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Thursday, 30. October 2008
by tommyblank, 14:41h
... Link MEDIA:
by tommyblank, 14:39h
... Link MOVIES:
BEATLES - YELLOW SUBMARINE - DELETED AND ALTERNATIVE SCENE DreadfulRay: "Two slightly different versions of the film "Yellow Submarine" exist. There's a British one and an American one. The British version had "Hey Bulldog" and the US one had this footage instead. Nowadays the DVDs and Tapes and everything else are just the British version and the US one isn't made anymore. That's what makes this footage "Deleted and/or alternate"."
by tommyblank, 14:32h
... Link PRODUCTS:
BEATLES 1000% KUBRICK DOLLS The Billionaires Boys Club Blog says:Silly Thing is releasing this fun Beatles project. The “Can’t Buy Me Love” 1000% Kubrick should be out by Christmas in limited quantities. For more info contact: info at think-silly.com
by tommyblank, 14:16h
... Link Wednesday, 29. October 2008
by tommyblank, 12:30h
... Link Tuesday, 28. October 2008
GUGGENHEIM, NEW YORK - KÜNSTLER ÜBERNEHMEN DAS MUSEUM Art Magazin über theanyspacewhatever: Übernachten im Guggenheim Museum und Espresso im Kinozimmer: Die Künstler der New Yorker Ausstellung "theanyspacewhatever" spielen mit der Institution "Museum". Eigentlich ein spannendes Thema – trotzdem bleibt bei den halbherzigen Installationen ein Gefühl der Leere zurück. "
by -stern-, 17:12h
... Link MUSIC:
NIKE PRESENTS "THE HARDCORE SCENE" Supertouchart: "Earlier this month Hollywood hardcore fans got an incredibly rare treat when, ironically, NIKE SPORTSWEAR presented the official release of “Radio Silence: A Selected Visual History of American Hardcore Music,” at THE MONTALBAN in Hollywood featuring a live performance by none other than the CRO MAGS. Compiled by authors Nathan Nedorostek and Anthony Pappalardo—who were also a part of a Q&A with attendees alongside Chris Bratton (Chain of Strength), John Roa (End To End/Justice League), Jason Farrel (Swiz), John Joseph (Cro-Mags), Sean Ross (Excel), Dan O’Mahoney (No For An Answer/Carry Nation), and Gavin Oglesby (No For An Answer/Carry Nation)—the book masterfully traces the origins and influence of hardcore music from its glory days in the 1980s till now with crucial vintage photographs and insightful essays. A crowd of the faithful wrapped around the block onto Hollywood Blvd and nearly ripped the place to shreds as the evening proved that the youth are indeed still restless." More at Supertouchart
by tommyblank, 16:05h
... Link POLITICS:
by -stern-, 15:13h
... Link MOVIES:
SNAG - WATCH DOCUMENTARIES FOR FREE Snagfilms. Unfortunately it's "US only", but there's a workaround: Watch Hulu and access US-Only Web Content with Hotspot Shield
by tommyblank, 13:42h
... Link TV:
DEAD SET - ZOMBIES ATTACK BIG BROTHER HOUSE A clash of fiction and reality TV, this is just to good to be true! Channel 4: "Britain has a big problem. The dead are returning to life and attacking the living. The people they kill get up and kill – and it’s spreading like wildfire. Curiously, there are a few people left in Britain who aren’t worried about any of this – that’s because they’re the remaining contestants in Big Brother. Cocooned in the safety of the Big Brother house, they’re blissfully unaware of the horrific events unfolding outside. Until an eviction night when all hell breaks loose." Via Nerdcore
by tommyblank, 13:24h
... Link Monday, 27. October 2008
by tommyblank, 23:30h
... Link POLITICS:
OBAMA ASSASSINATION PLOT THWARTED WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Law enforcement arrested two men in Tennessee who had plans to rob a gun dealer to shoot Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and "as many non-Caucasians" as possible, an official said on Monday. An official from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said police found the men in the Jackson, Tennessee area with a number of guns, including a sawed-off shotgun, in their car. More over at Google News The Smoking Gun is on it's way! Knoxville News Sentinel, TN: Plot unusual for skinheads, expert says - "The type of alleged assassination plot targeting Barack Obama by neo-Nazi skinheads is unusual for a group that is known more for street violence and music concerts than organized plots, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. (...) The only known skinhead chapter in Tennessee is based in Knoxville, although it's very difficult for authorities to track skinhead movements because they avoid using public Web sites to communicate, said SPLC spokeswoman Heidi Beirich. We haven't seen widespread threats on Web sites, but we have seen threats," she said. "Obviously, for extremists in the white supremacy movement - which has a long history of extreme violence - there's no question that having the first potential African-American as president is something they are greatly concerned about. The fact that the Secret Service put protection on him earlier than any other candidate reflects their fears."
by tommyblank, 23:16h
... Link Computing:
WINDOWS AZURE - MICROSOFT ZÄUMT DIE REALITÄT VON HINTEN AUF Futurezone.orf.at: "Der weltgrößte Software-Konzern Microsoft läutet einen Strategieschwenk ein: Über eine neue Variante seines Windows-Betriebssystems mit dem Namen 'Windows Azure' steigt der Konzern ins wachsende Geschäft mit externen Rechenzentren und Software via Web ein. Unternehmen sollen so massiv Kosten sparen und flexibler werden. "
by tommyblank, 23:11h
... Link MEDIA:
THE NEW YORK TIMES VISUALIZATION LAB This is just the coolest thing for journalists! Play around with it! Go to Visualization Lab, where you can create visual representations of data and information using the "Many Eyes" technology from IBM Research. Create your own visualizations using data from today's news
by tommyblank, 23:05h
by -stern-, 17:32h
by -stern-, 17:31h
... Link GAMES:
EXTREME WORLD OF WARCRAFTING Nextnature.net: "What is real, or what really matters? The example image shows the World of Warcraft game setup bought and created by a player named “Bradster”. Living just a ‘Second Life’ was not enough, so he decided to live 36. His characters constitute a one-man army, giving him the challenge and power he obviously craves - paying $5,711 per year in subscription fees."
by tommyblank, 15:51h
... Link WRITING:
THE BLOGGING PLANT Pinktentacle.com has this for you: "If houseplants could blog, what would they say? To find out, Kamakura-based IT company KAYAC Co., Ltd. has developed a sophisticated botanical interface system that lets plants post their thoughts online. A succulent Sweetheart Hoya (Hoya kerii) named “Midori-san” is now using the system to blog daily from its home at bowls Donburi Cafe in Kamakura. The plant interface system, which is built around technology developed by Satoshi Kuribayashi at the Keio University Hiroya Tanaka Laboratory, uses surface potential sensors to read the weak bioelectric current flowing across the surface of the leaves. This natural current fluctuates in response to changes in the immediate environment, such as temperature, humidity, vibration, electromagnetic waves and nearby human activity. A specially developed algorithm translates this data into Japanese sentences, which are used as fodder for the plant’s daily blog posts. Midori-san started blogging about a week ago. So far, the plant’s highly structured posts summarize the day’s weather, temperature and lighting conditions, describe its overall physical condition, tell how much light it received via the user-activated lamp (see below), and explain how much fun the day was. Each post also includes a self-portrait photo and a plant-themed pun (in Japanese), which Midori-san likely did not write. A graph at the top of the sidebar shows the plant’s surface potential in real-time."
by tommyblank, 15:47h
... Link TV:
INTERVIEW WITH JOHN HODGMAN avclub.com had a really interesting chat with Mister Hodgman: "Before his life-altering appearance on The Daily Show With Jon Stewart on November 16, 2005, author and humorist John Hodgman logged time as a literary agent (for Bruce Campbell, among others) and as a freelance writer, editor, and/or reviewer for publications as diverse as McSweeney's (for which he wrote the absurdist column "Ask A Former Professional Literary Agent"), The Paris Review, Wired, Time Out New York, and The New York Times Magazine. But after he was invited to appear on The Daily Show to promote his first book The Areas Of My Expertise, his eccentric and hilarious almanac of fake trivia, he quickly became, in his words, "a famous minor television personality." For the two years running, Hodgman has been a semi-regular correspondent on the show, turning his super-elite "Resident Expert" persona on topics such as net neutrality, art authentication, the "staycation" (or "holistay"), the plague of diseased immigrants, and mixed martial arts. He's also gained recognition as the PC in the "Get A Mac" commercial series "
by tommyblank, 15:37h
... Link PRODUCTS:
by tommyblank, 12:58h
... Link MUSIC:
TOMTE - DAS VIDEO VON HEUREKA Gibt es nicht mehr. Einfach so verschwunden. Dafür aber hier ganz offiziell aufgetaucht.
by -stern-, 11:43h
... Link PRODUCTS:
by -stern-, 00:58h
... Link BOOKS:
"BUSHIDO" VON UND MIT BUSHIDO Ein tolles Buch. Die irische Nachbarin hat es in ihrem Geheimblog bereits einen "unsterblichen Kitschklassiker" oder so ähnlich genannt und mehr sollte man nicht wissen. Bushido ist sehr reich, aber immer noch guter Junge und erlebt halt die Abenteuer seines Lebens. Höhepunkte sind die Beschreibungen von Langeweile und die ewigen Referenzen an die "World of Warcraft", der auch die Kollegin Yvonne Catterfeld verfallen ist. Da hat Onkel Bushido Sex und denkt schon wieder an das nächste Treffen mit der WOW-Gilde. Trauer. Das stimmt alles wirklich traurig. Popstarsein ist nicht immer einfach, aber zum Glück hat Bushido hier und da noch etwas Geld und damit lässt sich die Langeweile schon irgendwie ertränken. Er ist ja eigentlich ein guter Mann, der Bushido, aber mit dem Buch hätte er vielleicht noch ein paar Jahre warten sollen. Seine Geschichte wird jetzt erst richtig interessant und die etwas dünn erzählte Knackiestory gibt dem Boulevard am Ende auch nur, was er sowieso schon zu wissen meint. Ansonsten habe ich das Buch eigentlich gern gelesen und mich auch akkustisch "therapieren" lassen. Und wenn Bushido endlich mal Oliver Geißen oder wie die Wurst heißt bei so einer duften Promisause in die Ecke schubsen und therapieren kann, ey, ich steh sofort Schmiere und habe nix gesehen.
by -stern-, 00:52h
... Link TV:
TATORT.DE Die haben heute gut gerockt, die FreundInnen von Fatih Akim. Der neue Hamburger "Tatort" kriegt alle Daumen hoch. Ganz knallharte Fans debattieren nicht unbedingt sehr zahlreich bei Tatort.de oder in der richtigen Welt z. B. in der Matilda (beliebte Kneipe im Kreuzberger Ausgehbezirk AA23 auf Google Earth!) gegenüber, wo sonntäglich der "Tatort" für Singles und Strohwitwer geboten wird... Dafür besser überpünktlich kommen oder Fresse halten. Ey, ich hab' immer noch den originohl Tatort-Klingelton...! Bushido wäre sicher sehr beeindruckt!
by -stern-, 00:38h
FINANZKRISE BRAUCHT SÜNDENBOCK Hans-Werner Sinn, Präsident des Münchner Ifo-Instituts, im “Tagesspiegel”: "In jeder Krise wird nach Schuldigen gesucht, nach Sündenböcken”, sagte er dem Tagesspiegel. In der Weltwirtschaftskrise von 1929 “hat es in Deutschland die Juden getroffen, heute sind es die Manager”.
by -stern-, 00:24h
... Link MOVIES:
GRAN TORINO - THE TRAILER The great old man is back! Clint Eastwood kicks ass!
by -stern-, 00:17h
... Link Sunday, 26. October 2008
by tommyblank, 12:16h
... Link ART:
by tommyblank, 12:13h
... Link PEOPLE:
JÖRG HAIDER - PROMO VIDEO FROM 1994 "Ein Mann geht seinen Weg" - Jörgl goes Rocky! Die Stelle mit dem Handy auf 2:45 gefällt mir besonders gut. Und dann schwer Bond Flair auf 3:20, ha, ha...
by tommyblank, 12:08h
... Link MEDIA:
BRITNEY ON TWITTER Interesting post on Techcrunch: A Missed Opportunity - Britney On Twitter: "Twitter is just another stop on the social media PR train — blog, MySpace, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, et. al. Twitter has had ample opportunity to lock in its disruption by enabling a subscription option for publishers. As a Twitter user you should be able to designate your own service model for those who follow you: free (default), pay only, or freemium. (...) The bigger these “supertwitterers” become the more opportunity they have open to them. What is it worth to Pepsi for Britney to twitter “drinking a pepsi” to 1M followers?" On Twitter - "Yes! This is the real Britney Spears!" Here's a typical post: " New pics of Britney and her boys at the pumpkin patch just went up. Way closer that the pics the paparazzi hasn't even released yet! ~Lauren"
by tommyblank, 12:02h
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ID - Stefan Ernsting - I have two books out, I work on cool movies and I've been blogging for 8298 days. SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG | BOOKMARK BLOG
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DER PHANTASTISCHE REBELL ALEXANDER MORITZ FREY oder Hitler schießt dramatisch in die Luft
DER ROTE ELVIS oder Das kuriose Leben eines US-Rockstars in der DDR
Taschenbuch (7,95 € / 14,80 Sfr /3-7466-2261-1) (Hardcover, 314 Seiten, 34 Abbildungen, 22,50 €)
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...Playlist: Songs for the Sun ...Story: Jobs - Work in progress ...Buffalo Bill und der Western als Weltanschauung ...Comics: Animal Man & the Meta-Fiction Discussion ...Buch: Tomte - Die Schönheit der Chance ...Comics: Nach der Krise ist vor der Krise ...Politik: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation ...Art: Destino - The Disney/Dali-Project ...Medien: Lost: Mindfuck Marketing ...Musik: Kettcar: Im Bett mit Marcus Wiebusch