ÄRZTE - PROTESTSONG Den ganzen Vormittag im Kopf gehabt. Warum nur?
by -stern-, 12:22h
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CHEUNDERGROUND - SAN DIEGO PUNK FROM THE 80S Wired: "The music that brought them together remains one of most powerful elements on the Che Underground site. MP3s created from dusty, one-of-a-kind cassette tapes, live bootlegs and unreleased demo recordings pepper the site. And this is truly vital music, combining a punk vision -- still fresh in '83 -- with a warped version of '60s garage and British invasion bands."
by -stern-, 12:12h
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TRASH, ALTENESSEN Nostalgisch stimmende ARD Doku von 1989/90 über Kreator und das Leben in Altenessen in YouTube-Teilchen bei crackisback. Auch lustig: Mille Petrozza (Kreator) im Kinderkanal - part 1
by -stern-, 20:16h
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ELEMENT OF SAPRIZE After all these years a new album will be released in september. Old stuff and unreleased tracks produced by my one of favourite bands ever, the pioneers of Metal-Rap. Saprize were the best of many great, great bands coming out of Bremen in the 90s. They played their last show in 1997 at the Schlachthof in Bremen. Here's a video from that night: SAPRIZE INFO: "1993 – the year of »Judgement Night«, the year, when Punk broke. A bunch of young fellows, mostly stemming from the Bremen Hardcore-Scene, where they spent years shaping their minds and skills playing ultra-fast Hardcore music, discovered their common love for HipHop. Boldly mixing Slayer-Riffs, big bad beats and a great laugh (occasionally at themselves), Uzi, Ben, Gregcore, The Menace und Da Romeo became pioneers of the new style: the combination of Metal and Rap. Taking the best of both worlds, they offered an energetic stage performance and an adventurous musical approach, channeling the new knowledge of beats and samples through the depths of their eclectic record collections, thus creating a style of their own. They were the punks among the hiphoppers. After their debut, recorded only two months after the band was started, »Alwaysacutahead«, released on a small indie label two months before (!) „Judgement Night" came out, the German branch of Rough Trade signed the band before anybody else could. Read the rest of this exciting story and listen to a couple of tracks on their MySpace Get the records. You wont regret it!
by tommyblank, 18:52h
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-Das neue Album von Tomte wird "Heureka" gerufen und erscheint am 10.10. Bis dahin wird es wohl auch ein neues Video geben. -Die Hardcore-Psychedelic-Rapper um MONSTAR und MASSAKA 361 haben mit Abschnitt 361 einen interessanten neuen Song im Köcher. -Kettcar werden im aktuellen "030" von einem Neider hintenrum beschimpft, spielten Freitag in Potsdam aber trotzdem ein reichlich bejubeltes Konzert. An Rüpel-Security wird man sich trotzdem nie gewöhnen.
"wie bei allen anderen menschen auf planet hardrock gibt es in unserer band bei der diskussion um das beste metallica album genau zwei meinungen (brami: "and justice for all", nagel: "master of puppets"), für die jeweils erbittert gestritten wird, so daß wir uns auf einen song von "ride the lightning" einigten. drei weitere gründe, dieses lied auszuwählen:
by -stern-, 14:44h
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BIZARRE RECORDS ![]() When was the last time you went to BizarreRecords.com? 1998? Try again. They have lots of new stuff and they got videos now.
by tommyblank, 14:00h
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DEM ANDREAS MICHALKE SEIN PRIMA BEATBLOG Great stuff, folks! This week: ORCHESTER HEINZ ALISCH, The World of Love, 1969, title track to the “educational” sex- film: “Oswald Kolle- Deine Frau das unbekannte Wesen” aka “Female Sexuality”(UK). Comics vom Herrn Michalke unter Bigbeatland und Reprodukt. Seit fast einem Jahr gibt es im Internetz aber jeden Donnerstag dazu noch neue MP3-Perlen aus dem unerschöpflichen Fundus eines Mannes, der an keinem Trödler vorbei gehen kann. Komischerweise habe ich bisher noch nicht darauf hingewiesen, aber schauen Sie mal unter Mischalke04 . Dort steht geschrieben: "I´m a Cartoonist from Berlin, Germany and I like collecting records. Most of the records I find in thrift stores or at flea markets here in Berlin. I like a lot of music but I thought I`d focus on odd German records. Preferably with cartoon covers. I´m trying to post only stuff that is out of print and not available in any format. The music is recorded from my original vinyl only. I`m doing this to preserve otherwise forgotten cultural artifacts. Mainly stuff that nobody in their right mind would re-release anyway. " FUNDSTÜCK - Abt. Fußball macht Musik: Pepe`s Freunde hinter Stacheldraht Quote from Andreas: This one is sort of a historical document from 1988 uniting two Berlin teams “Hertha BSC” from the West and “1. FC Union” from the East on one record one year before re-unification. The title song “Freunde hinter Stacheldraht” ( Friends behind barbed wire ) is sung ( if you want to call it that ) by Peter “Pepe” Mager, owner of a “Hertha” fan-shop.
by tommyblank, 14:22h
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PROPAGANDHI GERMANY TOUR 2008 08/06/08 - Trier, Germany Exhaus with Kafkas. (All ages? Yes) * 08/07/08 - Bochum, Germany Matrix with Kafkas. (All ages? Yes) * 08/08/08 - Schweinfurt, Germany Alter Statt-Banhoff with Kafkas. (All ages? Yes) * 08/09/08 - Karlsruhe, Germany Substage with Kafkas. (All ages? Yes)
by tommyblank, 00:10h
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DEAN REED - ROCK' N' ROLL, I GAVE YOU THE BEST YEARS OF MY LIFE Eigentlich erstaunlich, dass er diesen eher obskuren 73er-Hit von Kevin Johnson aus Sydney gecovert hat. Viele haben das getan, aber für Dean Reed waren die Zeilen wie auf den Leib geschrieben. Sein ehrlichstes Lied. Komisch, dass mir das nie aufgefallen ist, aber wahrscheinlich muss man dazu das Video sehen: Dean Reed in Moskau anno 1980 Lyrics: Rock`n Roll (i Gave You All The Best Years Of My Life) I can still remember when I bought my first guitar,
Remember just how good the feeling was, put it proudly in my car,
And my family listened fifty times to my two song repertoire,
And I told my mum her only son was gonna be a star.
Bought all the Beatle records,
sounded just like Paul,
Bought all the old Chuck Berry Chorus:
Rock and roll, I gave you all the best years of my life,
All the dreamy sunny Sundays,
all the moon-lit summer nights,
I was so busy in the back room writin
Rock and roll, I gave you all the best years of my life,
All the crazy lazy young days,
all the magic moon-lit nights,
I was so busy on the road singin
Chorus: Rock and roll, I gave you all the best years of my life, All the dreamy sunny Sundays, all the moon-lit summer nights, And though I never knew the magic of makin` it with you, Thank the Lord for giving me the little bit I knew, And I will always be one step behind you. Chorus: Rock and roll, I gave you all the best years of my life, Singing out my love songs in the brightly flashing lights, And though I never knew the magic of makin` it with you, Thank the Lord for giving me the little bit I knew, Final Chorus:
Rock and roll, I gave you all the best years of my life,
All the dreamy sunny Sundays,
all the moon-lit summer nights,
I was so busy in the back room makin
by tommyblank, 01:16h
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HEAVY METAL RELIGION Interesting book: “Heavy Metal Islam: Rock, Resistance, and the Struggle for the Soul of Islam” Crazy video: "Brother Cesare Bonizzi (62), is the lead singer in a heavy metal band which has just released its second album."
by -stern-, 16:25h
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THE RAMONES - THE END OF THE CENTURY ![]() Updated! The Ramones Documentary - End of the Century - Trailer - Watch it on Google Video! It's great! It left Johnny Ramone "disturbed"! Sie: "Nee, ehrlich, ich habe den Namen schon mal irgendwo gehört..." Ich: "Du hattest eine Jugend ohne die RAMONES? Wie ist sowas überhaupt möglich? Und was soll man da aus dem Gesamtwerk der Brüder Ramones aussuchen? Natürlich DO YOU REMEMBER ROCK'N'ROLL RADIO. 1, 2, 3, 4... Wikipedia: "The Ramones were an American rock band often regarded as the first punk rock group. Formed in Forest Hills, Queens, New York, in 1974, all members of the band used stage names with their surnames as "Ramone", though none of them are actually related. They performed 2,263 concerts, touring virtually non-stop for 22 years. In 1996, after a tour with the Lollapalooza music festival, the band played their final show and then disbanded. The band's three founding members—Joey Ramone, Johnny Ramone and Dee Dee Ramone—died within eight years of the break-up."
by tommyblank, 15:38h
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by -stern-, 16:43h
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PUNK UND ABENDKLEID - HARALD JUHNKE BLÄST ZUM FEIERABEND Hier ist eine schöne Version von "My Way" namens Berlin, Berlin, die man schon kennt, aber Strassen von Berlin alias "Strangers in the Night" sollte man auch nicht verschmähen.
by -stern-, 16:36h
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Die kleine Kreuzberger Band mit Brad Pitt an der Gitarre hat jetzt auch MySpace und die "Bravo" will unbedingt einen Starschnitt machen. Das Warten hat sich gelohnt und die ersten Tracks gehören sofort auf jede Playlist drauf. Wie alles begann: Ole meinte :"Lars Rudolph du musst bei uns singen." -- "Ole kannte mich irgendwie von früheren Bands-" Also da spielte KAPAIKOS auf der Hochzeit von Wir sind Helden, und ich war nur so da als Gast. Der Rest ist Legende: Kapaikos feat. Lars Rudolph vor geraumer Zeit im "Bang Bang Club". Es war geil! MANN UND MAUS - Download the free MP3s at Last.FM! Hörprobe: Mann und Maus – Schmerzen Am 10. Oktober übrigens wieder offiziell live in der Bar jeder Vernunft
by -stern-, 12:02h
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SAAD FEAT. JOKA - GIB MIR EIN ZEICHEN Ich bin jetzt Fan von den Bremer Rappern! Siesindgutejungs!
by tommyblank, 02:24h
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SAAD - ERSGUTERJUNGE Label von Bushido mit lustigem Namen! Geht mal Saad - Ausnahmezustand! Ersgutebremenvegesackeinsteinrap!
by tommyblank, 02:11h
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MANN ODER MAUS? Eine neue Band mit Musikanten, die man sich auch nicht hinter vorgehaltener Hand zu sagen traut, aber bestimmt macht auch wieder irgendwer was mit Mandoline. Demnächst spielen sie dann endlich im privaten Kreise in einer Kreuzberger Tischlerwerkstatt und womöglich haben sie dann auch MySpace, aber im Moment haben sie wahrscheinlich nicht mal 20 Cent zum telefonieren. Wir halten Sie auf dem Laufenden.
by -stern-, 20:27h
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ELVIS - UNRELEASED STUDIO SONGS AND OUTTAKES Animal Instinct - Sounds good to me! Download-Links: Part 1 (Rar-File) and Part 2 (Rar-File)
by -stern-, 00:13h
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SONGS THAT TIME FORGOT: BRUCE & BONGO - GEIL No.1-Hit in Germany in 1986. On Friday the thirteenth of December Bruce and Bongo discovered Germany's most successful word: geil
by -stern-, 16:36h
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by -stern-, 14:10h
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by tommyblank, 00:36h
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WILLIAM SHATNER RULES THE INTERNET!!! Spock is Greek? Thank you, Metafilter! Totally video of the month! Like totally....! Great song too! Like toooootally! From Kirk Slash Spock: "A mashup of the old animated Star Trek series and William Shatner's cover of Pulp's "Common People." Done in the style of K/S stories, kinda. Therefore, a "slashup." On Kirk/Spock stories, from Wikipedia: Almost from the beginning, fans noticed the loving nature of the relationship. A few fan writers started speculating about the possibility of a sexual relationship between Kirk and Spock. The Kirk/Spock phenomenon eventually took on a life of its own, and became one of the driving forces in Star Trek fanzines during their heyday." Woanders in der Popmoderne:
by tommyblank, 18:56h
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"A CHANGE IS GONNA COME" BY THE SUPREMES Very rare selection from The Supremes in honor of the late Sam Cooke.
by tommyblank, 18:39h
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"CHANGES" And the children that you spit on...,....they're quite aware of what they're going through.....
by tommyblank, 17:55h
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ALBUM COVERS GALORE "A hilarious, ultra-violent, semi-pornographic tour through just about every famous album cover known to man." Directed by uglypictures.us/. Animated by manvsmagnet. For those who still haven't seen it yet!
by tommyblank, 22:53h
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SONGS FOR THE SUN There are more songs on my YouTube Playlist: Songs for the Sun See you outside!
by -stern-, 13:05h
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VIDEOGAME SELLS MORE SINGLES THAN AMAZON AND ITUNES Techcrunch: Mötley Crüe Song Sells More on Xbox Than On iTunes - "Players of Grand Theft Auto IV can buy the songs they hear in the game from Amazon by making their characters dial a number on their cell phones. Now the rock band Mötley Crüe (yes, they are still alive) is getting in on the action as well. They released a single from their latest album, Saints of Los Angeles, both in the video game Rock Band and as download on iTunes, Amazon and elsewhere. In the first week that the digital single was available for sale (the physical album won’t be released until June 24), it was downloaded 47,000 times on the Xbox alone compared to 10,000 times on iTunes and other digital download stores on the Web."
by -stern-, 12:44h
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NERDAPALOOZA The Guardian: "Where conventional hip-hop celebrates wealth and sex and drugs, nerdcore eschews gangsta themes for "geeksta" interests - its MCs rap about Star Wars, about World of Warcraft and about computer coding.
by tommyblank, 16:20h
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by -stern-, 00:02h
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LIVE IN BERLIN: THE HUNTERS & THE HOT ESKIMOS 2.6.08, 21:00 at White Trash Fast Food only 3 euros !!! (schönhauserallee 6-7, u2-rosa luxemburgplatz) The Hot Eskimos are incredible! I've seen them before and they're really great. They are a tight, stripped back four piece rock and roll band formed mid 2005 in Berlin by Carola Nilsson on the double bass, guitarist Tom Burst, Dugald Jayes hitting the skins, and recently joined by Johnny on the pedal steel guitar. Their country tinged rockabilly blues and primal garage beat grabs you by the throat and drags you to the dance floor. The drums pound , the bass thumps, the guitars twang their Nashville thang and Tom and Carola howl at the moon like theres no tomorrow. myspace.com/hoteskimos The Hunters are pretty groovy too. They're actually a pretty famous duo in disguise. Check out myspace.com/thehuntersmusic for more.
by tommyblank, 19:22h
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...Playlist: Songs for the Sun ...Story: Jobs - Work in progress ...Buffalo Bill und der Western als Weltanschauung ...Comics: Animal Man & the Meta-Fiction Discussion ...Buch: Tomte - Die Schönheit der Chance ...Comics: Nach der Krise ist vor der Krise ...Politik: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation ...Art: Destino - The Disney/Dali-Project ...Medien: Lost: Mindfuck Marketing ...Musik: Kettcar: Im Bett mit Marcus Wiebusch