BRIAN WOOD - CHANNEL ZERO - FREE DOWNLOAD I love that book. It's soooo underappreciated. If you liked "Watchmen" and all that... This is the most radical comic of the media age. And it came out in the stone ages. Black and white. Dave Sim. Self-Publishing. All that Jazz. Have a look: Via Warren Ellis
by -stern-, 02:16h
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by -stern-, 13:21h
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WILL BATMAN BITE THE DUST? ![]() Is this the cover of the last appearance of "the old Batman"? Spoiler: A little bird told me that the caped crusader might really stay dead this time. Bruce Wayne, the man wearing the mask, I mean. It would get the series some attention and it worked for Captain America...
by tommyblank, 23:11h
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TOONLET - START A CARTOON BLOG Nice generator for people who can't draw. Some designs by Peter Bagge. What's your story?
by tommyblank, 15:42h
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DOWNLOAD FREE COMICS Some really good stuff: 17 Sensational, Free and Downloadable Graphic Novels
by tommyblank, 18:05h
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BLACK DOSSIERS "Die Welt" über das neue Werk von Alan Moore: "Der Britische Kult-Comicautor hat einen neuen Band der 'League of extraordinary Gentlemen' verfasst. 'Black Dossier' plündert die halbe Kulturgeschichte. Auch James Bond und Spiderman. Deshalb darf das Buch nicht in Europa verkauft werden. Wo bleibt das Urheberrrecht? Ja, wo bleibt es!" -Der Muff des 20. Jahrhunderts. Man könnte auch "Zensur" sagen. Es fängt zu stinken an.
by -stern-, 01:06h
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COALITION COMIX Interesting community project on MySpace: "MIKE CAREY will "be creating a brand new comic book from scratch with thousands of MySpace comic book fans!"
by -stern-, 16:29h
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My favourite Joker so far was Andrew Koenig. Son of Walter Koenig, aka Chekov from Star Trek, in REBLOG: BATMAN - DEAD END ![]() The modern Joker is a dandy without a horse ![]() Here's a crappy version of a great cover by Alex Ross ![]() Here's the classic version: ![]() "Killing Joke" had the best Joker ever of course! ![]() Cesar Romero was another good Joker: ![]()
by tommyblank, 15:59h
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by tommyblank, 14:18h
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WEIRD WAR TALES: HITLER'S FREAKOUT This came out in the early 80s.... Wikipedia: "The Creature Commandos are a fictional DC Comics team of military superhumans first deployed in World War II. The original team, created by J.M. DeMatteis, was introduced in Weird War Tales #93 (November 1980)." Read the story about Hitler's Freakout over at The-ISB.com: Hitler’s Halloween Freakout!
by -stern-, 16:00h
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NIC KLEIN Edition Panel artist Nic Klein has been mentioned on Drawn. We're still working on his first graphic novel.
by tommyblank, 16:46h
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SUPERMAN AGAINST LANDMINES ![]() Superman to the Rescue, but Can He Teach Mine Awareness? by Margaret S. Busé, MAIC (Mine Action Information Center) : "When Wonder Woman and Superman joined forces to promote mine awareness for children through the efforts of the U.S. Department of Defense, DC Comics and UNICEF, the landmine community was divided as to the usefulness, and ultimately, the success of the effort. Originally released in Bosnia in 1996, a second comic book in Spanish was released for children in Latin America in 1998.
by -stern-, 17:37h
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by -stern-, 17:24h
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WHO IS IRA SCHNAPP? Dial B for Blog is one of the finest blogs out there (all that graphic stuff is quite amazing!) and Robby Reed just started a new series about Ira R. Schnapp (born October 10, 1895, in Sassow, Austria), the man who was there when Superman was invented. A very interesting biography nobody ever heard of. Via Dubwise, I think.
by -stern-, 13:29h
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by tommyblank, 15:06h
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PARIS HILTON - THE CARTOON SERIES Stan Lee, who brought mankind "The Incredible Hulk," told the New York Post: "The plan is to make an animated cartoon show with her on TV. A hip comedy in the superhero comedy-adventure genre. We get on very well. This is a charming, very likable person. Sophisticated. Great comedic sense. A fine voice. And seriously hard-working. Totally unlike whatever the public is led to believe. And she has input. She attends every meeting. What we plan to do is truly tasteful. I'm working with Ringo Starr for a similar idea. I've told him I'll make him famous."
by tommyblank, 15:02h
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by -stern-, 18:03h
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"OPUS" CENSORED "Opus" removed from Sunday newspapers for Islam references -> Home of Berkeley Breathed (creator of my favourite strip "Bloom County")
by -stern-, 17:35h
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ANARKY ![]() Stolen from #3 of the 1997 mini-series Wikipedia: "Anarky (Lonnie Machin) is a comic book character published by DC Comics. Co-created by Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle, he first appeared in Detective Comics #608 (November 1989) as an adversary of Batman."
by tommyblank, 15:35h
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THE BRICK TESTAMENT The Old Testament - illustrated with Lego. Great stuff!
by -stern-, 14:35h
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COMIC CON SAN DIEGO 2007 Pictures by Gruntzooki "If you didn’t manage to make it down to San Diego for Comic-Con 07, then channel over to cable’s G4 for wall-to-wall, exclusive video coverage, with two hours tonight at 7:00pm (ET) then a full evening scheduled for Sunday. G4’s cast of roving reporters are doing bang-up work with all the big announcements, interviews with Neil Gaiman, J.J. Abrahms, Jessica Alba, Ridley Scott, to name just a few, as well as frequent interaction with the costumed attendees. G4 has included some great feature segments as well, for instance one covering the 38-year history of this geekfest. Most of the content is stored as podcasts on their web site in case your local cable carrier doesn’t carry it." Stolen from The Underwire More at WIRED: Scenes From ComicCon 2007
by tommyblank, 13:00h
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PROPAGANDA COMICS Here are some of my faves from The Propagander : Don't take candy from nazis, kids! Why is Hitler so sad? Maybe because Goebbels got spanked? Or because he sucks at football? What the hell is going on here? And who are the Japanazis?
by -stern-, 21:22h
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CARTOON VOM FIL Aus der Mamba Independent Comiczeitung ausgeschnitten und übers Bett gehängt.
by -stern-, 17:20h
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LADY, THAT'S MY SKULL Great, great blog and an awesome collection of pictures. Tons of stuff to steal! Shakespeare for Americans: "Appearing in 1981-1982 Heavy Metal magazine, Howard Chaykin, Walt Simonson and Peter Kuper adapted stories by Shakespeare as satirical, dumbed-down comic book fare for the masses."
by -stern-, 14:03h
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by -stern-, 13:44h
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THE DEATH OF AN AMERICAN ICON Yahoo News: "Captain America is dead and buried in the latest issue of Marvel Comics, due on newsstands the morning after Independence Day. After 66 years of battling villains from Adolf Hitler to the Red Skull, the red, white and blue leader of the Avengers was felled by an assassin's bullet on the steps of a New York federal courthouse. He was headed to court after refusing to sign the government's Superhero Registration Act, a move that would have revealed his true identity. (...) With the story line so relevant to present-day politics, and the timing of the latest issue so precise, it's hard not to think the whole thing is one big slam on the government. "Part of it grew out of the fact that we are a country that's at war, we are being perceived differently in the world," writer Jeph Loeb said. "He wears the flag and he is assassinated — it's impossible not to have it at least be a metaphor for the complications of present day."
by tommyblank, 14:33h
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HI, I'M A MARVEL...AND I'M A DC. Nice spoof of those mac-commercials. I've seen the first one before and Popwatch posted links to the new ones today. Pure geek-material. I mean, did you know Superman has a kid in the comics....? Here's no.3:
by -stern-, 22:11h
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CHALLENGE OF THE SUPER-DUPER FRIENDS "Hillary, Obama, Edwards and Gore use their superpowers to thwart the administrations conquest of the universe. " Via Metafilter
by tommyblank, 12:06h
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by -stern-, 14:56h
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CAPTAIN EURO What the....? Hey, Batman will beat the shit out of Captain Euro anytime, ok?
by -stern-, 14:44h
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