Ey, Style Police!

Was haben die nur immer mit dem Mehdorn? Was is'n mit'm Rummenigge? Kauft der jetzt vor Wut die Bundesliga und lässt sie nur für sich in seinem Garten stattfinden?

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Everyone's a crook! THE DIRT ON THE SMOKING GUN

"Actors, pop stars, pro athletes, CEOs, politicians, criminals, average joes -- they're all fair game at, an insanely popular site that posts salacious and juicy documentation (100% authentic) on people that you won't find anywhere else, online or off. So how the heck does TSG get all this stuff?" story by Chris Turner at

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Pushing the Media

Create a dramatic gesture and claim every word you're saying is nothing but the truth. Tell the world that people in Iraq destroy the old symbols. Just stage the fall of a small statue with hundreds of cameras pointing at a G.I. covering Hussein's bronze-face with an american flag. Give'em an image and everyone thinks the war is over.

Donald Rumsfeld compared today's pictures on TV with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War. Historic day, bla-bla. Everything has to be dramatic. Cheney made fun of the armchair-generals and we're only missing a confetti-parade like in the finals of Episode One. See you next war, man.

So, boys, you've had your fun, you destroyed the infrastructure of an entire country and it looks like you killed enough people now. But, by the way, this campaign was against the laws we had agreed on and here's the way to the international court for war criminals. That's the way it should work, but it doesn't.

We understand. You even killed a few members of the international media to prove your point. Strongest one there is, ok. For some folks this means withdrawing from the action.

The rest of us is ready to go on. We're expecting your orders. What do you want the media to promote next? It's okay. We're not gonna say a word. You have conquered reality with the weapons of entertainment and we love it. We always loved it. Let's create a new image for the new führer, eh, King George II. No more kissy lips. It simply looks stupid. Can't he learn from Henry Kissinger? He's a war criminal and he received the nobel-price for peace at the same time. Let's go back in time all the way. Who's gonna play McCarthy?

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Our friends from Russia have some news for you

"The IRAQWAR.RU analytical center was created recently by a group of journalists and military experts from Russia to provide accurate and up-to-date news and analysis of the war against Iraq."

The latest (April 6) English-language version of the Russian military intelligence report on the situation in Iraq published by Iraqwar.Ru is available here.

IRAQWAR.RU - (English Edition) War in Iraq - better coalition performance

English.Pravda.Ru is worthwhile visiting as well if you're a news junkie.

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The english edition of Al Jazeera is back on the web

Lots of providers have made sure that you can't contact them and armies of nasty software-pieces tried to help them out. But the mighty grand old network gave them a hand and now they're back online. The English version of Al Jazeera is here. Check out their cartoon section.

Die englische Website von Al Jazeera wurde bzw. wird von diversen Providern blockiert. Wer das wohl in Auftrag gegeben hat? Darf man das?

- Viele wichtige DNS-Server (z.B. der von T-Online) kennen Al Jazeera gar nicht - Die primären DNS-Server (die bei der whois-Anfrage herauskommen) kennen Al Jazeera zwar, verweisen aber auf eine falsche Seite (mit Anti-AlJazeera-Inhalt) - Die tatsächlichen Web-Server von Al Jazeera, über ihre IP-Nummern angesprochen, sind auch nicht erreichbar (sei es, weil diverse Router sie sperren, oder sei es, weil die Server selbst unter permanenten DoS-Attacken stehen) -IRAQ, das Irakische TV Auslandsprogramm ist z.Z. auch schwarz

->Wirbel um Website von Al Jazeera-Forum bei Heise

Wirbel um die Website von Al Jazeera-Teil 2-noch ein duftes Forum bei Heise

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From Russia with first hand information

Some people claim that has some sort of access to US signals intelligence (SIGNET). The site had quite a few updates on critical intelligence before major US networks over the past days. via

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Top 100 Hoaxes Of All Time

The Museum of Hoaxes presents the best pranks ever. It's unbelievable how much time people put into making others believe that the Yeti is real or that little, furry creatures are out there to conquer the world any time.

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Iraq Blog hacked for political reasons

Dear Raed has been mentioned before. Wired ran a story on the weird hack that happened on monday: "For the last six months the site's creator, who uses the pseudonym Salam Pax, has chronicled Iraq's political situation from the point of view of an ordinary Iraqi, covering the presidential elections, the effects of U.N. resolutions related to Iraq, the arrival of weapons inspectors and how it feels to know that bombs could strike your hometown any day. For many, the blog has put a personal face on the war. In the last couple of days, however, parody photos appeared where the site's legitimate images should have been displayed, atop mock captions indicating either that Iraqi TV was showing images of the Photoshopped tussle between the two presidents or that the image portrayed "demonstrations in Iraqi cities." Some site visitors wondered whether Dear Raed had been hacked for political reasons, but the image swap was actually carried out by the angry owner of a service that stores photos for some blog creators." full story

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There is an online-edition of the book by H.G.Wells, but I actually wanted to show you the way to this site which deals with the nation-wide panic which was caused by the broadcast of Orson Welles' radio-adaption in 1938. People were running away because they thought the Martians were coming to get them. "Everyone in my house was agitated by the press", some guy said to the reporters.

The site has the original newsclips from the New York Times. Here's another transcript which is easier to read. And here's another good article on the hoax at

You can probably find the original recording as an MP3 in some "Old Time Radio"-section on the web (contact me if you can't find it, I got it) or you can order a copy at amazon or at Radio Spirits

WAV-Files of the original-recording has a guide to audio-streams on the web Odd, a similar story happened in Ecuador in 1949.

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Un-Embedded Journalist

Here are some excerpts from an interview with Robert Fisk in Bhagdad. Read the full story! It's a very good analysis of where we are now.

"Robert Fisk: It’s like someone wakes up in the morning and says, “Let’s target this on the map today”, and it’s something which sort of characterizes the whole adventure because if you actually look at what’s happening on the ground, you’ll see that the American and British armies started off in the border. They started off at Um Qasr and got stuck, carried on up the road through the desert, took another right turn and tried to get into Basra, got stuck, took another right at Nasiriyah, got stuck—it’s almost as if they keep on saying, “Well let’s try the next road on the right”, and it has kind of a lack of planning to it. There will be those who say that, “No it’s been meticulously planned,” but it doesn’t feel like it to be here.


The American correspondent was saying to me yesterday morning, “This is ridiculous, we simply can’t report the story, because every time we have to deal with something Saddam says, the Pentagon claims it’s not him or it’s his double or it was recorded 2 weeks ago”. So, the story ceases to be about what the man says, the story starts to be this totally mythical, fictional idea that it really isn’t Saddam or it’s his double, etcetera. I watched this recording on television, all his television broadcasts are recordings because he’s not so stupid as to do a live broadcast and get bombed by the Americans while he’s doing it. The one thing you learn if you’re a target is not to do live television broadcasts, or radio for that matter, or, indeed telephone. But if you listen and read the text of what Saddam said, it has clearly been recorded in the previous few hours, and I can tell you, having once actually met the man, it absolutely was Saddam Hussein. But that’s the strange thing, you see, that in the US, the Pentagon only has to say it’s not Saddam, that it’s a fake, it was recorded years ago, or that it’s a double, and the Hollywood side of the story, which is quite rubbish, it’s not true - it is him, then takes over from the real story, which is ‘What the hell is this guy actually saying?’.


Amy Goodman (Democracy Now!): Why have you chosen to remain in Baghdad?

Robert Fisk:  Because I don’t work for Colin Powell, I work for a British newspaper called The Independent; if you read it, you’ll find that we are. It’s not the job of a journalist to snap to the attention of generals. I wrote a piece a couple of weeks ago in my newspaper saying that before the war began in Yugoslavia, the British Foreign Office urged journalists to leave and then said the British intelligence had uncovered a secret plot to take all the foreign reporters hostage in Belgrade. I decided this was a lie and stayed - and it was a lie. In Afghanistan, just before the fall of Khandahar, as I was entering Afghanistan, the British Foreign Office urged all journalists to stay out of Taliban areas and then said the British intelligence had uncovered a plot to take all the foreign reporters hostage. Aware of Yugoslavia, I pressed on to Khandahar and it proved to be a lie. Just before the bombardment here, the British Foreign Office said that all journalists should leave because British intelligence had uncovered a plot by Saddam to take all journalists hostages, at which moment I knew I’d be safe to stay because it was, of course, the usual lie. What is sad is how many journalists did leave. There were a very large number of reporters who left here voluntarily before the war believing this meretricious nonsense. I should say that the Iraqis have thrown quite a large number of journalists out as well. But I don’t think it’s the job of a journalist to run away when war comes just because it happens to be his own side doing the bombing. I’ve been bombed by the British and Americans so many times that it’s not ‘shock and awe’ anymore, it’s ‘shock and bore’, frankly.

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It's just a step to the right

"The Big Four TV networks, other large broadcasting companies, and most major newspaper chains are currently lobbying the Bush-dominated Federal Communications Commission for new policies designed to promote their corporate interests. They want to end critical rules that limit the number of outlets a single company can control, both at the local and national level. These media giants stand to make untold billions of dollars in profits if the FCC safeguards are eliminated or weakened."

->A thumbnail guide to the lobbying aims of the news media's most important companies by Jeffrey Chester, Center for Digital Democracy

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The Memory Hole

The Memory Hole is a great site trying to preserve information certain powers want you to forget.
They have a gallery of nightmarish war pictures called <A target=_blank HREF="" ">This is war!.

These are the pictures the propaganda-generals don't want you to see.

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What is the Memex?

A lot of talk about all the new developments within the blogospehre. Google gets closer to being the ultimate website-catalogue of reviews with a ranking-system which might soon make some ultimate monster-critic the new darling of the media. On the Trail of the Memex - Vannevar Bush, Weblogs and the Google Galaxy by Dennis G. Jerz over at is a so-called must-read for everyone out there. Another interesting approach is the World of ends. Then again we should not forget the big old pioneers like Marshall McLuhan and Vannevar Bush. Way more people should have read McLuhan during the Nineties. As we may think, an essay by Bush from 1945, is currently quoted all over the big-mouth-weblogs due to the term Memex. Read it, it's inspiring.

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Larry Flynt strikes back

The Hustler sends a crew to Iraq to find out what's really going on. Nowadays you have to rely on old "freedom of speech"-veterans like Mr.Flynt to get the truth out there.

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When the going gets tough, the tough have to drink themselves to death!

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MEDIA: - Having fun with the president of the US is one great site with many funny short movies and satirical little games. Highly recommended!

Don't forget to visit Gulf War 2 and the paperclip Another funny site is, a mekka for people who like to laugh about George W.Bush.

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Does Scientology also own the the secret to life itself?

Google has given up quite fast after Scientology threatened the company with a DMCA lawsuit. The pseudo-church demanded to cease linking to Operation Clambake . I mentioned that before, but this article in Wired also brings up a few other facts considering the Google-policy. And what I also didn't know was that Scientology has already bought the Cult Awareness Network, which used to operate a hotline for friends and family of people who had joined cults. The Church of Scientology sued them to bankruptcy and afterwards they bought the Network . If you call the Cult Awareness Network today, you will be talking to a Scientologist.

Google-Watch has some interesting facts too... You can still vote for Google as Big Brother of the Year

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The future of Weblogs - Google bought Blogger

Bill Thompson's article Is Google too powerful? has caused an outcry. Tom Coates of has already commented on the statements that Weblogs are not journalism and all that. No need to quote the entire article. Coates wrote another piece called Weblogs and Journalism a while ago. It's all about writing columns.

But Thompson had another point nonetheless:

"Google is a privately-owned US company that has a policy of collecting as much information as possible about everyone who uses its search tool.

It will store your computer's IP address, the time/date, your browser details and the item you search for.

It sets a tracking cookie on your computer that does not expire until 2038.

This means that Google builds up a detailed profile of your search terms over many years.

Google probably knew when you last thought you were pregnant, what diseases your children have had, and who your divorce lawyer is.

It refuses to say why it wants this information or to admit whether it makes it available to the US Government for tracking purposes.

And the much-loved Google toolbar tells Google about every web page you look at. (...) Perhaps the time has come to recognise this dominant search engine for what it is - a public utility that must be regulated in the public interest.

The argument about keeping away from regulating the internet and the web has always been that the technology is not mature enough or important enough to merit government interference. "

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Beating on the Bush

Yes, it's here and it's written by the man himself: the Weblog of George W.Bush.

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We are robots!

We are robots has some great, great fast-loading cartoons by Brian Frisk. Check out the Angrybot!
White Bread Blues is really funny as well! Check out the "Zone Wars"!

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Dirty Tricks has revealed an interesting story about the current propaganda: "Newspapers around the country are being deluged with Letters to the Editor expressing support for the Bush agenda. These letters are obviously an orchestrated campaign: they are identical, word for word, except where they are "edited for length"." Read this and do something!

Take back the media and check those funny Bushie-Flash-movies on this site!

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Trash ' em all

Lubin Odana has started a very nice blog called trashaddict and I recommend it to every serious trashfan out there!

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Bertelsmann and the Nazis

"When an independent commission set up by Bertelsmann AG to investigate the company's Nazi past issued its report this fall, the results were damning -- but they didn't tell the full story.

For years, the German publisher and global media giant had declared that it staunchly resisted Hitler's regime, even claiming that it had been shut down during the war because of its anti-Nazi stand. The 800-page report laid those claims to rest, documenting extensive collusion by the company, including publishing pamphlets and books that fueled the Nazi propaganda machine.

At the time, company officials hailed the report as the culmination of its effort to come clean. "I would like to express our sincere regret for the inaccuracies the commission has uncovered in our previous corporate history of the World War II era, as well as for the wartime activities that have been brought to light," said Chief Executive Gunter Thielen.

Yet the report doesn't discuss the behind-the-scenes efforts the company made to silence the freelance historian who first unearthed the evidence that led to the investigation. And it made no mention of a revealing document that shows how Reinhard Mohn, who still controls Bertelsmann, helped cover up the company's Nazi links at a crucial time after the war when it was trying to gain a British publishing license. He initialed the cover page of a dossier prepared by his father falsely claiming that the firm had suffered from Nazi persecution. The commission confirmed his role in submitting the documents, but it made no mention of them in the report."

full story in the Wall Street Journal

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Emily Strange - My all-new favourite site!

Movies, music, comics, fun and games, The Damned and a whole lot more. This site is so good I hung around it for an hour....

Emily Strange

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Lists I don't wanna be on!

I love my referrers! Someone found me through

zombie fuck video free download! How can something like that be for free, idot!

Would someone please start a war on cannibals!

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This one goes out to all the ladies

Lydia Lunch has written an excellent piece called Women and Children First for Sex and Guts. Read it! I also clicked around Lydia's artist Bart D.Frescura's page. Nice dark photos of dead houses and bizarre paintings!

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stencilrevolution hosts a nice collection of gritty street-art.

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Pepsi takes Reality TV out of this world

"Pepsi-Cola Co.'s latest grab for our consumer small change may be coming in the form of a cosmic reality TV show. According to inside leaks to the ad-industry press, the company is currently in negotiations with the Russian Space Agency to buy a seat for an upcoming voyage into orbit. Executives at the company are proposing a program that would see contestants competing for a spot on a future Soyuz shuttle mission scheduled for sometime in 2004. The price tag for the expedition? An estimated $15 million for the ticket and another $10-20 million to promote the event.

If Pepsi follows through, it's in part because Coca-Cola raised the bar this year for corporate television sponsorship. Their success with the Fox hit American Idol could have TV viewers everywhere watching more and more hour-long product pitches weakly disguised as entertainment.

Pepsi's latest twist has its roots in other out-of-this-world marketing campaigns. In 1996, the Russians and Americans were enmeshed in a kind of capitalist star wars. As NASA's space shuttle Endeavor installed a Coca-Cola beverage dispenser for their crew, Pepsi-Cola was shooting the first zero-gravity commercial at the Russian Mir space station. (The ad featured space-walking cosmonauts and a four-foot-high replica of a Pepsi can.) Pizza Hut got in on the action a few years later when its logo tagged the side of a Russian rocket destined for the final frontier. With nowhere left to escape to, this could be the first sure proof that in space, nobody can hear you scream."

by Brooke Mc Donald in Adbusters#45 (2003)

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Turkish Star Trek

turkish Star Trek

"Turist Omer Uzay Yolunda" means "Tragic mistake" and it's the name for a tradition in turkish filmmaking. Just take a successful movie from the US and remake it without the money and the effects. After new versions of Superman and Star Wars, it's about time for this !

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ID - Stefan Ernsting - I have two books out, I work on cool movies and I've been blogging for 7984 days.




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