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Monday, 23. July 2007
by -stern-, 12:50h
... Link PLACES:
by tommyblank, 01:14h
... Link Sunday, 22. July 2007
PRUSSIAN BLUE - NAZI POP TWINS I just saw this excellent documentary produced by Channel 4 : "Nazi Pop Twins is a one-off, one hour documentary where filmmaker James Quinn investigates the controversial American pop band Prussian Blue, whose teenage twin girl stars have made headlines across the world with their white nationalist music and as poster girls of neo-Nazism. (...) Filmed over a year, Nazi Pop Twins follows James as he is invited into the home of the Gaede family where he aims to discover the secrets of the twin's notoriety and the motivation behind their controversial music. As the family allow James and the cameras into their lives, he discovers some disturbing truths beneath the happy family image that determined mother/manager April likes to project. Is she, in fact, just using Lamb and Lynx as a mouthpiece for her own extremist views?"
by -stern-, 18:54h
... Link 3D Design:
HARVIE KRUMPET "Geoffrey Rush narrates this inspirational Oscar-winning short about a man cursed with perpetual bad luck. But through all his travails, Harvie still manages to seize the day and get the most out of his meager life."
by -stern-, 18:31h
... Link MUSIC:
LOS REVOLUCIONARIOS Revolucionarios - Der rote Elvis - Soundtrack hat nun auch seinen eigenen MySpace mit vier Songs zum reinhören. Olivier Fröhlich und Jan Weber machen aber auch noch ganz andere Sachen: Dubnoodles und Monomango
by -stern-, 15:52h
POLIZEI VERFÜGT ÜBER TORNADOS AP: "Die Rostocker Polizei hat beim G8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm Tornado-Aufklärungsflüge ohne Rücksprache mit dem Innenministerium angefordert. Das berichtet die «Bild am Sonntag» unter Berufung auf das Landes- Innenministerium. Die Behörde von Minister Lorenz Caffier (CDU) sei demnach über fünf zusätzliche Flüge nicht informiert gewesen. «Das Innenministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern war über die zusätzlichen notwendigen Aufklärungsmissionen sowie über die Aufklärungsräume und Strecken vorab nicht informiert», teilte das Ministerium demnach mit. Verteidigungsminister Franz Josef Jung (CDU) hatte zwei Erkundungsmissionen der Luftwaffe genehmigt. Tatsächlich wurden fünf weitere Missionen geflogen, das Ministerium wurde erst eine Woche nach Ende des Gipfels darüber informiert. Der SPD-Innenpolitiker Dieter Wiefelspütz kritisierte den Einsatz: «Weder Jung noch Caffier geben hier ein gutes Bild ab», wurde er zitiert. "
by -stern-, 15:45h
... Link TV:
SARAH CONNOR? "The Sarah Connor Chronicles is an American television series scheduled to debut on the U.S. television network Fox in early 2008. It is a continuation of the Terminator film franchise. Produced by Warner Bros. Television and C2-Pictures, it will revolve around the life of Sarah Connor, and her son, John Connor after the events of Terminator 2: Judgment Day." Guess what, Episode 1 is online already!
by -stern-, 14:39h
... Link Computing:
by -stern-, 14:38h
... Link Saturday, 21. July 2007
PROPAGANDA COMICS Here are some of my faves from The Propagander : Don't take candy from nazis, kids! Why is Hitler so sad? Maybe because Goebbels got spanked? Or because he sucks at football? What the hell is going on here? And who are the Japanazis?
by -stern-, 21:22h
... Link TV:
STEPHEN COLBERT VS. MICHAEL MOORE Alternet: "Moore's takedown of Wolf Blitzer first, and then Sanjay Gupta second, have now become the stuff of legend, but how does Moore do standing up against the great Stephen Colbert?"
by -stern-, 16:38h
... Link Friday, 20. July 2007
ELVIS - SUSPICIOUS MINDS YouTube says: "Suspicious Minds was the last #1 hit for Elvis during his lifetime. (...) Memphis Soul producer Chips Moman brought this to Presley in 1969, and Elvis immediately fell in love with it and decided he could turn it into a hit, even though it had flopped for James. This was recorded between 4-7 in the morning, during the landmark Memphis session that helped Elvis reclaim his title of 'The King.L This was a big comeback song for Elvis. It was 7 years since his last #1 hit. Elvis' publishing company, along with his manager Col. Tom Parker, tried to get their usual cut of the royalties from this and threatened to stop the recording if they didn't. Elvis insisted on recording the song regardless."
by tommyblank, 17:40h
... Link Computing:
BREAKING NEWS: THE INTERNET HAS CRASHED "Officials confirm that all online data has been lost after the Internet crashed and was forced to restart."
by tommyblank, 17:36h
... Link PEOPLE:
LOVING THE ALIEN Terry Donovan has some interesting pictures of a naked lady having sex with an alien (this link is for adults only, kids!) Fetish photography for conspiracy nutcases!
by -stern-, 14:31h
... Link PEOPLE:
PRISONERS REENACT "THRILLER" "1,500 plus CPDRC inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines at practice!" You have to see this to believe it!
by -stern-, 13:47h
... Link Thursday, 19. July 2007
MEET TEAM "B" - EPISODE 2 OF "THE AMERICAN RANGER" That Dick Cheney doll is pretty funny too. More at Britethorn
by tommyblank, 13:06h
... Link Computing:
by tommyblank, 13:03h
... Link MOVIES:
by tommyblank, 12:41h
... Link MOVIES:
MAD LOVE (1935)
by tommyblank, 12:40h
... Link BERLIN:
by tommyblank, 12:38h
KLABUSTERBEERE -Ganz lustig, die Fotos...
by tommyblank, 12:37h
... Link Wednesday, 18. July 2007
BIERKOMBINAT KREUZBERG Der "offizielle Biersponsor des Kreuzberger Kiezprojektes Kampf auf dem Parkdeck" braut für Euch das Schoppebräu, das beste Bier aus einer Berliner Brauerei. Kann derzeit on top of the Parkhaus probiert werden.
by tommyblank, 16:28h
... Link PEOPLE:
PAGANS FIGHT SIMPSONS WITH "RAIN MAGIC" Daily Mail: "A giant outline of Homer Simpson brandishing a doughnut was enough to make even pagans go 'D'oh'. Painted opposite famous fertility symbol, the Cerne Abbas giant, the idea had been to plug the new Simpsons movie due out later this month. But instead the image has incited the wrath of British pagans who have now pledged to perform 'rain magic' to rid their sacred site of its unwelcome guest." -Pagans! Can't take a joke! Would someone please go and slap these idots!
by tommyblank, 14:10h
... Link Tuesday, 17. July 2007
VICTORIA BECKHAM - COMING TO AMERICA This guy uploaded a cam-version on Youtube! Just in case you wanna hear Posh say things like "my new phone is just great!"
by -stern-, 18:36h
... Link MUSIC:
MONOMANGO Aus der Flut von Zuschriften, die uns in jüngster Zeit erreicht hat, greifen wir mal wahllos eine raus.... Hm, da schreibt Hans-Peter W. aus dem Gebirge: "Warum gibt es eigentlich nirgends Poster der schnuckeligen Boys von Monomango zu kaufen?" Keine Ahnung, aber vielleicht tut es zunächst auch dieses schmucke Pressefoto der Companeros: So sehen sie also aus, die Herren Filmmusiker.
by -stern-, 16:44h
... Link MUSIC:
YO, MILBERTSHOFEN KENNT KEINE GEGENWEHR "Es ist der Park und es sind die Rapper...." Was soll nur aus Deutschland werden...?
by -stern-, 11:35h
... Link Monday, 16. July 2007
ZODIAC (2007) What is this, a remake of "JFK"?
by tommyblank, 23:32h
... Link MOVIES:
THE NUMBER 23 Disappointing. The first half is ok, but the ending makes it hard to understand why someone bought this script in the first place.
by tommyblank, 23:22h
... Link BOOKS:
KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN - THE FUGAZI BOOK By Glen E. Friedman. Looks sweet! Via
by tommyblank, 18:10h
... Link MOVIES:
STAN LAUREL & OLIVER HARDY "Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!" "The boys" are MySpace-friends of the week! I always loved them and I might even buy those two dvd-boxes some day... Until then:
by tommyblank, 17:13h
... Link MUSIC:
KISS - DETROIT ROCK CITY ( from the movie detroit rock city) Get up, everybody.... And don't miss the video for the cover-version by The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
by tommyblank, 16:56h
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