideas before their arrival in Berlin to shoot, edit and upload their Flicks."
by -stern-, 16:59h
... Link BERLIN:
LOOKS LIKE I'LL BE BLOGGING THE BERLINALE TALENT CAMPUS 2008 Until the 14th of February you will find all kinds of hot content right here. Check out the pink button!
by -stern-, 16:56h
... Link PEOPLE:
WER ODER WAS IST EMO UND WELCHE KLAMOTTEN TRÄGT MAN DA SO... What is Emo? "A musical genre/ scene that has almost 1000 definitions in urban dictionary most of which are making fun of it." Found by Kim.
by tommyblank, 12:29h
... Link MOVIES:
THE COUNTESS - JULIE DELPY DOES BERLIN Writing, directing and acting - the girl's got guts! And she's got Vincent Gallo, Daniel Brühl and William Hurt by her side. And I'm a fan already. I mean, what a line-up, Julie! Production will start next monday in Babelsberg. By the way, it's a remake of Countess Dracula...
by -stern-, 02:22h
... Link Comics:
BRIAN WOOD - CHANNEL ZERO - FREE DOWNLOAD I love that book. It's soooo underappreciated. If you liked "Watchmen" and all that... This is the most radical comic of the media age. And it came out in the stone ages. Black and white. Dave Sim. Self-Publishing. All that Jazz. Have a look: Via Warren Ellis
by -stern-, 02:16h
... Link Wednesday, 30. January 2008
THE DIXIE CHICKS - SHUT UP AND SING ![]() Ein hervorragender Film über die Ära von King George II und gleichzeitig ein überaus gelungener Einblick in den Alltag der Musikindustrie. Kein "die Jungs auf Tour"-Quatsch, keine Anekdoten über stinkende Socken im Tourbus, nichts von all dem Klischeescheiß, den Männer so abkurbeln. Urspünglich nur als Tour-Doku angelegt, gerät die Regisseurin mitten rein in eine Debatte um die Dixie Chicks, die man in dieser Form wohl nur in den USA erleben kann. Es waren nur 12 Worte, ein kleiner Witz über den Präsidenten bei einem Gig in London. 12 Worte, die den Medien genügten um aus der erfolgreichsten Frauenband aller Zeiten über Nacht eine Gruppe von Staatsfeinden zu machen. In jeder Hinsicht ein bemerkenswerter Film. Volle Punktzahl!
by tommyblank, 12:36h
... Link PRODUCTS:
by tommyblank, 11:33h
... Link Tuesday, 29. January 2008
HELGE SCHNEIDER Interview im "Tagesspiegel": "Einkariert: Total dämlich. Kariert kennt man, kleinkariert kennt man auch, keinkariert kann man auch noch verstehen, aber einkariert, das ist eine unheimliche enge Welt, irgendwo. "
by -stern-, 22:48h
by tommyblank, 18:44h
by tommyblank, 18:40h
... Link TV:
DEUTSCHE FERNSEHSPACKEN WIEDER AM JAMMERN Tagesspiegel: „In der Primetime gibt es eine hohe Affinität zu US-Ware, dagegen hat es die deutsche Serie momentan richtig schwer.“ -Sich womöglich ma' selbst was ausdenken und nicht nur schmierige Rip-Offs beliebter Formate aus dem Ausland produzieren? Wie wäre es mit folgender Idee: Ein Touristenbomber auf dem Weg nach Malle kommt irgendwie vom Kurs ab und notlandet irgendwo auf einer ebenso einsamen wie unerforschten Insel, die auf keiner Karte verzeichnet ist und allerhand Geheimnisse zu verbergen hat. Unter der Führung des Kinderarztes Manfred Müller gelingt es den Überlebenden....
by tommyblank, 14:48h
HOBBIT NAME GENERATOR I'm Mungo Maggot. I kind of like the sound of that.... My elvish name would be Finrod Telperiën.
by tommyblank, 14:43h
... Link BERLIN:
BWAH-HAHA! "ULF POSCHARDT - LEADER OF THE PACK" New York Times kocht ma' wieder die Story von den Hansastudios auf und beruft sich dabei auf seinen wichtigsten Informanten: "Ulf Poschardt, the editor of the German edition of Vanity Fair and leader of a 30-something pack of night-owl journalists." Dieser wiederum führt die New York Times gnädigerweise in die "Paris Bar" ein, wo er sich dann wohl ausführlich über den Glanz von Charlottenburg ausließ. Geil! Liebe New York Times, da hat man Euch ordentlich verladen. Dieser Poschardt ist ein armer Tropf und allenfalls der Leader einer handvoll speichelleckender Praktikanten, die deutsche "Vanity Fair" taugt nicht einmal zum drüber lachen, der interessante Teil der Berliner Kunstwelt findet weiterhin in Wedding oder im nördlichen Mitte statt und die "Paris Bar" ist ein Örtchen für Wichtigtuer, die im Charlottenburger "Diener" nicht mal einen Stuhl angeboten bekommen (...und natürlich für die minderjährigen Mätressen Londoner Mittelstandsgangster, die dort auf reiche Trottel warten um ihnen irgendein Wahnsinnsprojekt aufzuschwatzen.) Next time, call us and we take you to the all-new "London Bar" in Kreuzberg.
by tommyblank, 14:37h
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