CAB CALLOWAY SINGS "HI DE HO MAN" ON SESAME STREET YouTube : "Sesame Street has had guest stars from nearly all eras of the 20th century. It's extremely hard these days to find an entertainer with the impact and talent of someone like "Cabby" Calloway."
by -stern-, 14:45h
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VIDEOS The Old Video Archive is over here. I will start a new one soon and let you know.
by tommyblank, 15:07h
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THE SIMPSONS - MAPPLE STORE OPENS IN SPRINGFIELD - S20E07 "You think you're cool because you buy a $500 phone with a picture of a fruit on it. Well guess what? They cost 8 bucks to make and I pee on every one!" shouts Steve Mobs with the Bart Simpson voiceover. That was definetely one of the best episodes ever. You should like soooo check it out. Lisa gets a Mypod, Bart gets a muslim friend and Homer gets into a lot of trouble. The parody of Steve Jobs was solid comedy gold.
by -stern-, 13:15h
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MOGADISCHU Heute den ganzen Abend in der ARD. Hat vorher reichlich Lorbeeren kassiert. Wollen mal sehen.
by tommyblank, 17:15h
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A COLBERT CHRISTMAS Can't wait to see this! Comedy Central Insider - A Colbert Xmas to Feature Elvis Costello, Feist, Toby Keith, John Legend, Willie Nelson and Jon Stewart! The Colbertnation has some videos.
by tommyblank, 11:45h
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24-REDEMPTION : JACK BAUER DOES AFRICA "I'm not going back to America!" (Jack Bauer) Wie, was, der knochenharte Geheimagent wird im nicht so richtig dolle angekündigten TV Movie plötzlich zum Obama im Felde? Kurz vor der 7. Staffel ein Ausflug zu den Kindersoldaten in Afrika und da nützt dann auch das Handy nichts. Erfrischende Renovierung und natürlich "testing ground" gen Kinoversion!
by tommyblank, 01:21h
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SWITCH RELOADED Tatsächlich ganz lustig! Gibt ja sonst keine Satire in Deutschland... Die aktuelle Folge (Youtube) ist nicht so richtig stark, aber die Typen sind auf dem richtigen Weg. Eigentlich ganz okay....
by tommyblank, 00:27h
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by -stern-, 14:47h
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by -stern-, 00:26h
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by -stern-, 17:13h
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MONTY PYTHON LAUNCH THEIR OWN YOUTUBE CHANNEL Check it out yourself: "For 3 years you YouTubers have been ripping us off, taking tens of thousands of our videos and putting them on YouTube. Now the tables are turned. It's time for us to take matters into our own hands." IT'S ABOUT TIME FOR THE GALAXY SONG!
by tommyblank, 11:51h
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FLOWTV - A PLACE FOR TV DEBATES FlowTV is a critical forum on television and media culture published by the Department of Radio, Television, and Film at the University of Texas at Austin. Flow’s mission is to provide a space where the public can discuss the changing landscape of contemporary media. They have an interesting Sarah Palin Special. and something for everyone: "Quality Television, Melodrama, and Cultural Complexity" by Michael Kackman / University of Texas - Austin
by tommyblank, 16:11h
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DEAD SET - ZOMBIES ATTACK THE BIG BROTHER HOUSE! I finally started watching this.... Like everyone else.... OMFG, this is probably the best new british TV show since I don't know what and also a new level of telling a story.... Get it via speckly.com! I'm seeding like crazy!
by -stern-, 00:38h
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OMFG - WATCH THE NEW "SOUTH PARK! PURE GENIUS! Best Quote: My phone is going ringy! (Sarah Palin) You gotta watch it right away to understand how clever it is! What a great way of telling the story and adding all that stuff they did last minute. Very impressive! All videos are over here or look for torrents of South.Park.S12E12.
by tommyblank, 20:46h
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HITLERS LEIBGERICHTE Bei dieser Nachricht dürften sich Guido Knopp und sämtliche Fernsehköche irgendwo himbeißen... Daily Mail: "A TV show re-creating Adolf Hitler's favourite meal has come under fire from Jewish and political prisoner organisations. In a programme for the Belgian series 'Plat Prefere', or 'Favourite Dish', cook Jeroen Meus goes to Hitler's haunts in southern Germany to prepare trout with butter sauce, 'a succulent festive meal'. It is due to be shown next week. Criticism was led yesterday by Michael Freilich, the editor of Joods Actueel magazine, who said it was worrying that Hitler is being turned into a banal figure, thus sending 'the wrong signal' to a younger generation. "
by -stern-, 15:32h
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CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEW "SOUTH PARK".... Can they be thaaaaat fast? Did they prepare two versions? They can't fuck this one up. While the country celebrates, the President-elect catches everyone off guard when he arrives at the White House prematurely. From the Oval Office, the new Commander-In-Chief assembles his team and prepares for the job ahead.
by -stern-, 22:21h
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KATERVIDEO - "STAYIN ALIVE" MIT TANZENDEN SCHWEINEFRANZOSEN drcm1973 who has lots of great clips: The Muppet Show, Season Three, Episode 61 (with Helen Reddy). Opening number: Miss Piggy, dressed as Marie Antoinette, sings Saturday Night Fever's hit "Stayin' Alive" with a group of French Revolution-era pigs. And then there is this one too: Miss Piggy - I WILL SURVIVE (1982)
by tommyblank, 14:12h
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DEAD SET - ZOMBIES ATTACK BIG BROTHER HOUSE A clash of fiction and reality TV, this is just to good to be true! Channel 4: "Britain has a big problem. The dead are returning to life and attacking the living. The people they kill get up and kill – and it’s spreading like wildfire. Curiously, there are a few people left in Britain who aren’t worried about any of this – that’s because they’re the remaining contestants in Big Brother. Cocooned in the safety of the Big Brother house, they’re blissfully unaware of the horrific events unfolding outside. Until an eviction night when all hell breaks loose." Via Nerdcore
by tommyblank, 13:24h
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INTERVIEW WITH JOHN HODGMAN avclub.com had a really interesting chat with Mister Hodgman: "Before his life-altering appearance on The Daily Show With Jon Stewart on November 16, 2005, author and humorist John Hodgman logged time as a literary agent (for Bruce Campbell, among others) and as a freelance writer, editor, and/or reviewer for publications as diverse as McSweeney's (for which he wrote the absurdist column "Ask A Former Professional Literary Agent"), The Paris Review, Wired, Time Out New York, and The New York Times Magazine. But after he was invited to appear on The Daily Show to promote his first book The Areas Of My Expertise, his eccentric and hilarious almanac of fake trivia, he quickly became, in his words, "a famous minor television personality." For the two years running, Hodgman has been a semi-regular correspondent on the show, turning his super-elite "Resident Expert" persona on topics such as net neutrality, art authentication, the "staycation" (or "holistay"), the plague of diseased immigrants, and mixed martial arts. He's also gained recognition as the PC in the "Get A Mac" commercial series "
by tommyblank, 15:37h
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TATORT.DE Die haben heute gut gerockt, die FreundInnen von Fatih Akim. Der neue Hamburger "Tatort" kriegt alle Daumen hoch. Ganz knallharte Fans debattieren nicht unbedingt sehr zahlreich bei Tatort.de oder in der richtigen Welt z. B. in der Matilda (beliebte Kneipe im Kreuzberger Ausgehbezirk AA23 auf Google Earth!) gegenüber, wo sonntäglich der "Tatort" für Singles und Strohwitwer geboten wird... Dafür besser überpünktlich kommen oder Fresse halten. Ey, ich hab' immer noch den originohl Tatort-Klingelton...! Bushido wäre sicher sehr beeindruckt!
by -stern-, 00:38h
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by tommyblank, 02:02h
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"HELP" (BBC2) Brilliant show! Brilliant Paul Whitehouse. Highly recommended! Chris Langham plays Peter, a psychotherapist who's clients are all played by Paul Whitehouse. The dvd seems to be sold out, but all 6 episodes are available on YouTube. Reminds me a lot of "Stadt in Angst" by The Soulcage Department...
by tommyblank, 15:36h
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UNBREAKABLE - TORTURETAINMENT Daily Mail: "A reality television show has been accused of crossing the line from entertainment to sadism. In Channel 5's Unbreakable the contestants are buried alive, trapped in a tent full of CS gas and must wade through piranha-infested water. They are also subjected to waterboarding - a torture technique used by the CIA on terror suspects. (...) The presenter, explorer Benedict Allen, admitted that he was concerned about their (the contestants) safety and state of mind. He said: 'We knew we couldn't afford to kill anyone but yes, there were times when I was seriously worried. It got pretty hairy. "
by tommyblank, 11:48h
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DIE TAGE BEI "BUTEN UN' BINNEN" Das preisgekrönte Regionalmagazin aus Bremen gibt es auch im Internet. Schoten der Woche: mein Bruder und seine Familie bekamen Besuch von einem Koch (es gab Kartoffel-Möhren-Stampf mit Curry) und der Historiker Hanno Balz erklärt uns die RAF
by -stern-, 12:55h
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Trailer: Torrents:
by -stern-, 15:13h
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ROBIN WILLIAMS IN 1979 Comedian Robin Williams hijacks an interview by keeping the journalist in stitches.
by -stern-, 14:25h
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LOST 2.0 ON G4 edshrinker says: "This little 4 minute piece is pulled from the hourlong special run on G4 following their Comic Con Coverage. This clip deals exclusively with the internet influence on the show and visa versa. It is a promo piece introducing their "LOST in 2.0" (every episode from the very beginning, enhanced with on-screen facts and creator commentaries)show that begins September 15."
by -stern-, 12:57h
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MUPPETS - BEAKER, BUNSEN AND SOME PENGUINS Great! Don't miss Beaker's Ode To Joy
by -stern-, 12:36h
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HURLEY SINGS! Related: Jorge Garcia sings Elvis. Fans, check out The Lost Vault: Some bloopers from Season 4, uncut scenes and more nonsense we haven't seen yet is over here. Looks like previews of dvd extras.
by -stern-, 12:30h
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by tommyblank, 21:03h
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DER PHANTASTISCHE REBELL ALEXANDER MORITZ FREY oder Hitler schießt dramatisch in die Luft
DER ROTE ELVIS oder Das kuriose Leben eines US-Rockstars in der DDR
Taschenbuch (7,95 € / 14,80 Sfr /3-7466-2261-1) (Hardcover, 314 Seiten, 34 Abbildungen, 22,50 €)
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...Playlist: Songs for the Sun ...Story: Jobs - Work in progress ...Buffalo Bill und der Western als Weltanschauung ...Comics: Animal Man & the Meta-Fiction Discussion ...Buch: Tomte - Die Schönheit der Chance ...Comics: Nach der Krise ist vor der Krise ...Politik: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation ...Art: Destino - The Disney/Dali-Project ...Medien: Lost: Mindfuck Marketing ...Musik: Kettcar: Im Bett mit Marcus Wiebusch