ADD BACON TO THIS BLOG! In case you want bacon: bacolicio.us
by -stern-, 14:50h
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WIE BITTE? Meine YouTube Favorites haben ihr Maximum von 650 erreicht.... Mehr geht nicht, sagen die von YouTube. Her mit einer neuen Lösung, sage ich. Naja, das aktuelle Widget auf der rechten Seite ist noch frisch bestückt. Da spielt ein Astronaut Schlagzeug, George W. wird mit Schuhen beworfen, die Hobbymasters machen Kindern Angst und Musik ist auch dabei. Geht für heute noch.
by tommyblank, 16:28h
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CCC CONGRESS 09 - SURVEILLANCE IN TEN YEARS A big experiment involving 14 chairs coming up at the 25th Chaos Communication Congress (27-29 December, Berliner Congress Centre, Berlin, Germany) CCC "The Open Attendee Meta-Data (OpenAMD) system and SocioPatterns.org will merge RFID technology with social networking to create live visualizations based on people's locations and interests. For only €10, over a thousand conference attendees can upgrade their badges to participate in a real life incarnation of Harry Potter's "Marauder's Map."
by -stern-, 14:41h
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by tommyblank, 16:15h
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EAT MY DUST! Internet, Du bist zu langsam!
by tommyblank, 01:01h
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DAS VIDEO WIDGET LÄDT NICHT NACH! I know! Wir beobachten die Verstopfung! Bis dahin gibt es die neuen Videos gebündelt beim YouTube... Hat einer die Livenummer gesehen? War Fred wieder scheiße?
by tommyblank, 00:21h
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by -stern-, 15:31h
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WINDOWS AZURE - MICROSOFT ZÄUMT DIE REALITÄT VON HINTEN AUF Futurezone.orf.at: "Der weltgrößte Software-Konzern Microsoft läutet einen Strategieschwenk ein: Über eine neue Variante seines Windows-Betriebssystems mit dem Namen 'Windows Azure' steigt der Konzern ins wachsende Geschäft mit externen Rechenzentren und Software via Web ein. Unternehmen sollen so massiv Kosten sparen und flexibler werden. "
by tommyblank, 23:11h
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THAT NEW VIDEO WIDGET ON THE RIGHT Any opinions? Does it take longer to load or something?
by tommyblank, 01:50h
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TWITTER IS PENIS Twenis: "We hijack innocent tweets, subject them to our patent pending penisization process by replacing certain words with 'penis', and republish it for your entertainment. We find it funny."
by tommyblank, 01:20h
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SEINFELD HELPS BILL GATES BUY NEW SHOES Computerworld has the new commercial for Microsoft Windows. See video inside the story. I find it funny!
by tommyblank, 14:05h
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GOOGLE LAUNCHES IT'S OWN BROWSER See the comic and more over here!
by -stern-, 10:39h
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DUNGEONS & DRAGONS FACEBOOK APP - TRUE NERDS WILL NEVER SLEEP AGAIN"! And I thought that sending people virtual Star Wars Action Figures on Facebook is a waste of time...! Wired: The last thing we probably need is something else to distract us on Facebook, but let's now welcome the Dungeons & Dragons: Tiny Adventures app to help hack away at our daily productivity.
by -stern-, 00:46h
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THE WEBSITE IS DOWN If you work in IT or you just like the "IT-Crowd" on TV and you're able to turn your computer off and on again: you will love this short film (10 minutes) - The Website is Down: Sales Guy vs. Web Dude. That's what I would call a true desktop production! Watch it 'til the end or you gonna miss the funniest penis-joke ever.
by -stern-, 19:26h
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101 PHOTOSHOP TIPS IN 5 MINUTES Really cool video at Photojojo.com: "How can you not love a guy who creates a frantic, hand-waving, occasionally obscenity-strewn, rap music video… about Photoshop keyboard shortcuts? 101 Photoshop Tips in 5 Minutes — This is Rapid-Fire Learning, Folks"
by tommyblank, 20:47h
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by -stern-, 15:32h
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EXTREM COOLE SUCHMASCHINE Immer mehr Besucher kommen von hier! Wie geil!
by -stern-, 18:39h
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by -stern-, 15:44h
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CORPORATE PENIS ENVY Interesting post over at Tim O'Reilly's Radar: "We're collectively working on an Internet Operating System, and that it will ultimately look more like Unix than it looks like Windows. That is, it will be an aggregate of best of breed tools produced by an army of independent actors, all playing by the same rules so that those tools work together to produce a whole greater than the sum of the parts. (...) While they [Microsoft] are locked in penis envy, all the really cute girls are going out with startups :-)"
by tommyblank, 11:59h
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3.1 C:> win You can not win with Windows. Type "lose" to start. C:> From Weird Error Messages
by -stern-, 13:54h
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by tommyblank, 20:04h
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FACEBOOK AND FRIENDS - YOUR DATA IS ALL OVER THE PLACE Techcrunch.com found out some interesting things you should know about : "How much are your friends worth? That is the question behind the big debate going on around social networks and data portability. In the last ten days, Facebook, Google, and MySpace have all announced ways to let people access their data (including friends lists) from other sites, except that what they are really trying to do is erect new walled gardens by positioning themselves as the primary repository of that personal and social data. This is valuable data and none of the big players want to cede any more of it than is necessary, which is why Facebook banned Google from tapping into its members’ social data. But here’s a little secret. All of this data is already leaking out in ways that Facebook and other social networks can hardly control. " Read the story at Techcrunch.com
by tommyblank, 13:57h
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by tommyblank, 18:22h
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GOOGLE KLAGT GEGEN NUTZUNG VON GOOGLE EARTH? Basicthinking.de: "Lässt Google seine Kunden in die Abmahnfalle laufen? Klar ist, dass es unklar ist, wie und wann man Screens von Google Earth machen kann.(...) Obwohl also Google dazu auffordert, Kartenmaterial aus GMaps auf seiner Seite einzubinden, dazu gar eine eigene Funktion anbietet, müssen kommerzielle Seite davon die Finger lassen!!"
by tommyblank, 12:47h
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by tommyblank, 15:04h
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ORIGINAL DESIGN GANGSTA Since I'm still working on "that other online community project", this one made my night! Thanks to Billy Boy, the Bongokönig. "Gangsta rap-style video about graphic design. Check out the store at www.cafepress.com/designgangsta or download the ODG mp3 from kyletwebster.com."
by -stern-, 03:03h
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by -stern-, 11:24h
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TWINE Ich finde es bedenklich, dass "once Twine has some information, it starts to analyze it and automatically sort it into categories that include the people involved, concepts discussed, and places, organizations, and companies." Wollt Ihr den totalen Mashup? Und wann muss sich jeder Bürger gesetzlich in einem sozialen Internetz zur Schau stellen? Wer ist schneller, Microsoft oder ollen Schäuble? Machen alle mit...
by tommyblank, 19:46h
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LAPTOP WITH A MISSION The New York Times about the "$100 laptop" : In November, you’ll be able to buy a new laptop that’s spillproof, rainproof, dustproof and drop-proof. It’s fanless, it’s silent and it weighs 3.2 pounds. One battery charge will power six hours of heavy activity, or 24 hours of reading. The laptop has a built-in video camera, microphone, memory-card slot, graphics tablet, game-pad controllers and a screen that rotates into a tablet configuration. And this laptop will cost $200. The computer, if you hadn’t already guessed, is the fabled “$100 laptop” that’s been igniting hype and controversy for three years. It’s an effort by One Laptop Per Child (laptop.org) to develop a very low-cost, high-potential, extremely rugged computer for the two billion educationally underserved children in poor countries."
by -stern-, 15:41h
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YOUTUBE-API IRGENDWIE NOCH IN DEN KINDERSCHUHEN... Seit Tagen wird da nicht ordentlich nachgeladen und der RSS-Feed ordnet nicht akkurat nach dem Datum der Markierung. Widget wieder ausgebaut und die Sache ma' beobachten.
by tommyblank, 21:50h
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DER PHANTASTISCHE REBELL ALEXANDER MORITZ FREY oder Hitler schießt dramatisch in die Luft
DER ROTE ELVIS oder Das kuriose Leben eines US-Rockstars in der DDR
Taschenbuch (7,95 € / 14,80 Sfr /3-7466-2261-1) (Hardcover, 314 Seiten, 34 Abbildungen, 22,50 €)
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...Playlist: Songs for the Sun ...Story: Jobs - Work in progress ...Buffalo Bill und der Western als Weltanschauung ...Comics: Animal Man & the Meta-Fiction Discussion ...Buch: Tomte - Die Schönheit der Chance ...Comics: Nach der Krise ist vor der Krise ...Politik: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation ...Art: Destino - The Disney/Dali-Project ...Medien: Lost: Mindfuck Marketing ...Musik: Kettcar: Im Bett mit Marcus Wiebusch