WILDLIFE PHOTO OF THE YEAR National Geographic: "Man and right whale size each other up in the winner of the 2008 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition's underwater category, announced on October 30. "The whales were highly curious of us. Many of these animals had never seen a human before," Skerry told National Geographic. Photographed off New Zealand for National Geographic magazine (more photos from the magazine article), the whales shared top honors with a comical, quizzical monkey, eagles in an air battle, and a battling lizard and snake, among others. (The National Geographic Society owns National Geographic News and National Geographic magazine.)
by tommyblank, 15:21h
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UNKNOWN FORCES TUGGING AT UNIVERSE, STUDY SAYS National Geographic: The presence of the extra-universal matter suggests that our universe is part of something bigger—a multiverse—and that whatever is out there is very different from the universe we know, according to study leader Alexander Kashlinsky, an astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. "
by tommyblank, 16:06h
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MAGNETIC MONSTER WITH FLAMING TENTACLES FROM OUTER SPACE IN ERUPTING GALAXY NASA Image of the Day: "NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has found an answer to a long-standing puzzle by resolving giant but delicate filaments shaped by a strong magnetic field around the active galaxy NGC 1275. It is the most striking example of the influence of the immense tentacles of extragalactic magnetic fields, say researchers. These filaments are the only visible-light manifestation of the intricate relationship between the central black hole and the surrounding cluster gas. They provide important clues about how giant black holes affect their surrounding environment."
by -stern-, 14:01h
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OOBLECK - THE REAL BLOB This is great!!! YouTube: "A non-Newtonian fluid that changes from a liquid state to a solid state when stress is applied (ie shaking of the metal sheet with sound waves)" The song is "Club Sickness" by Slantize Video: Oobleck Experiment - Jon Tickle walks on custard just like the title said!!
by -stern-, 22:44h
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RUSSEN FINDEN SKELETT VON NESSIE ![]() "This creature was found by Russian soldiers on Sakhalin shoreline. Sakhalin area is situated near to Japan, it’s the most eastern part of Russia, almost 5000 miles to East from Moscow (Russia is huge). People don’t know who is it. According to the bones and teeth - it is not a fish. According to its skeleton - it’s not a crocodile or alligator. It has a skin with hair or fur." Englishrussia.com has more pictures.
by -stern-, 14:39h
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ROHRPOST RETURNS: THOSE CRAZY GERMANS WANT TO BUILD UNDERGROUND FREIGHT NETWORK "You could order something on the internet and pick it up in your cellar the next morning" "The German Ruhr University of Bochum is conducting experiments with a large-scale model for an automated subterranean transport system. It would use unmanned electric vehicles on rails that travel in a network through pipelines with a diameter of 1.6 meters, up to distances of 150 kilometers." Via Slashdot
by tommyblank, 20:11h
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GOOGLE MEINE GENE SPON: "Erstmals bekommen Deutsche die Chance, ihr eigenes Erbgut auf Krankheiten oder Vorprägungen untersuchen zu lassen - per Post und Internet, für 999 Dollar. Was steckt hinter dem Angebot der US-Biotechfirma 23andMe, die unter anderem mit Google verwoben ist?"
by tommyblank, 01:42h
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ELEKTRO, THE SMOKING ROBOT Excerpt from the 1939 movie "The Middleton Family at the New York World's Fair" belonging to the Collection "1939-40 New York World's Fair". Elektro, the "Westinghouse Motor Man" filmed inside the Westinghouse Pavillion at the Fair. From UnknownWW2InColor, a great little YouTube-Channel .
by -stern-, 14:58h
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PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS? ![]() This is a really strange one... Is this real or is it just another SETI Institute? Isn't this what The Riddler, played by Jim Carrey, tried in "Batman Forever"? Controlling people via TV? Isn't that what "Lost" is all about as well? Have a look: Pravda: Russians have psychotronic weapon to zombie people Wired: The Weird Russian Mind-Control Research Behind a DHS Contract More at Mind Justice Get your own "Lifetech Psychotronic Generator™ - The Ultimate in Causal Engineering Technology"!
by tommyblank, 08:56h
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BRAIN DOPING - THE EAST-GERMAN CHESS TEAM Plastic.com: "By the time it became clear that steroids could cause a range of health problems, a lot of damage had already been done. But what if there were drugs that could make someone more intelligent for a while, that could make him get the right answers more often on tests, that could make him remember where he left those vital papers he needs for his project? "
by tommyblank, 12:20h
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by tommyblank, 13:18h
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by -stern-, 16:05h
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by -stern-, 16:35h
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BEAM ME UP! THERE IS NO INTELLIGENT LIFE ON THIS PLANET! CNN: Scientists teleport two different objects Ich verstehe zwar überhaupt nix von sowas, aber das klingt schwer nach einem wissenschaftlichen Durchbruch. Könnte ich doch nur sofort das Altglas wegbeamen...
by -stern-, 16:09h
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THE STANFORD PRISON EXPERIENCE (Video) "24 college student volunteers, paid $15 a day, are divided by a flip of the coin into prisoners and guards. In just a few days, the 'prisoners' stop thinking of themselves as people but instead as numbers, and the 'guards' stop treating the prisoners as humans." Stanford-produced 50 minute film on the aborted prisoner/guard experiment carried out there in the 70s.
by -stern-, 14:40h
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EIN BLICK IN DIE ZUKUNFT ![]() Keine Ahnung, wie es Ihnen geht, aber ich hätte verdammt gern so einen praktischen Carebot vom Frauenhofer-Institut. Dürfte der einzige MP3-Spieler sein, der gleichzeitig Musik spielen und Bier holen kann.
by -stern-, 17:43h
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ICH WÜNSCHTE, ICH WÜRDE MICH FÜR TENNIS INTERESSIEREN ABC: "Woman in coma plays tennis - When the researchers asked the woman to imagine she was playing tennis, her brain scan lit up in virtually the same places as the brains of healthy volunteers asked to do the same thing."
by -stern-, 11:18h
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by tommyblank, 17:20h
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by tommyblank, 17:17h
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NASA HAT MONDLANDUNGS-VIDEOS VERSCHLAMPT Wie kann man sowas "verlieren"? Da werden die Freunde der Verschwörungstheorien ja wieder 'ne große Klappe haben!
by tommyblank, 12:43h
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by tommyblank, 15:03h
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TASSE KAFFEE BRINGT MICH NACH VORN Guardian: "Drinking as little as one cup of coffee a day could help protect you from liver disease caused by alcohol, according to research published today. People who drink one cup of coffee are 20% less likely to have alcoholic cirrhosis than those who abstain from doing so. And the protective effect increases with the more coffee you drink: People who drink two or three cups a day are 40% less likely to contract cirrhosis, while those who drink four or more cups are 80% less likely to suffer the disease."
by tommyblank, 13:43h
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MARS & BEYOND (Videos) "Werner von Braun worked with Walt Disney to produce this section about how we might get to Mars. (...) Rare Walt Disney Space series from 1957, speculating about Mars. Remember, almost 50 years ago, only Sputnik had gone up 2 months earlier!" Also: "FIREBALL XL 5 - The 1962 Gerry Anderson predecessor to the Thunderbirds TV series! Filmed in 'Supermarionation' (Puppets!)" All that and more rocket fun on YouTube Via Cartoonist
by tommyblank, 20:21h
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by tommyblank, 02:25h
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DUST DEVILS ON MARS New pictures sent by the Mars Rover.
by tommyblank, 13:17h
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THE GERMAN ROBOT ARMY "The ideal soldier of the future knows no fear or fatigue, coolly picks the optimal way out of mortal danger and can even survive explosions with nothing but scratches: meet the military robot. The German army took a close look this week at potential robot recruits, inviting inventors to an infantry training ground at Hammelburg, 85 km east of Frankfurt, to demonstrate what land robots can do." Full story in the Hindustan Times
by tommyblank, 13:18h
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IS JESUS THE NEXT KILLER APP? "In recent years, members of the clergy have begun competing with MTV, video games and the Internet by jazzing up sermons with image magnification systems and large-screen video displays, a la Apple Computer's Steve Jobs at a product launch. The trend has evolved, and churches now are Webcasting to distant parishioners with sophisticated multicamera operations and pumping up the volume inside worship areas with state-of-the-art sound systems." Cnet
by tommyblank, 18:30h
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by tommyblank, 13:57h
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ROBOT WRESTLING "The robot kicking butt is called OmniZero.2. The video comes from www.robot-fan.net. Find other cool robots at www.robots-dreams.com"
by tommyblank, 22:09h
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BOGUS SCIENCE "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is investing close to a million dollars in an obscure Russian scientist's antigravity machine, although it has failed every test and would violate the most fundamental laws of nature. The Patent and Trademark Office recently issued Patent 6,362,718 for a physically impossible motionless electromagnetic generator, which is supposed to snatch free energy from a vacuum. And major power companies have sunk tens of millions of dollars into a scheme to produce energy by putting hydrogen atoms into a state below their ground state, a feat equivalent to mounting an expedition to explore the region south of the South Pole. There is, alas, no scientific claim so preposterous that a scientist cannot be found to vouch for it. And many such claims end up in a court of law after they have cost some gullible person or corporation a lot of money. How are juries to evaluate them?"
by tommyblank, 15:52h
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