Penguin shit destroys lab

The first building ever erected on Antartica is being lost under mountains of Penguin excrement. Around 100,000 Adelie penguins live beside the hut built by Norwegian explorer Carsten Borchgrevink, the first person to land on Antarctica, in 1895.

Unfortunately, their shit is at least three 
feet deep around the hut, and is destroying 
the fabric of the building. 

If you'd like to help clear the penguin dung email: Say "Send me to Antarctica so I can save the hut from the Adelie penguin poo."

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What people really want

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->The United Nations removed Picasso's "Guernica" (1937) from its briefing room for Colin Powell's briefing, so you can view it here!

->Some people pay money for a totally bizarre carrot with a vagina. I wonder why....

->Plastiktom writes: "I recently met a guy who used to be Jack Osbourne's teacher when he was nine. He told me that at that time Jack had a "comfort teddy" that he would take everywhere with him. One day he flew to America with his family as Ozzy was touring there but someone forgot to pack the Teddy. Solution? Send a jet back to England to get Teddy!"

->Russia Suspends Its Space Tourist Program

->A new conspiracy theory: Russia was first to go to the Moon but that the astronaut died and the flight was covered up.

->HOWARD ZINN AND THE ART OF WAR by Andrew Sigler from the Omaha Weekly Reader "We've got to use art in every possible way to bring home to people what the war would be like."

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Monitor Duty

Deutschland jetzt laut Mr.Rumsfeld in einer Reihe mit Lybien und Kuba. Der brockt uns da was ein, der Gerd. Ab morgen kann er sich dann wieder über Bild und Elmar Brandt ärgern

Unglaublich, aber das ist Roland Koch! Hier findet man den Hessenhitler und andere Domains, die man sich merken sollte Gefunden in Eleph.antville

Sicher haben Sie unsere Gallerie mit hässlichen Tour-Bilder bemerkt. Passend dazu gibt es noch drei Songs als Download in der selben MP3-Konserve. Calm down there, Buddy! -It's only a shitty Propagandhi-Live-Recording of 6 MB

Dreamworks seeking screenwriters for FORBIDDEN PLANET remake

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Hackers vs. Superstars

Beim Chaos Computer Club klingeln die Telefone. Hier ist das offizielle Statement des ccc zum Skandal bei den Superstars.

"Die Umgehung von elektronischen Sicherheitsmechanismen ist in der Regel nur eine Frage des Aufwandes. Bei der Übertragung von sensiblen Vorgängen wie Wahlverfahren von der analogen in die digitale Welt geht die Nachvollziehbarkeit der Vorgänge für die betreibenden Menschen zumindest partiell, wenn nicht partiell vollständig, verloren.

Eindrücklich erlauben wir uns jedoch darauf hinzuweisen, daß sich der Planet derzeit kurz vor Beginn eines möglichen Krieges größeren Ausmasses befindet, initiiert von einem amerikanischen Präsidenten, der nachweislich durch Manipulation von Wahlverfahren an die Macht gelangt ist.

CCC Sprecher Andy Müller-Maguhn fasste die Stellungnahme kurz zusammen: 'Es ist doch etwas verwunderlich, daß eine Vielzahl von Journalisten es als großen Skandal empfinden, wenn eine Wahl im Rahmen eines Gesangwettbewerbes durch Telefonanrufe manipuliert wird und dabei scheinbar übersehen, daß wir bereits in Kürze in einen Krieg verwickelt sein könnten - angezettelt von einem amerikanischen Präsidenten der durch Manipulation von Wahlverfahren an die Macht gelangt ist."

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Sorry, but we're slow....

The site seems to get slower due to lots of pictures and all the visitors looking for this Jewish Astronaut. I got rid of the News-Scripts already. Whew, No.2 on Yahoo

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Challenger Conspiracy Theory

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Google zensiert Scientology-Kritiker

"Somebody some day will say 'this is illegal'. By then be sure the orgs say what is legal or not." L. Ron Hubbard, HCOPL 4 January 1966

Die Psychosekte klagt sich mit Copyright-Quatsch durch die Welt und bombt das Netz was das Zeug hält. Diverse kritsche Sites scheinen ganz verschwunden zu sein und die Brüder haben bei Google gründlich aufgeräumt um nur die eigenen Seiten gelistet zu haben. Hatte man ja schon ganz vergessen. Hier ist dazu eine etwas ältere Story bei Heise und hier ist eine Site, die nicht oft genug verlinkt werden kann um die Strategie der Sekte zu unterwandern. Nutzen auch Sie Ihre Site für Google Bomben

Interessant auch, daß unser prima Geheimdienst die Scientologen seit einigen Jahren ausschließlich mit ehemaligen Stasi-Spitzeln auszuspionieren sucht. "Buendnis 90/The Greens have asked an explanation of why Constitutional Security was exclusively using former members of the DDR State Security against Scientology." Interesting story at

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Rumble in the Lab

Damned, there is is this new law in Germany. You have to buy 25-50 cents "Pfand" for any can or plastic-bottle you buy and you can only return the empty fuckers where you bought them. I ended up with all these little bags of empty beercans I bought at various stores or gas-stations with little bills attached to them. Now I only buy cans at one store. Makes returning much easier. The industry had ten years to come up with a reasonable system to return cans and plastic-bottles, but they didn't.

The New Europe had an ad in the paper. Well... What's that thing with the trial of Ramzi Binalshibh? Ok, everything is secret......

I finished "Brooklyn Dreams" by J.M.DeMatteis and Glen Barr (Four books, Paradox Press). Interesting. Back from a time when DC Comics tried to have a real adult-line.

I will drop the working-title of "Dirty Tears" and I will call it "The Stranded" now. It's strange to have finished a novel. The charakters still haunt you. "What happened to them, did they die?" Makes me want to bring them back in some other context....

Nasa plans to throw nuclear waste into space. That's really something we should look into, friends!

ZickZack has put out a new sampler which is a follow-up to the legendary samplers Alfred Hilsberg used to do years and years ago. This is a must for everone following contemporary music in Germany right now. Good ole Boy from Brazil is on there and the Boy Division is on there! what else can you ask for, ha, ha! Alfred Hilsberg hat die "Neue Deutsche Welle" benannt und noch gnaz viele Schulden weil er so ein guter Mann ist und schon wieder kommt so ein cooler Sampler für so billig raus. Also, KAUFT DEN GEFÄLLIGST!Ist doch eh euer halber Bekanntenkreis drauf!

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Abt. Google-Anfragen und mit was für Erwartungen diese Site besucht wird...

Mad-Science.Net - Ihre Nummer 1 bei folgenden Suchanfragen: "kaninchen ficken" sowie "extrem jung missbraucht".

Mad-Science.Net: Your number one-source if you wanna find out if eminems dead or whoever this guy might be...

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Looney Toons

I saw "8 mile" last night. It was okay. It's not a tale about a hero. Pretty much like "Rocky" with a mike. I also saw Hanin Elias play at the Bastard last night. It wasn't far too different what I expected. A lot of Atari Teenage Riot. She also did "Destroy 2000 years of culture" by ATR. All these riot-videos in the back, I don't know. A lot of people who go for that have never been at a riot. Add the "State of Emergency"-videogame and you have a new placebo-experience to go for. Hanin kept screaming "are you ready for World War III?" It's part of the image, but it doesn't have a shock-value anymore. Neither does the grotesque gabba-noise she's using. The whole act is endangered of looking like nothing but a big pose. It's making use of imagery from a safe distance. It's art through the lense of watching too much TV. The Eminem-cartoon is more real than that.

Uh-oh, I wrote a lenghty thing over at Bazima's

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Democracy Means You!

Click the picture for more funny shit or go here first to see Hollywood burn!

"Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini (a man who knows)

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Report from the lab

Looks like Lula from Brazil is the new hero. More than a 100000 people in Davos and protests against the war finally starting in Germany too. The churches are getting active and Goldie Hawn said something on TV. It's strange how much the Germans and the French love each other right now. They should go out together more often! When they had their 40 years of friendship-party the other day you could see them standing in the rain in front of the Dome in Paris. They were soaked, but they stood together. Those idiots! The Rolling Stones will play their first free show ever since 33 years ago on February the 6th in Los Angeles. They wanna protest against Bushie and his politics considering the climate. Associated Press reports, the First Meeting of 9/11 Commission Will Be Closed to the Public "Aides to the commission's chairman, Republican Thomas H. Kean, and vice chairman, Democrat Lee Hamilton, said the panel will convene privately in Washington on Monday." And The Guardian (London) found out that "the US military has drawn up detailed plans to secure and protect Iraq'soilfields to prevent a repeat of 1991 when President Saddam set Kuwait's wells ablaze." A lot of secret talks going on!

a lot of discussion about the new model which is using. In an open letter, had to say: "You can pay our low subscription price (as little as 5 cents a day) or you can click through a multiple-screen advertisement. " It sounds reasonable. I wonder whether it works.

The Bloggies 2003 can be found here! I love the Bazima Chronicles from Brooklyn!

Heart First Records I was out drinking, watching socer and finally winning the glorious, glorious quiz-game at the Intertank where I also met Flo of Heart First Records. Looks he's still around doing the same great little record-label.

-Lotus-Milk-com is a beautiful site consisting of poetry and pictures. Even the basic-version shows how can you still do art on the web without doing something big and flashy. -The boys of Propagandhi linked me and we're already counting the visitors from over there. So, there must be some true fans of glorious progressive trash out there. By the way, if there's one thing that Propagandhi can't do (and there is a lot that they CAN do!), it must be playing soccer. Some interesting talk going on about a very special tour I can't talk about yet, but it would be a killer! -For some reason I downloaded this ballad about this guy who died on 9/11(MP3 / 1.2MB). It gave me the creeps! has it up.

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Notes from the Lab - Houston, we ARE a problem!

"Germany is a problem, France is a problem!" The new Europe is somewhere over there in the East. It has been more obvious ever since the wall came down. Europe is closer to Russia than ever. Time for god's own superpower to show off and get things clear. Everyone's gotta be more careful than ever, I guess. Things like MoveOn happening at least.

-Tom Hanks is in town. He met with Egon Krenz, formerly the last head of the GDR. Krenz has been a friend of Dean Reed, the dork who is the world's most unknown superstar. Dean Reed was a singer and actor who died under msterious circumstances in 1986 after he has been living behind the iron curtain since 1972. Great conspiracy-story! Hanks is gonna do a movie about the guy called "Comrade Rockstar." I was just out drinking with Dave from Wisconscin who is also doing a potrait on Dean Reed. There is a lot of new interest in this guy. Check out the Dean Reed-Fansite for more.

-Soccer-season starts again today. St.Pauli even won the first game, unbelievable!

-Some folks have been showing some great animations at the Glashaus/Arena in Berlin. Everyone can do Flash-cartoons. Some of the best are just stills with narration and music. They should teach this program to the kids at school!
There's another show on the 26th this month. Check out Flashkino

-Work on the Urban Drift-project might continue in a new form. Talks about a dvd have started.

-I finished "Dirty Tears". Woo-hoo! I gotta do some last rewritings and a few things here and there, but I'm pretty much done. I'll post the motherfucker soon and then I come up with a print-edition via books on demand in a while, ok?
welcome to no future
Damned, Frodo, you failed! We're doomed!

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The Aliens Among Us

"Belief in UFOs is not as marginal as one might think. As part of the publicity push for Taken -- Steven Spielberg's recently aired 10-part miniseries chronicling the UFO abductions in three different families over 50 years -- the SCI FI cable channel sponsored a Roper poll.

The survey revealed that 72 percent of Americans believe the government knows more about UFOs and extraterrestrials than it's passing on to the public. Still, UFOs, extraterrestrials and the people who love them often serve as stock straw men for the media. With a tone of orchestrated paranormality, sensational reports typically focus on accounts of sightings and abductions with speculation on the alien agenda. Often missing are any reports on how diverse the world of UFO research actually is. As is the case in just about any broad movement, Ufologists fall into numerous and often conflicting camps."

This was taken from an interesting article by John Dicker which deals with Ufologist and the belief in weird things in general.

"Nowhere on these pages will a clean-cut Air Force retiree unearth three decades of "suppressed" evidence exposing the bizarre and tenuous connections between extraterrestrials, the Cosa Nostra, and the assassination of our 35th president."

~~ John Dicker, 'The Aliens Among Us'

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News Mc Nuggets

People sell small Californian villages or their soul on the Internet. Now there a log following the most bizarre item on E-Bay and it's called Who would buy that?

-"New music terms for 2003: Tetris Pop. Acts created to fit a specific youth demographic identified by marketing executives. For example: Avril Lavigne."

-Limahl is the headline act for European Gay Ski Week in Austria this year.

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Cannibals, Satanists and Marc Dutroux

The media tries to be sensititve or at least they pretend to be. Nobody really knows how to comment on the new facts considering a network of cannibals practicing initiation rites with some sort of satanic background. The TV-show "ZDF-Reporter" broadcasted a report on wednesday which consisted of the most horrifying stories ever broadcasted. Journalist Rainer Fromm has researched the story for two years and if it we wouldn't have had a case of cannibalism in December 2002 already, nobody might have taken it serious at all. But now we're talking about 800 cannibals in Germany if we wanna believe the "Insiders"....

Not all Satanists are cannibals. There are lot of people, including loads of rockstars like The Beatles, who have studied the works of Aleister Crowley. Lots of teenagers who are into certain role-playing-games, consider themselves satanists. Ozzy Osbourne, who has recently been welcomed by George W.Bush himself, used to be a satanic media-boogeyman. But we're not talking about a rock-circus-performer or attention-seekers like Anton LaVey, the author of "The Satanic Bible".

When the cops arrested former sergeant-major Armin M. in December, the case was considered an isolated incident. Armin M. had been looking for young men who wished to be slaughtered and eaten on the internet. He found software-engineer Bernd Jürgen Brandes. Armin M. was disappointed that Brandes had lied to him since the engineer from Berlin wasn't a young man anymore. He cut off Brandes' penis nonetheless, cooked it and the two men ate it together. Afterwards the victim was chopped up and deposited in the deep freeze. Armin M., who was a big fan of barbecues, documented the whole process on video. He ate the remaining body parts later on. An anonymous citizen stumbled across the ads that M. had posted on the web and informed the police. The cops were not taken the hint too serious, but they still felt a need to research the story and visit the potential cannibal. Armin M. was a sissy with a dictatorial mother. After his mother had died, he had been living alone in a big house in Rotenburg where he had built a torture-chamber in the basement. A week later, Germany's biggest tabloid "Bild" revealed that M. had stated in prison that there would be " a network of around 800 cannibals in Germany". There were two pictures on the media. One of them shows M. drinking wine and smoking a cigarette with friends. Someone must have gotten a lot of money for that one. The other shows him after he was arrested in a police-car. The trial is expected to begin in February. Since there is no law against eating someone who offers himself voluntarily, it's gonna be a difficult case for the German judiciary.

Armin M. is a sick man and Bernd Jürgen Brandes must have had a serious mental problem. His wish to be eaten alive has nothing to do with bizarre body-modifications nor satanism. Both men were into a bizarre sex-ritual which is beyond everything else I've ever heard of, but they didn't seem to worship the devil. They were perverts, but Brandes wanted to be eaten and seeemed to have turned him on to have his penis cut off.

On tuesday, the 14th of January, the day before the big story broke, I sat in my kitchen with a friend. We talked about Satanism for a different reason. i get to that later. My friend told me that she wanted to do an interview-movie with an old friend of her who had been a victim of cannibal-rituals too carried out in the area of Magdeburg in the former GDR. She had some first hand insider-knowledge, but she was too scared to talk to the cops. I couldn't really believe the whole thing, but I agreed to assist her on doing the film.

The day after I had a hangover since we had been drinking quite alot of wine that night. When I went out to get some breakfast, I saw the headlines of "Bild" announcing that there were more cases and that ZDF-Reporter would broadcast a film about cannibals eating children the same night.

Rainer Fromm has been researching bizarre murder-rituals for years and all victims he has interviewed approached him on their own after hearing about his work. His main-witness is a 34 years old woman called Steffi who stated that babies have been killed, sliced up and eaten by a German Satanist group from the Trier-area near the border with Luxembourg. The group has also been raping women as part of an initiation rite. Some of the cannibal acts are said to go back 15 years. The woman said that she had been in touch with these groups for the first time when she was three years old which was even 31 years ago. Her parents have been part of this cannibal-scene and they made her take part in all rituals until she moved out of her parents' house at the age of 20. She got raped, she was forced to eat human flesh and she had seen some of the most gruesome acts of violence ever heard of in Germany after the Third Reich. The group told her that she had to take part in the rituals or she would get killed right away. Most of the kids the cannibals ate were very young or they had been aborted. Girls were raped to impregnate them and the babies were eaten right away.

The woman called Steffi led the journalist to a deserted industrial area in Liege, Belgium where most of these rituals took place. This is the same area where Marc Dutroux has been active. Dutroux has probably killed dozens of children. He has been the leader of a ring of child-molesters with high-ranking contacts. The case has been slowed down over and over.

Fromm has also interviewed a nine years old girl who described how she had seen other kids getting eaten alive. The face of the girl was unrecognizable, but the girl described so many details that all experts are sure that she was telling the truth. Everyone who has heard this girl crying and talking about what she had gone through, had nightmares that night.

A copy of the documentary and pictures the kid has painted can be found on the homepage of zdf-reporter

The day after the story broke, Rainer Fromm had to answer lots of questions. The media was fascinated, but it still seemed hard to believe. Fromm presented them material like four different "cookbooks" with detailed descriptions of how to slaughter and cook children. All books have regular ISBN-numbers and the adresses of the publishers. You can order them through any regular bookstore.

So, there really seems to be a network of satanic cannibals out there. Not only in Trier, but also in other regions of Germany and probably all around the world.

But why didn't anyone notice that so many children had been raped for years and years? Well, look at the Dutroux-case, it's actually even more disgusting and it raises way more questions without the satanic element. Why didn't anyone look into the case of high-ranking people raping children in and around Bruxelles, the capitol of Europe? Who was in charge of dismissing anyone who came up with a proof that Dutroux was only working for the people paying him?

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Obsessed with your dog or hamster? Try this!

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Nudists against the war!

Some people got naked for a nice anti-war-picture that reminds me a lot of pictures from the Sixties. Here it is!

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Same procedure as every year

Freddie Frinton alias Butler James is back in the one and only "Dinner for One" which has become a New Years-Eve-tradition all over the world. Even though it has been shown over and over, the author, Laurie Wylie, never made a dime off the play. And Frinton got 3527 Deutschmarks he had to share with his partner May Warden playing Miss Sophie. That was in 1963 when "Dinner for One" was shot in Hamburg. By now it's the tv-production which has seen the most reruns in the history of the medium.

Deutsche Fanpage:

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Notes from the lab - What's another year?

Got back to the lab on sunday. Almost to late to feed the monsters. Had some difficulties with the trains and all that. The German Bahn has introduced a new system and no one understands it. Not even the folks working behind the counters of the Bahn. Hard-working scientists like myself have no time for this monkey-business! Get it on, Deutsche Bahn! Spent a few days in Hamburg. Dangerous place. I got into a riot while doing christmas-shopping. Members of the political left played cat and mouse with the cops. The servants of the state arrested everyone who didn't run away. All of this in a shopping-mall on the last saturday before christmas. Hell's lobby! I had a few drinks over the holidays. Met with a bunch of my fellow explorers of the unknown in Hamburg and Bremen. Terrible weather! We got ice-rain for days and trains got stuck in the middle of nowhere for up to 16 hours. The Bahn again! Stupid idiots!

Bremen was fun. They changed the law considering the opening of even more bars in the amusent-district. New places popping up everywhere. Most of them filled with the usual scumbags listening to lame old punkrock from 1978. Nice new bar called Urlaub and another new punkbar called Dschungel is just next door of the infamous Capri Bar. Eastern punkrock-idol Shakey has also opened a bar called Die kleine Kneipe. Following the Rum Bumpers, the Heartbreak Hotel, the legendary Eisen, the Schänke and the good old Lehmans, Bremen truly is the capitol of punk considering the importance of the drinking-part within the genre.

The boys and girls of the Chaos Computer Club were over here for the week-end. A lot of interesting new shit. They showed me how easy it is to get into the computers of the Deutsche Bahn and look at people's bonus-miles (damned Bahn again!). Then there's the new line of implementing sniffing bloodhounds right within the chips of the next generation of hardware. Smart people will start to use only old computer-equipment in a while.

These young people, it makes an old man cry. All that enthusiasm, all these conspiray-theories, all these nerds! Started working on Kong. Hm, no news I can reveal yet. Gotta talk to the guys upstairs first. Uploaded old files to a new site at Renderosity which will be the new Mad Science.Net - Gallery for this and that.

About time to vote for all these best movies and records of 2003. I'd say, the Pianist and Bowling for Columbine and a big hand the Eminem Show. Best site would be the one with all the toy robots Then I'd vote for Boy from Brazil in the newcomer-department and I'd throw a pile of shit at George Lucas. Besides that we had this thing called Bastard Pop which one of my dear co-workers plays when he wears his secret identity DJ MP3.Let three records play a t the same time and fuck around with the volume to get a idea. It sounds like bad cooking, but it's what young people are into nowadays. Then a lot of people got excited about this Electroclash, which sounds like warmed-over EBM and Jamie Lydell is supposed to be the new messiah. A lot of people say this now, but it was my dear friend Mr.Darius James who said it first. It was at Jamie's birthday at the Gorgonzola Club where Mr.James stood on his chair. He called Jamie the messiah of funk and all kinds of other things. Then he yelled around a little bit more and after a while he fell asleep. His dentist had to drive him home.

Someone should do something about all these cannibals. Can't we have a war on cannibals like we have a war on drugs and terrorists and all that? I'm much more scared of cannibals who wanna eat my penis than of drugs or some lunatic with a bomb.

I got a call by Mr.Raff from New York while I was still in bed. He said he'd plan to move his ass to Berlin as well in August next year. Meanwhile it looks like an exodus with all these American intellectuals moving to European capitols. Makes you think.

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Dirty Tears - a popmodern novel by yours truly

I uploaded the updated version of Dirty Tears - Part One and an all-new Part Two. I hope I'm finished with the whole thing by christmas. Thanks to Colin Raff for proof-reading!

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No way! Bigfoot was a hoax!

Ray Wallace must have been a funny guy. Two weeks after he dies at the age of 84 on November 26th, his son Michael revealed that his old man had invented the Bigfoot. Wallace was the first to spot the creature stalking the north-western USA and he kept producing evidence ever since 1958. He created the gigantic footsteps, the audio-tapes with the voice of the monster and some shady pictures. Michael Wallace also told the press that the Bigfoot which can be seen in the famous short-movie by Roger Patterson from 1967, was probably his mother who ran around the woods in a costume every once in a while to attract more and more true believers.

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Acrylamid - Plasticfood

All those fried munchies like potatoe chips, french fries and cereals contain Acrylamid, a dangerous poison you should try to avoid. Eat more veggies, fruits or nuts and keep yourself up to date with this Acrylamid Checklist

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Hotel Kreuzberg - Arts & Lodging

Very interesting show with some great contamporary art from Berlin. Artists can move into this huge old glass-factory and stay there for two weeks to show their stuff. There are bands and Djs every night until the 15th. Highly recommended! You don't wana miss the swastika-sausages by Jan M.Petersen

Sehr gute Ausstellung aktueller Kunst aus Berlin mit Bands und DJs jeden Abned bis zum 15.12. Verpassen Sie nicht die Naziwürste von Jan M.Petersen!

Ausstellung mit Werken, Installationen, Projekten von: Susanne Ahner, Aron, Maria Best, Banu Birecikligil, Matthias Bothor, Stephanie Bothor, Alero Boyo, Gregor Brachmann, Aenne Burghardt, Jin Hee Cho, Andrea Droege, Katharina Erben, Christa Frontzeck, Gisela Genthner, Knut Gerwers, Anna von Gwinner, Svenja Hehner, Fritz Heisterkamp, Ulrike Helm, Sabine Jank & Günthnther Petzhold, Iris Kettner, Christine Kisorsy, Fried Knapp, Paul Kramer, Andrea Maria Krenn, Julia Kuhl, Edgar L., Malersuite, Jan Mende, Katharina Moessinger, Elena Papaioannou, Jan M. Petersen, PP, Jim Rakete, Mirko Reinecke, Michael Rhodes, Angelik Riemer, Michael Rutschky, Clemens Schergaut, Holger Schulz, Sercan, Giò Di Sera, Christoph Seifer, Stepha, Das Trixi Kombinat, Cornelia Vossen, Thomas Wagner, Bernhard Wald, Dennis Wettig, Christoph Wöllner, u.a. Ständiger Überraschungsgast: Jim Avignon

bis Sonntag, 15. Dezember täglich ab 12 Uhr, Glaslager, Alte Jakobstr.124-128, Berlin Homepage mit Programm

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Herr Schmidt soll St-Pauli retten

Platz 17 in der 2.Liga und auch sonst nicht unbedingt eine positive Bilanz.: die Freibeuter der Liga drohen Schiffbruch zu erleiden. Nun hat Thetaerintendant Corny Littmann alias Herr Schmidt die Präsidentschaft des FC St.Pauli übernommen. Der Vorzeige-Schwule wurde bereits 1999 zum Hamburger "Unternehmer des jahres" gewählt als er den Umsatz seines Theater ohne Subventionen von 350000 Euro auf 6,5 Millionen hochschrauben konnte. Das nennt man mal Wirtschaftkompetenz!

Herr Schmidt, the gay chief of Germany's coolest variety show, is the new president of everyone's favourite soccer-team, the guys with the Jolly Rogers-flag called FC St.Pauli.

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Oasis fight for their right to party

All dates for Oasis in Germany got cancelled after Liam Gallagher has lost a few teeth due to a fight in the lobby of a posh hotel in fucking Munich, bavaria. A gang of italian tourists kicked his ass after the band and some members of the roadcrew were fighting among themselves. Gallagher trashed around until he stumbled over the feet of these Italian gentlemen. On their official website the band states they got into a fight with some kids at a nightclub which seems to be wrong.

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Satanic Panic - Free the West Memphis Three!

The Robin Hood Hills Murders on May 5th, 1993 were a shock for everyone in and around Memphis, USA. Three 8 year old boys had been brutally murdered and thrown into a creek.
It didn't take the police too long to pin the crime on Damien Echols, a shy teenager who had been hassled by the cops whenever they were investigating a mayor crime. With the help of a mentally disabled teenager named Jessie Misskelley the cops made up a story about a satanic cult worshipping evil and sacrificing kids.
The only evidence they had were a bunch of books by Stephen King, lyrics by satan-worshippers like The Blue Oyster Cult and Pink Floyd and black tour-shirts by Metallica and other mainstream-bands. Indication proving the innocence of the trio were ignored. The legend of the West Memphis Three was born.
Jessie Misskelley and another kid called Jason Baldwin were sentenced to life in prison without parole while Damien Echols was sentenced to die by lethal injection.

The case of the WM3 is just one example of the new type of American witch hunt following the Columbine Murders. Nerdy kids with weird shirts who like reading books better than football or any other jock-activity are considered potential killers, satan worshippers of the worst kind or just plain unamerican.

Some of my dear readers may not realize how fundamentally religious the US are in reality. Americans go to church every sunday and they believe in the concept of god the old way. You know, there's a bearded guy in the sky and we're only his powerless children waiting for daddie's orders.
So, people like Marylin Manson are taken seriously while everyone else in the rest of the world thinks he's just a lame remake of Alice Cooper who is putting up quite a show. There have been all these trials were parents sued Judas Prist because their kid commited suicide listening to one of their records. Since most Americans believe in god, ghosts and aliens from outer space, it's no wonder they're really out to kill the followers of Satan and some trials remind normal human beings of the inquisition. Take all of that and add the current terrorist-paranoia to get an idea what being in high school must be like right now if you're not into god and following orders.
It's not easy having a good time if you're a 16 years old fan of Metal in the US. Wearing a certain shirt is considered open rebellion.Hell, some schools in the US even banned Bart Simpson-shirts a few years ago because they "undermined authority". Jon Katz has released a book which collects mails of so-called "teenage freaks" from a forum on after the Columbine Murders. Most of these mails come from dreamy nerds who like computing, playing Doom and listening to obnoxious noise. Bright kids with a general interest in having a life and getting out when they're old enough.
Kid, if you're reading this, get out as soon as you can! Move on! There are other places in the world, even in the US. Life might suck for you right now, but there are loads of people who know what you're going through right now. You are not alone.

Two filmmakers, Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky, have already released two documentaries, "Paradise Lost" and "Revelations: Paradise Lost Revisited", on the case of the West Memphis Three. After Part One was broadcasted on TV, the WM3 suddenly found new supporters. Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam wore the "Free the WM3"-shirt on stage and so did the South park-creator Trey Parker in an interview. Eddie Spaghetti of the Supersuckers supports the campaign and even Prada-models pose with the official t-shirt in public.
The latest supporter is good old Henry Rollins who has just released a compilaion called "Rise Above" which collects 24 songs of his classic band Black Flag. All tracks are interpreted by the Rollins Band aka. Mother Superior and the album features a long list of guest-simgers like Iggy Pop, Jello Biafra, Mike Patton, Tim Armstrong, Lars Frederiksen....
The CD supports the "Free the WM3"-campaign and Hank himself has announced that it's "Rollins vs. West Memphis, Arkansas" now.

Fuck, when my two former partners in crime did an interview with the man for "Gags & Gore" in 1991, he wanted to shove their tape-recorder up their asses! Nobody you want to have as an enemy!

Free the West Memphis Three

Read Saul's synopsis of the case at

... Link


Posh vs. Posh

Victoria Beckham, who had almost been kidnapped the other day, wants Petersborough United, a second league-soccer team from England, to give up their nick-name "Posh" which they had for 123 years.
The team sells merchandising saying "Posh" and the Spice Girl probably wants to start her own fashion-label under the same name.
Support The True Posh

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Do you want to conquer the world too?

Come on, join World Domination International Corporate, become an arch-criminal, rent secret headquarters to hide,steal a bunch of atomic bombs and bribe the planet!

It's easy if you follow our orders and shop at Villainsupply. - They got everything you need to conquer this world and all the other ones too.
If you're just some stupid opportunist who needs someone else to command him or her around, you can still get a job as a henchman
and follow Dr. Despayr's Blog for World Domination or read what other evil conquerors have to say!
I guess, this has to be my favourite new site, even though Dr.Despayr is just some small fry of course!

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ID - Stefan Ernsting - I have two books out, I work on cool movies and I've been blogging for 8191 days.




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