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Sunday, 25. November 2007
UPDATE: CLEVERE KREUZBERGER UMGEHEN PRÄVENTIV DAS RAUCHVERBOT Interessierten Gastwirten sei die Homepage der Kneipe "Heide 11" am Kreuzberger Hermannsplatz empfohlen. Dort bekommt man für 10 Euro den "Informationsbrief Raucherclub". Dort gibt es auch das Buch "Turbulenzen in der Heide 11" - Tagebuch einer Berliner Kneipenwirtin Morgenpost: Mit welchen Tricks Berliner Kneipiers das Rauchverbot umgehen "Raucherclub" steht seit zwei Monaten auf der Leuchtreklame über dem Eingang der "Heide 11". Ausweise auf gelben Zetteln sind schon gedruckt: "Für die Dauer Ihres Aufenthalts sind Sie kostenlos Mitglied." Eine Klingel an der Tür wird demnächst montiert. Aus der Wirtin wird zum Jahreswechsel die Klubchefin. Vorbild seien die Filmklubs der 70er-Jahre, sagt sie. Damals traf man sich halb öffentlich und ebenso legal zum Anschauen von Erotikfilmchen. "Wir wollen keine Pornos gucken, wir wollen rauchen", sagt die Chefin.
by tommyblank, 14:34h
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by tommyblank, 14:33h
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by tommyblank, 14:31h
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NORA BELOW SUPERSTAR Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at
by tommyblank, 14:11h
... Link PEOPLE:
by tommyblank, 14:00h
... Link BERLIN:
VIVA LA AQUA CARRÉ KREUZBERG That groovy "squat" in the French Quarter of Kreuzberg has a Website. They're gonna have a big party next Saturday. 1000 years of Möbel Olfe or something like that, the French said. Don't worry, Les Ugly Americaines are not allowed to play again! C'est le Mitsubishi Lounge where they serve les baguettes and la Berliner Kindl. Les Three Stooges at the "Plastic Bertrand Memorial Hall"
by tommyblank, 13:58h
... Link MOVIES:
HITLER: A FILM FROM GERMANY Written and directed by Hans Jürgen Syberberg in 1977. From the Info Page: "One of Europe's boldest and most controversial film and theatre directors, Syberberg has devoted much of his career to exploring the roots of his native Germany's tragic destiny in the 20th century." "The most spectacularly original contribution to Hitler studies which the cinema has given us." Nigel Andrews, "Financial Times"
by tommyblank, 13:11h
... Link MOVIES:
ALL THIS AND WORLD WAR II Wikipedia: "A 1976 musical documentary that juxtaposes Beatles songs, performed by a number of musicians, with World War II newsreel footage and 20th Century Fox films from the 1940s. It lasted a week in movie theaters and was quickly sent into storage. After Terry Gilliam turned down the offer to direct this documentary, 20th Century Fox turned to Susan Winslow." The soundtrack is, well, check out the list yourself! Peter Gabriel doing "Strawberry Fields Forever" and Tina Turner singing "Come Together" and of course it's got the notorious Bee Gees who were also responsible for that horrible Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Film. All This and World War II - Info Page at the most excellent Subterranean Cinema More: A ROCK N ROLL CASE STUDY By the way, Subterranean Cinema has lots of weird movies like that.
by tommyblank, 12:57h
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THE MUPPET SHOW FAN CLUB SONG (1977) "A blue flexi that came with being in the official super stupendous fan club!" WFMU has it.
by tommyblank, 12:32h
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by tommyblank, 12:29h
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KAPAIKOS VS. LARS RUDOLPH Handyvideos haben so 'ne spezielle komisch kranke Ästhetik...
by -stern-, 02:36h
... Link Saturday, 24. November 2007
WHERE IS MY BRAIN? Warren Ellis: Thank you, America, for giving me stories like this one: "The mayor of an Arkansas town resigned on Wednesday, claiming he was abducted and brainwashed by Satan worshippers nearly three decades ago. Centerton Mayor Ken Williams said he has been living under an assumed name for nearly 30 years. He had been mayor since 2001. Williams told authorities he was born Don LaRose and that in the mid-1970s, he was a preacher in Indiana. He said he was abducted and brainwashed into forgetting all about his life as Don LaRose. It was a double-life he had never acknowledged, Williams said, because he didn’t even realize it existed until he had recently taken a truth-serum injection…"
by tommyblank, 14:12h
... Link POLITICS:
IN LIES WE TRUST - THE CIA, HOLLYWOOD & BIOTERRORISM DUCK AND COVER, KIDS! "To learn why your life is entrusted to Manchurian candidates who don't even know how and why they aim to kill you. Dr. Horowitz brilliantly critiques the government's new 24-hour television network and feature documentary, History of Bioterrorism, which is now broadcasting daily over the Dish Network. " From
by tommyblank, 14:06h
... Link 3D Design:
by tommyblank, 13:46h
DILBERT & JFK SHOWING UP IN THE METAVERSE JFK assassination to be recreated in Second Life Dilbert creator Scott Adams appears in Second Life for nut-kicking extravaganza
by tommyblank, 13:44h
... Link Friday, 23. November 2007
PLEASE READ THIS ADAM CURTIS INTERVIEW! The Register - Adam Curtis: The TV elite has lost the plot: "Adam Curtis is one of the jewels in the BBC's crown - as well as one of its fiercest critics. His documentaries are rich, complex histories of ideas that have surprised BBC executives with their popularity amongst younger viewers: his montage technique and visual jokes reward repeated viewings. THE CENTURY OF THE SELF told the story of how Freud's nephew invented modern public relations . The Power Of Nightmares described how the myth of the al-Qaeda "network" had to be invented so a terror trial could be heard under America's RICO laws. The Trap describes how reductionist and paranoid logic of game theory influenced psychology, biology and eventually social policy." Over two interviews with us, Curtis lays into a TV class that has lost its confidence, run out of ideas, and fallen back on "user generated content" as a salvation. He explains how bloggers are bullies, warns of the snake oil salesmen of the internet's "new democracy", and suggests how to repair a BBC in crisis."
by tommyblank, 15:07h
... Link MEDIA:
THE GREAT YOUTUBE SWINDLE Techcrunch: The Secret Strategies Behind Many “Viral” Videos: Have you ever watched a video with 100,000 views on YouTube and thought to yourself: “How the hell did that video get so many views?” Chances are pretty good that this didn’t happen naturally, but rather that some company worked hard to make it happen – some company like mine.
by tommyblank, 15:01h
... Link MOVIES:
by tommyblank, 14:48h
... Link POLITICS:
UNITE AGAINST HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE IN "THE WAR ON TERROR" Watch Waiting for the Guards "Amnesty International have just released a truly powerful film to coincide with the official launch of the unsubscribe campaign. Waiting For The Guards is the first of 3 films commissioned by Amnesty to highlight the enhanced interrogation techniques used by the CIA in the “War on Terror”. The Directors approached the making of the film in a way that has never been done before, choosing to show the reality of Stress Positions in as authentic a way as possible. They filmed a person being put into Stress Positions over a 6 hour period. There is no acting on the part of the 'prisoner'" – his pain and anguish is for real. This powerful film shows without doubt that what the US administrations say is interrogation is in reality, torture and must be stopped. "
by tommyblank, 14:45h
... Link Thursday, 22. November 2007
OTTO THE ZOMBIE (OR, UP WITH DEAD PEOPLE) Bruce LaBruce’s latest controversial post gay zombie movie was shot in Berlin and lovely Katharina Klewinghaus plays someone called Medea Yarn. From the Synopsis by LaBruce himself: Otto; or, Up with Dead People is a melancholy zombie movie with political overtones that seeks to extend and elaborate the emerging zombie mythology. A modern fable about the loneliness, emptiness, and alienation that results from rampant consumerism and materialism under advanced capitalism, "Otto; or, Up with Dead People" presents as its central character Otto, a young man who may or may not be a zombie, depending on your point of view. Otto is first seen walking down a deserted stretch of highway, not knowing exactly where he came from or where he's going. He is dressed as a kind of neo-Goth dandy, but his clothes look and smell like they are rotting on his body. After hitching a ride with a clueless elderly couple that drops him off in the city, it quickly becomes apparent that there is something distinctly odd about Otto. He seems to be homeless, taking refuge in an abandoned amusement park, and he never sleeps. He also has an eating disorder: he has an aversion to consuming human flesh. He's a zombie with an identity crisis. "
by -stern-, 15:11h
... Link MUSIC:
DIRTY PROJECTORS - REMAKING BLACK FLAG'S "DAMAGED" "Rise Above" was on NPR'S "Song of the Day" a while ago. Interesting story! Here is The Dirty Projectory MySpace
by -stern-, 13:59h
... Link TV:
MORE MUPPET MADNESS -Kermit the Frog goes through a mid-life crisis and performs Bruce Springsteen's Dancin' in the Dark on Muppets Tonight, featuring Miss Piggy as Courtney Cox. The Smashing Pumpkins surprise cameo. Aired on ABC December 28th, 1997. Floyd plays "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" Forgive me, Charlie Parker: Sax & Violence (rare!) Marvin Suggs and his All Food Glee Club on Muppet Show's auditions. "Yes,We Have no Bananas"
by -stern-, 13:22h
... Link GAMES:
WERBUNG FÜR WORLD OF WARCRAFT New WoW Ads Recruit Mr. T and Shatner -Hey, I don't play that game, but those commecials are really funny, I must admit.
by -stern-, 12:54h
... Link Wednesday, 21. November 2007
K A P A I K O S - RECORD RELEASE PARTY Eine Nachricht aus dem Mandolinen-Hauptquartier: ALOHA UND BRAUSE, Jetzt findet endlich die Record Release Party von TEERWALZER statt. Am Donnerstag werden alte und neue Frechheiten in einmaliger Kombination dargeboten. Als Vorband spielen die zappeligen Hamburger BAGIO. Zwischendurch legen die renommierten DJs Vicious Vroni und Manni K.O. KAPAIKOS hat einige seiner tollsten Kumpels und Musikerfreunde als Gäste eingeladen, um mit ihnen nie dagewesene Versionen von "Emlak Bankasi", "Spurenaufteilung" und "Hase" etc. zu präsentieren, Freut Euch auf Geffen (hoch) 3 Gina D'Orio Lars Rudolph Mareike Hube Niki Woernle aka 20Goto10 Nora Below Original Oberkreuzberger Nasenflötenorchester also: KAPAIKOS Record Release Party von TEERWALZER Donnerstag, 22.11. um 22 Uhr
Bang Bang Club, Neue Promenade 10, 10178 Berlin (ja richtig, am kommt vorbei, wir schwören es Euch! K A P A I K O S Danach machen wir eine kleine Tour durch Deutschland, sagt mal Euren Kumpels bescheid, 30.11. Bremen, Spedition 1.12. Hamburg, Übel und Gefährlich 6.12. Ffus, Stuttgart 7.12. Frankfurt, Das Bett 8.12. Nürnberg, Desi 9.12. Köln, Sonic Ballroom
by tommyblank, 13:25h
... Link 3D Design:
CREATURE COMFORTS - THE PET SHOP Aardman Animations rule!
by -stern-, 13:11h
... Link TV:
YOUNG TARANTINO NEEDED THE MONEY Chronological Snobbery has the story, the pictures and the video: Quentin Tarantino on The Golden Girls (November 19, 1988): Before writing and directing 1992's Reservoir Dogs and 1994's Pulp Fiction, a 25 year old Quentin Tarantino appeared as an Elvis impersonator on a 1988 episode of "The Golden Girls."
by -stern-, 13:07h
... Link MOVIES:
by -stern-, 13:02h
... Link Tuesday, 20. November 2007
DAS CAIPIRANHAS PROJEKT Ben Becker, Helmut und ich haben ja bekanntlich eine geheime Band. Ich höre gerade die noch geheimeren Aufnahmen von neulich da im Batman-Studio. Die sind echt lustig geworden, hätte ich zunächst nicht gedacht. Und der Ben Becker kann ziemlich gut Udo Lindenberg parodieren...
by tommyblank, 16:48h
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by tommyblank, 16:10h
NEUE GÖTZEN FÜR DEN BALKAN Diese Story von DAN BILEFSKY war in diversen Zeitungen drin und stimmt irgendwie nachdenklich. In Serbien baut man munter teure Statuen von Rocky Balboa, Tarzan, Samantha Fox und Bruce Lee. Was für eine Art Trend ist das denn bitte? Kultur läuft aus dem Ruder...
by -stern-, 13:00h
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DER PHANTASTISCHE REBELL ALEXANDER MORITZ FREY oder Hitler schießt dramatisch in die Luft
DER ROTE ELVIS oder Das kuriose Leben eines US-Rockstars in der DDR
Taschenbuch (7,95 € / 14,80 Sfr /3-7466-2261-1) (Hardcover, 314 Seiten, 34 Abbildungen, 22,50 €)
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...Playlist: Songs for the Sun ...Story: Jobs - Work in progress ...Buffalo Bill und der Western als Weltanschauung ...Comics: Animal Man & the Meta-Fiction Discussion ...Buch: Tomte - Die Schönheit der Chance ...Comics: Nach der Krise ist vor der Krise ...Politik: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation ...Art: Destino - The Disney/Dali-Project ...Medien: Lost: Mindfuck Marketing ...Musik: Kettcar: Im Bett mit Marcus Wiebusch