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Friday, 10. August 2007
by tommyblank, 15:04h
... Link Thursday, 9. August 2007
by -stern-, 14:28h
... Link MOVIES:
W - THE FILIPINO MAD MAX Google Video " A lonely agent, worried about the corruption in his own work, tries to stop a kind of Darth Vader Buddah who wants to dominate the Middle Orient with an army that you must see to believe it. Directed by Willie Milan and starring Anthony Alonzo, Bing Davao and Paul Vance this movie is considered one of the worst films of all times."
by -stern-, 13:38h
... Link MOVIES:
BAD TASTE (1987) " First movie by Peter Jackson who shot it on weekends over a four-year period with friends playing the lead roles. Jackson funded most of ... Alle » the film himself until towards the end of the shoot when the New Zealand film commission gave him money to finish his project after being impressed with what he'd already produced. The entire movie was improvised."
by -stern-, 13:35h
... Link MOVIES:
TURKISH STAR WARS This is even better than Turkish Star Trek (with eng. subtitles) ! Google Video: "Turkish-made film commonly known as Turkish Star Wars because of its notorious bootlegging of Star Wars film clips worked into the film. Released in 1982, Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam was created in Turkey caught in the midst of massive political upheaval. As a result, American-made films were not easily acquired and were often remade with a Turkish cast and setting. The musical soundtrack is entirely lifted from Western film hits of the time, primarily using Raiders of the Lost Ark. There are also scenes incorporating the music of Moonraker, Flash Gordon, Battlestar Galactica, Planet of the Apes and Disney's The Black Hole."
by -stern-, 13:33h
... Link GAMES:
PISS & PLAY About the Piss-Screen: "How to capture the inebriated attention of any potential drunk drivers? Well, where do most people go when they’re drunk? (Apart from the bar, that is. Or maybe for a kebab.) They go to the toilet. As such, we thought this would be the perfect medium to reach our target audience in a fresh and impactful way. (...) The Piss-Screen - a pressure-sensitive inlay set within urinals, enabling users to play while they pee. We installed this newfangled creation in male restrooms across Frankfurt, teaming up with a variety of bars, clubs and cafés. The game itself was displayed on a screen above each urinal, and would automatically start as soon as someone began to pee. The player could then control the car whilst relieving himself – if they wanted the car to go right, they simply peed to the right (and visa versa)."
by -stern-, 12:57h
BANK RUN IN "SECOND LIFE" Technology Review: "Second Life's financial sector is being rocked by a series of upsets that could spell trouble for the virtual economy."
by tommyblank, 11:38h
... Link Computing:
by tommyblank, 11:31h
... Link POLITICS:
THE GREAT AMERICAN MEDIA MIND WARP Alternet: A Feast of Bullshit and Spectacle: The Great American Media Mind Warp. By Joe Bageant: "Watch television in countries with supposedly primitive media, and after a while you will be shocked at the technologically mediated and shape-shifted image of the world presented to Americans. (...) All Americans, regardless of caste, live in a culture woven of self-referential illusions. Like a holographic simulation, each part refers exclusively back to the whole, and the whole refers exclusively back to the parts. All else is excluded by this simulated reality. Consequently, social realism in this country is a television commercial for America, a simulated republic of eagles and big box stores, a good place to live so long as we never stray outside the hologram. The corporate simulacrum of life has penetrated us so deeply it now dominates the mind's interior landscape with its celebrities and commercial images. Within the hologram sparkles the culture-generating industry, spinning out our unreality like cotton candy."
by tommyblank, 11:25h
... Link 3D Design:
HAMBURG IN 3D SPON:"Ein halbes Jahr später als geplant ist das 3D-Modell der Stadt Hamburg in Google Earth online gegangen. " Lädt ewig, aber SPON hat da so ein Video....
by tommyblank, 11:21h
... Link Wednesday, 8. August 2007
by -stern-, 12:46h
... Link MUSIC:
WE LOVE WELTPOKALSIEGERBESIEGER Gehen Sie zum Gehen Sie nicht über Los! "Pünktlich zum ersten Heimspiel unserer BOYS IN BROWN am 10. August 2007 gegen den FC KÖLN erscheint WE LOVE ST. PAULI. Mit dabei sind Songs von Rantanplan, Dubtari, Tomte, Bernd Begemann & Dirk Darmstaedter, Tocotronic, Bela B., Rocko Schamoni, Turbonegro, Die Toten Hosen, Sport, Der Fall Böse, Kolkhorst, Station 17 … Auf der CD sind auch Auszüge der original NDR 90,3 Radioreportage vom letzten Heimspiel und den Aufstiegsfeiern zu hören. Alle Künstler, das Label und der Vertrieb spenden ihre Gewinne aus dieser CD an das absolut unterstützenswerte Trinkwasserprojekt VIVA CON AGUA (!"
by -stern-, 12:44h
... Link Tuesday, 7. August 2007
by -stern-, 14:07h
... Link MEDIA:
VIELLEICHT HATTE ELTON JOHN JA IRGENDWIE RECHT... “It’s just a means to an end." “We’re talking about things that are going to change the world and change the way people listen to music and that’s not going to happen with people blogging on the internet." “I mean, get out there — communicate." “Hopefully the next movement in music will tear down the internet."
by -stern-, 00:45h
... Link Monday, 6. August 2007
by -stern-, 18:09h
... Link 3D Design:
LIFTED - A NEW SHORT FILM FROM PIXAR Not exactly their best one...
by -stern-, 18:07h
... Link Sunday, 5. August 2007
BRICK - THE MOVIE No, not those Lego movies! We're talking about the winner of "Fantasy Filmfest 2006" and our MySpace friend of the week. "Brick" by Rian Johnson is a very special kind of detective movie and a genre-mix on it's own. Wicked script! Very hard to describe. Trailer:
by -stern-, 14:44h
... Link Comics:
THE BRICK TESTAMENT The Old Testament - illustrated with Lego. Great stuff!
by -stern-, 14:35h
... Link Saturday, 4. August 2007
MANSON - DOCUMENTARY (1972) Disturbing film about Charlie and his family. It's on Google Video.
by tommyblank, 15:18h
... Link Friday, 3. August 2007
WILLIAM SHATNER SINGS! William Shatner sings "Rocketman" at 1978 Sci-Fi Awards show: More fun with Cpt. Kirk:
by tommyblank, 15:06h
... Link PEOPLE:
WHY HENRY ROLLINS HATES DATING When Henry met William Shatner <a href=" target="_new">Part 2: Henry and Shatner go for dinner
by tommyblank, 14:48h
... Link Computing:
MULTIVERSE Never mind "Second Life"! Build your own virtual world! Here's the Multiverse! At last the waiting is over and version 1.0 is out there. "Multiverse technology is scalable, extensible, and highly customizable, enabling you to build your world with its own unique look and feel, gameplay, and mechanics." Check out what can be done with version 1.0 only: This is where Web 3D really starts! Only your imagination is the limit and all that bla-bla again.
by -stern-, 12:22h
... Link MUSIC:
THE VEGETABLE ORCHESTRA "Worldwide one of a kind, the Vegetable Orchestra performs on instruments made of fresh vegetables. The utilization of various ever refined vegetable instruments creates a musically and aesthetically unique sound universe." Crazy, crazy!
by -stern-, 12:12h
BAYERN: WO NAZIS NOCH UNGESTÖRT KONZERTE MACHEN DÜRFEN Erschreckender Artikel in der Süddeutschen.
by -stern-, 12:09h
ILLEGALE DOWNLOADS? WHO CARES? German prosecutors have begun denying requests to force ISPs to identify the subscribers behind IP addresses, saying that the alleged file-sharing was a "petty offense." Da werden reichlich Propaganda-Spots in den Kinos geschaltet, wo Raubkopierer mit Vergewaltigern in einen Pott geworfen werden. Und immer wieder sind naive Mitmenschen deswegen tatsächlich ängstlich. Gestern erzählte mir der Herr Schnittmeister, er hätte in jungen Jahren seine C64-Disketten in einer abschließbaren Box unterm Bett versteckt. Falls mal die Polizei einreitet. Ha, ha, ha! Ist natürlich Quatsch. In Deutschland sind gerade sechs Beamte mit Internet-Kriminalität beschäftigt und die haben genug mit den Kinder-Pornos und den Terroristen zu tun.
by -stern-, 12:07h
... Link POLITICS:
KILLER ROBOTS IN IRAQ Wired Blog: First Armed Robots on Patrol in Iraq " Robots have been roaming the streets of Iraq, since shortly after the war began. Now, for the first time -- the first time in any warzone -- the machines are carrying guns. After years of development, three "special weapons observation remote reconnaissance direct action system" (SWORDS) robots have deployed to Iraq, armed with M249 machine guns. "
by -stern-, 11:59h
... Link Wednesday, 1. August 2007
THE PORN MYTH Excellent article in nymag by Naomi Wolf: "For the first time in human history, the images’ power and allure have supplanted that of real naked women. Today, real naked women are just bad porn.”
by tommyblank, 16:48h
... Link MEDIA:
by tommyblank, 16:17h
... Link 3D Design:
DAZ STUDIO 1.7 FOR FREE DAZ "3D Starter Pack" FREE from now through August 31, 2007! Plus Studio 1.7 is FREE now! Now we're all waiting for the "import Poser into Second Life-killer-application. Over at DAZ 3D
by tommyblank, 16:06h
... Link BERLIN:
DEAN REED PARTY "Der Rote Elvis" wird am 4. August 2007 um 19:00 Uhr im Kino Union in Berlin-Friedrichshagen gezeigt, in Anwesenheit des Regisseurs, anschließend Dean Reed Party mit den duften DJs vom Filmteam.
by tommyblank, 16:01h
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