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Sunday, 18. May 2008
IRAN BUSTS CIA TERROR NETWORK Tehran Times Political Desk - The Intelligence Ministry on Saturday released details of the detection and dismantling of a terrorist network affiliated to the United States. (...) The group’s plans were devised in the U.S., according to the announcement, which added that they had planned to carry out a number of acts such as bombing scientific, educational, and religious centers, shooting people, and making public places in various cities insecure. One of the terrorists was killed in the operation, but the rest are in detention, the Intelligence Ministry said, adding that the group’s main objective was to create fear among the people. The United States Central Intelligence Agency comprehensively supported the terrorist group by arming it, training its members, and sponsoring its inhumane activities in Iran, the Intelligence Ministry stated."
by tommyblank, 14:03h
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NEW WEIRD AMERICA IS NEW OLD WEIRD AMERICA Well, there is New Weird America and there is Old Weird America
by tommyblank, 14:00h
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FACEBOOK AND FRIENDS - YOUR DATA IS ALL OVER THE PLACE Techcrunch.com found out some interesting things you should know about : "How much are your friends worth? That is the question behind the big debate going on around social networks and data portability. In the last ten days, Facebook, Google, and MySpace have all announced ways to let people access their data (including friends lists) from other sites, except that what they are really trying to do is erect new walled gardens by positioning themselves as the primary repository of that personal and social data. This is valuable data and none of the big players want to cede any more of it than is necessary, which is why Facebook banned Google from tapping into its members’ social data. But here’s a little secret. All of this data is already leaking out in ways that Facebook and other social networks can hardly control. " Read the story at Techcrunch.com
by tommyblank, 13:57h
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by tommyblank, 13:46h
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A LAZY SUNDAY WITH THE MUPPETS Check out the most excellent 30 YEARS ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL (1986) and "The Muppets Celebrate Jim Henson", a CBS special broadcast shortly after the death of Jim Henson. Both are over here. Also: Don't miss this one: Jim Henson Explores the Process of Visual Thinking. Kermit on LSD. Pretty awesome! Very sad: Jim Henson Funeral Muppet Tribute pt.1 Jim Henson Funeral Muppet Tribute pt.2
by tommyblank, 13:29h
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MUPPETS: OSCAR THE GROUCH - I LOVE TRASH (1969) Gordon: "Great trash song!" This is the original version when Oscar was still orange (....kind of like The Hulk who used to be gray when he started hulking out). Every nerd's theme song! Here's the version you grew up with: Classic Sesame Street - Oscar sings "I Love Trash" (1970) The modern version: Sesame Street - I Love Trash (1991)
by tommyblank, 13:19h
... Link TV:
MUPPETS - BEN STILLER IS A BIG CHEESE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD Original Version: Sesame Street & legendary Bob McGrath - Who Are The People In Your Neighborhood?
by tommyblank, 13:09h
... Link TV:
MUPPETS - "SING" WITH VARIOUS CELEBRITIES From Muppet Wikia: "Sing" was written for the first season of Sesame Street. It has been sung countless times on the show, with many different singers. Some versions have included the lyrics in both English and Spanish (the latter written by Emilio Delgado). Like "Bein' Green," it too has become an American standard. The song as covered by The Carpenters reached number 3 on the Billboard pop charts in 1973. (...) A celebrity montage has been seen on Sesame Street (EKA: Episode 3952) featuring Vanessa Williams, Nathan Lane, Conan O'Brien, Denyce Graves, Natalie Merchant, Patti LaBelle, Gloria Estefan, Katie Couric, Ben Stiller, Maya Angelou, R.E.M., Doug E. Doug, Ossie Davis, Garth Brooks, Fran Drescher, Noah Wyle, Terrell Davis, Ruby Dee, Rosemary Clooney, Bela Fleck and Mr. Noodle. HERE IS THE VIDEO: Sesame Street: Celebrities Sing An alternate version appearing on the What's the Name of That Song? home video release omits several individuals, but also includes The Dixie Chicks, Peter Jennings and Liam Neeson."
by tommyblank, 12:50h
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MUPPETS - OLD MACDONALD GOES GAGA Sesame Street - Old MacDonald Cantata Old MacDonald had een fitnesscentrum (Dutch Sesame Street) Sesame Street- Old MacDonald Had a Spaceship Wattamack4 - Great Channel on YouTube with a whole lot of Vintage Muppets
by tommyblank, 12:32h
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MUPPETS - HOW TO BEHAVE AT THE MOVIES This one is for Sister Chain! "Don't talk during the movies!" This is an old commercial for Loews Theatres
by tommyblank, 12:21h
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MAD MONSTER PARTY? Stop-Motion Classic written by Harvey Kurtzman, designed by Jack Davis, voices by Boris Karloff, Gale Garnett and others and it comes with a groovy soundtrack. IMDB Info DVD - Mad Monster Party Now, everybody do The Mummy Dance! Our time to shine - performed by Gale Garnett More videos: Mad Monster Party - Trailer Mad Monster Party - Opening Theme Mad Monster Party - Ethel Ennis Sings MAD MONSTER PARTY - GALE GARNETT - Never was a love like mine
by tommyblank, 12:10h
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THE PSYCHOTRONIC GUIDE TO ARCHIVE.ORG A really cool list of psychotronic movies you can download for free. Via boingboing.net
by tommyblank, 11:43h
... Link Saturday, 17. May 2008
by tommyblank, 17:01h
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THE COWBOY KILLERS The boys from New York are still in town. Check'em out, they do some fine yodelling! A little video from last night: DATES: 17.Mai.2008 22:00 Evicition Party in Friedrichshain 18.Mai.2008 20:00 Vor:Wien in Kreuzberg 22.Mai.2008 20:00 Mano’s Cafe, Berlin
by tommyblank, 17:00h
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by tommyblank, 16:55h
by tommyblank, 16:54h
... Link BERLIN:
by -stern-, 14:20h
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2 DUDES, 1 SNACK "It's a mystery why we're still watching this!" (Brother John) "I watched it the other night and they're not even on the island anymore." (Det. Sr. Const. Anna Lise Phillips)
by tommyblank, 13:37h
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TOM WAITS - IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD This one goes out to Kreuzberg, Kings Cross and the Lower Eastside!
by tommyblank, 13:16h
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by tommyblank, 12:29h
by tommyblank, 12:21h
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by tommyblank, 12:16h
THE FUNNIEST VIDEO YOU WILL SEE THIS WEEK! Don't miss Jesus Catching A Dude Watching Porno! More fine christian videos at GodTube
by tommyblank, 12:14h
... Link MEDIA:
PRO7 HAT EIN PROBLEM Spannende Story bei Telepolis: In einem Beitrag für sein "Handelsblatt"-Weblog schrieb Thomas Knüwer am vergangenen Sonntag gleich zu Anfang viel sagend: "Die einzelnen Folgen der Model-Casting-Show ,Germany's Next Topmodel' werden einige Wochen vor ihrer Ausstrahlung abgedreht. Stellt sich die Frage: Lässt es sich wochenlang geheim halten, wer die Siegerin ist? Nach meinen Informationen – nein."
by tommyblank, 12:11h
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WHEN KERMIT MET ROWLF "I Hope That Something Better Comes Along" from "The Muppet Movie" "She made a monkey out of King Kong..." Bwah-ha!
by tommyblank, 11:43h
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NEW FREE DOCUMENTARIES No End In Sight - Full Documentary The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D'oh! of Homer Strong City: End of the World Cult Hippies - Full History Channel Documentary
by tommyblank, 11:39h
... Link PEOPLE:
DIE KROATISCHE POLIZEI ERMITTELT Woman sat dead in front of TV for 42 years: "Croatian police said she was last seen by neighbours in 1966, when she would have been 42 years old. (...) A police spokesman said: "So far, we have no idea how it is possible that someone officially reported missing so long ago was not found before in the same apartment she used to live in."
by tommyblank, 11:26h
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WARNER BULLEN - UNTERHALTUNGSKONZERN BESCHÄFTIGT POLIZISTEN DÜRFEN DIE DAS??? Die ganze Story beim ORF Abt. Futurezone: "Die Betreiber von The Pirate Bay haben gegen einen Polizisten, der gegen die schwedische Torrent-Tracker-Site ermittelte und nun für die Unterhaltungsindustrie arbeitet, Strafanzeige eingebracht. Mitte März wechselte der schwedische Polizist Jim Keyzer, der die Vorermittlungen gegen die Torrent-Tracker-Site The Pirate Bay leitete, für sechs Monate zum Filmstudio Warner Bros. Der Medienkonzern gehört zu den Klägern im derzeit laufenden Verfahren gegen die Pirate-Bay-Betreiber."
by tommyblank, 11:23h
... Link TV:
BATMAN - GOTHAM KNIGHT The new animated series looks pretty cool too. Trailer and Sneak Peek over in the VIDEOS or at BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHT - Official Site
by tommyblank, 11:10h
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TRAILER: "FRINGE" BY J.J. ABRAMS ("ALIAS", LOST") Official Synopsis: "When an international flight lands at Boston's Logan Airport and the passengers and crew have all died grisly deaths, FBI Special Agent OLIVIA DUNHAM (newcomer Anna Torv) is called in to investigate. After her partner, Special Agent JOHN SCOTT (Mark Valley, "Boston Legal"), is nearly killed during the investigation, a desperate Olivia searches frantically for someone to help, leading her to DR. WALTER BISHOP (John Noble, "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King"), our generation's Einstein. There's only one catch: he's been institutionalized for the last 20 years, and the only way to question him requires pulling his estranged son PETER (Joshua Jackson, "Dawson's Creek") in to help.
TRAILER: More: fringe-online.net
by tommyblank, 10:59h
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