BETTIE PAGE - DEATH OF AN ICON Manohla Dargis in the New York Times - Always Comfortable in Her Own Skin: The art critic John Berger once wrote: “To be naked is to be oneself. To be nude is to be seen naked by others and yet not recognized for oneself.” I’m pretty certain he never met Bettie Page, naked, nude or otherwise." latimesblog: "Hugh Hefner, who knew Bettie when she was young and when she resurfaced, told AP yesterday: "I think that she was a remarkable lady, an iconic figure in pop culture who influenced sexuality, taste in fashion, someone who had a tremendous impact on our society. She was a very dear person.""
by -stern-, 14:55h
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RESIDENTS.COM The website has changed a bit. If you wanna know the true identities of the greatest mystery band of all time (you will probably be pretty disappointed!), go to one of their shows in time, hang around the bar and look for a small group of people having exactly one drink together while watching the audience from the back. That's their little ritual before they go backstage to put on their costumes.
by tommyblank, 13:44h
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WAR IS OVER (IF YOU WANT IT) It's been 28 years today.... It's John Lennon Day. Shut down your computer and do something to make this world a better place. Posted by the very underestimated and very misinterpreted Y0K0ON0 Did you see the Official Beatles Channel on YouTube?
by tommyblank, 18:56h
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R.I.P. FORREST J ACKERMAN - MR. SCIENCE FICTION PASSED AWAY He must have been a wonderful person. I always wanted to go and see the legendary Ackermanison and interview him about Jack Parsons. Monsters and aliens are crying. Harry Knowles has published his "just in case" letter: " in 2003 - Forry sent me a letter contemplating his own impending death that he had asked me to pass on in case he passed away. This is his personal statement and closing thoughts on life that he wished for me to share. Things he wanted to set straight according to his personal beliefs and philosophies. It is especially hard to read today..." HauntedMuseum: Here are some surviving clips of the interview and the "tour" of his home cum museum.
by -stern-, 14:37h
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SCARED OF SANTA Funny pictures by readers of the Chicago Tribune
by tommyblank, 10:49h
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by tommyblank, 12:57h
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by tommyblank, 13:10h
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by tommyblank, 17:40h
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Mehr im wachsenden Flickr Set der Nachbarin: Gags & Gore / Hardcore 90er (inclusive nacktem Hno!)
by -stern-, 19:46h
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DERRIDA - DOCUMENTARY DERRIDA :: A FILM BY KIRBY DICK AND AMY ZIERING KOFMAN - Documentary from 2002 (86 min., english subtitles)
by -stern-, 17:17h
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MARRY OUR DAUGHTER - KIDS FOR SALE Can this be real? Is it just someone's sick imagination? "Marry Our Daughter is an introduction service assisting those following the Biblical tradition of arranging marriages for their daughters. Those who wish to list their Daughters with our site should click on SIGN UP OUR DAUGHTER on our main page for a form to fill out. Those who wish to propose to a specific Daughter should click on the PROPOSE button on the Daughter’s INFO CARD. " They have ads like this one: "Kristin J. Age: 16, Location: South Bride Price: $49,995 Kristin has a wild streak. She likes parties and has spent more time with boys than we’d have liked her to. We had a family talk and decided that it was time she settled down with a man who could meet her needs and help her fulfill her dreams of being an actor or singer. She’s a bit fiery but worth it." Anna R . is much cheaper: "Age: 17 ½, Location: Northeast Bride Price: $3,995 Anna R. has been living with foster families since she was 5 and is a bit rough around the edges but is basically a good girl. When she turns 18 she will age out of the foster system and will have to move out and is looking for a kind and caring man to look after her needs while she looks after his."
by -stern-, 15:06h
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MORE OBAMARAMA Of course he is on Flickr as well: Barack Obama's photostream NEW: Change.gov Slashdot: According to the site 'Change.gov provides resources to better understand the transition process and the decisions being made as part of it. It also offers an opportunity to be heard about the challenges our country faces and your ideas for tackling them. The Obama Administration will reflect an essential lesson from the success of the Obama campaign: that people united around a common purpose can achieve great things.' The site is extensive and contains Obama's agenda for economy and education among many others. They first define the problem and then lay out the plan. Everything is in simple English without a trace of Washington-speak. The site also has details about the transition. According to many sources, Obama's transition efforts started months ago. The copyright for the content is held by 'Obama-Biden Transition Project, a 501c(4) organization'."
by tommyblank, 16:00h
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by tommyblank, 17:17h
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ART IN REAL-LIFE VIOLENCE Canada.com: "The Aug. 15 "status" notation on Mark Twitchell's Facebook site is chilling. "Mark has way too much in common with Dexter Morgan," it reads. It was a reference to Dexter, the TV show about a forensic expert who moonlights as a vigilante serial killer. Last week, the aspiring Edmonton filmmaker was charged with first-degree murder in the death of Johnny Brian Altinger, 38. Police allege that on Oct. 10, Twitchell lured Altinger, who thought he was on his way to hook up with a woman he had met online, to a garage on Edmonton's south side where the Star Wars and Dexter fanatic makes no-budget movies."
by tommyblank, 12:08h
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by tommyblank, 12:13h
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THE PECULIAR COSTUMES OF DAVE T. SMITH This man is dressed as Gotham City. No, really. You should see him as "Battle of Endor" or "The Solar System". Great interview and more at WFMU
by tommyblank, 12:37h
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NICK CAVE IST GUTER JUNGE! Prima Interview: Nick Cave Proclaims He Measures Up to Rock's Greats -- Especially Physically Quote: You're playing to people drinking and eating cheese and biscuits and all that sort of s---.
by tommyblank, 02:27h
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JACKIE COOGAN I can't help it, this is one fascinating story!
by tommyblank, 02:02h
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JÖRG HAIDER - PROMO VIDEO FROM 1994 "Ein Mann geht seinen Weg" - Jörgl goes Rocky! Die Stelle mit dem Handy auf 2:45 gefällt mir besonders gut. Und dann schwer Bond Flair auf 3:20, ha, ha...
by tommyblank, 12:08h
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BILL GATES STARTS NEW LEAGUE OF SUPERVILLAINS Why do I have to think about Lex Luthor when I'm reading about Bill Gates's new adventure...? Also makes me think of a company called EEE. Yes, the "Everything Except Shoes" people! And what is it with the "Tank", Billy? Kirklandviews.com: "Just months after his Microsoft farewell, Bill Gates is quietly creating a new company — complete with high-tech office space, a cryptic name and even its own trademark. Public documents describe the new Gates entity — bgC3 LLC — as a 'think tank.'" Without Companies like EEE, Microsoft and bg3 LLC we wouldn't need all that charity, folks!
by -stern-, 14:21h
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MISHIMA'S SUICIDE MOVIE It's weird to look at this while suicide bombers post their videos on YouTube and all that... U B U W E B : "Playwright and novelist Yukio Mishima foreshadowed his own violent suicide with this ravishing short feature, his only foray into filmmaking, yet made with the expressiveness and confidence of a true cinema artist. All prints of Patriotism (Yûkoku), which depicts the seppuku of a army officer, were destroyed after Mishima's death in 1970, though the negative was saved, and the film resurfaced thirty-five years later. New viewers will be stunned at the depth and clarity of Mishima's vision, as well as his graphic depictions of sex and death." Watch the video or download avi with click to the right: Yûkoku aka Patriotism aka Rite of Love & Death (1966)
by -stern-, 19:12h
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SOLLTE JÖRG HAIDER "ERMORDET" WORDEN SEIN? "Spekuklationen" zur Verschwörungstheorie der Woche und inzwischen auch schon Updates in der Sache.
by tommyblank, 17:24h
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THIRD ROBERT JOHNSON PICTURE DISCOVERED Vanity Fair has a great story: "In the seven decades since his mysterious death, bluesman Robert Johnson’s legend has grown—the tragically short life, the “crossroads” tale of supernatural talent, the genuine gift that inspired Dylan, Clapton, and other greats—but his image remains elusive: only two photos of Johnson have ever been seen by the public. In 2005, on eBay, guitar maven Zeke Schein thought he’d found a third. Schein’s quest to authenticate the picture only led to more questions, both about Johnson himself and about who controls his valuable legacy."
by tommyblank, 14:42h
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by tommyblank, 17:18h
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BURGER KING MADE ROBERT DOWNEY JR. STOP DOING DRUGS "Robert Downey Jr. has publicly thanked Burger King for helping him overcome his problems with addiction. The fast food chain, he says, also helped to resurrect his career. The fast food epiphany happened in 2003 when the "Iron Man" star was driving a car piled with "tons of f---ing dope," Downey Jr. told Britain's Empire magazine. The actor decided to pull over for a burger and everything changed. "I have to thank Burger King," he said. "It was such a disgusting burger I ordered. I had that, and this big soda, and I thought something really bad was going to happen." Downey Jr. says he then tossed all of his drugs into the ocean, deciding right then and there to clean up his act. Downey Jr. hints that a fateful moment in "Iron Man," when his character Tony Stark requests a cheeseburger from Burger King after being released from his captors, is a reference to his own experiences." Story copied from NY Daily News: "
by tommyblank, 19:42h
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THOSE CASTRO BROTHERS This performance is from Episode #3 and is available on the 1963 DVD "The Judy Garland Show - Volume 1." DON'T FORGET ABOUT THOSE CASTRO BROTHERS! Sarah "she's hot" Palin, my favorite future president of the US of A (John "Maverick" McCain will die and Cheney will become vice-president again, come on, isn't it obvious?! Where is Jack Bauer when you need him?!) has already warned us. In case you didn't know what she was talking about, there is a video up there. Chck'em out. They might look harmless, but so does Sarah Palin!
by -stern-, 09:42h
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by tommyblank, 15:48h
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DICK AND THE KING Elvis and Nixon strategize around the war on drugs. Here's another one: Elvis Meets Nixon
by -stern-, 14:11h
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ALEXANDER HACKE Wir haben es immer gewusst und vorsichtshalber nochmals bei Wikipedia nachgeschlagen, aber die toll gemachte Homepage www.alexanderhacke.de lässt tief blicken. Dort steht neben Informationen zum Feuerwehrmusikzug und Rubriken wie "mein größtes Abenteuer" u. a. geschrieben: "Meine besondere Kompetenz liegt in vielen Bereichen." Die Jahre mit der Zementmischer-Combo Einstürzende Neubauten haben ihre Spuren hinterlassen. Musikalisch ist demnächst der Soundtrack zum sensationellen Animationsfilm "Memory Hotel" von Heinrich Sabl (der Film wird der Hammerhammer!) zu erwarten.
by -stern-, 14:00h
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BLOCKWART 2.0 IM GRAEFEKIEZ Die üble Website rottenneighbour.com ist inzwischen auch in der eigenen Nachbarschaft angekommen und bespricht eine "miese Kneipe und Hundekacke", eine "unmögliche Kneipe mit asozialem Publikum oder ein "vorbildliches Restaurant". Via Graefekiezwatch.
by -stern-, 14:05h
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