THE MULTI KILL VEHICLE (MKV-L) - LOCKHEED FINALLY PRESENTS THE FLYING KILLER ROBOT Yes, it does sound like "Terminator", but it's real! Check out the hover test in the video. It's pretty frightening. Terminator-like Killer Robot Unveiled by U.S Government:"Lockheed is the world's #1 military contractor, and responsible for the U-2 and SR-71 spy planes, the F-16, the F/A-22 fighter jet, and Javelin missiles. In the event of an enemy missile launch, a carrier vehicle would be fired into space to unleash hordes of weapons, which would then lock on to their targets and destroy them. Specifically, the plan is to mount one or more MKVs onto carrier missiles, which would launch into space to engage enemy nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles at the apogees (or peaks), of their trajectory arcs, the Pentagon said. The MKVs would then break off from the carrier vehicles and shoot at enemy warheads with big bullets, "kinetic interceptors" in military-speak, before dropping back down to Earth. The weapon is the latest addition to the US's controversial missile defense shield, formerly referred to as "Star Wars" when first announced by the Reagan administration in the 1980s at the height of the Cold War. The US Missile Defense Agency said that rival defense contractor Raytheon, is also working on its own multiple kill vehicle program." Multiple Kill Vehicle Completes Hover Test (PDF) More about this at Closing Velocity From engadget
by -stern-, 14:38h
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JELLO BIAFRA - OPEN LETTER TO BARACK OBAMA Read the whole thing at alternativetentacles.com! "IRAQ – TRY THIS! The closest thing to a solution I have heard was offered clear back in April 2004 by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (www.oic-ico.org). The OIC is comprised of 57 Islamic countries ranging from West Africa clear over to Southeast Asia. At their annual meeting they found six member nations (Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Yemen and Morocco) willing to pony up enough of their own troops (approx. 150,000) that our troops could have gone home! Who slammed the door on that one? Colin Powell, on the grounds that having the Islamic soldiers under UN command instead of Americans was out of the question. WHY??!? Wouldn't a neutral force of Muslim peacekeepers make a lot more headway than the disaster we've made? Wouldn't they at least command a lot more respect, resulting in a huge drop in violence? Surely the non-stop carnage and Iracketeering we have spawned is Exhibit A that we need to get over this colonialist illusion that other countries' problems can only be solved by Americans. The OIC's proposal for US withdrawal and peace in Iraq must be revisited immediately, and also considered for Afghanistan. We must end not just our military occupation of Iraq, but our economic occupation NOW. Iraq is not ours to sell, and neither is its oil. Your promise not to leave any permanent US military bases in Iraq is a good start. But you have also backed leaving US troops in Iraq to "protect American assets like the Green Zone." The Green Zone is not our "asset." We stole it and we have to give it back. "
by -stern-, 14:28h
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WAR PROPAGANDA A Collector’s View has a good collection. Some new stuff you might not have seen plus golden oldies like "Duck and Cover".
by tommyblank, 13:39h
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by tommyblank, 10:57h
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CRASH TEST DUMMIES Brennende Schaufensterpuppen in Athen From here: www.ireport.com
by tommyblank, 16:34h
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LIVE RIOTS IN ATHENS AND OTHER CITIES IN GREECE Greek Internet Riot 2.0: "Official" Griots Live Twitter Indymedia Deutschland Greek Indymedia is down right now indymedia.org.uk Thibet on Twitter : "police NOWHERE in athens except Maximou str and in front of Parliament. everywhere else CHAOS, major fires in Calirois Str athens downtown under huge looting operation... fires everywhere, extensive damages to all shops, trapped people among looters" athineos: "Kolonaki, an "upper-class" district of Athens, is being looted and torn apart, especially streets Voukourestiou and Skoufa." Athens Live Twitter Videos on YouTube "Official" Pictures on Flickr Pictures on Flickr ThessTV - Videos from Thessaloniki 1.0 Spiegel CNN: "See images of anarchy on Greek streets » Videos on CNN CNN: Dozens hurt as Greek riots spread New York Times - Anti-Police Riots Continue in Greece
by tommyblank, 20:30h
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46664 I saw some of the short films by contemporary artists on this dvd. Impressive stuff. From the info: "Amongst other artists that have created exclusive works for 46664 - 1 Minute of Art to Aids are Bill Viola, Sam Taylor Wood, Alfredo Jaar, William Kentridge, Keith Haring, Pipilotti Rist and Matthew Barney" Amazon: "Named after the number worn during his 18-year imprisonment by Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa and the inspiration for this global initiative, 46664 was created to draw attention to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa. The main event, organized by Brian May and Roger Taylor of Queen and Dave Stewart of Eurythmics, was a November 2003 concert in Cape Town, and it's quite a show, preserved here by more than four hours of performance footage spread out over two discs." Unfortunately the website is broken. Mister Bono, get your mechanic NOW! Video: 46664 Concert Honoring Mandela at 90 - London, 27 June 2008
by tommyblank, 17:31h
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by tommyblank, 18:57h
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A LIST OF IRAQI ACADEMICS ASSASSINATED DURING US-LED OCCUPATION Uruknet.info - information from occupied Iraq: "Pakistan Daily published a list of Iraqi academics assassinated in Iraq during the US-led occupation This is a particularly meaningful aspect of the Iraq genocide, the extermination of its intellectual classes. It wasn't enough to invade and occupy what was once the most advanced country in the Middle East and destroy its economy. Iraq had to be obliterated, its history re-written and its future denied. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) representative Roger Wright said in the October 2004 report: "Iraq used to have one of the finest school systems in the Middle East." Who remembers now that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was awarded the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) prize for eradicating illiteracy in 1982!"
by tommyblank, 17:27h
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GLADIO - THE SECRET ARMY Episode 1 - The Ring Masters Gladio - Episode 2 - The Puppeteers Gladio - Episode 3 - The Foot Soldiers INFO: Gladio by Allan Francovich - BBC Timewatch (1992) "BBC series about a far-right secret army, operated by the CIA and MI6 through NATO, which killed hundreds of innocent Europeans and attempted to blame the deaths on Baader Meinhof, Red Brigades and other left wing groups. Known as 'stay-behinds' these armies were given access to military equipment which was supposed to be used for sabotage after a Soviet invasion. Instead it was used for massacres across mainland Europe as part of a CIA Strategy of Tension. Gladio killing sprees in Belgium and Italy were carried out for the purpose of frightening the national political classes into adopting U.S. policies."Director Allan Francovich Series Editor - Roy Davies MORE INFO: en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org www.archive.org GLADIO, PARLANO GLI INGLESI Repubblica — 11 giugno 1992 pagina 43 sezione: TELEVISIONE ricerca.repubblica.it...
by tommyblank, 15:17h
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GUNSHOTS FIRED AT PRESIDENTS OF GEORGIA AND POLAND CNN Breaking News: "Shots were fired Sunday at a motorcade carrying the presidents of Georgia and Poland, but the motorcade was not hit and there were no injuries, according to the Interior Ministry of Georgia. The ministry said the motorcade, which carried Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and Polish President Lech Kaczynski, was passing a checkpoint near Georgia's South Ossetia region when the shots were fired. No other shooting was reported in the area. South Ossetia was the site of intense conflict between Russian and Georgian troops in August. The shots were fired from Russian-controlled territory as the motorcade passed, the ministry said."
by tommyblank, 20:19h
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DIE TROTTEL VOM BND BOMBEN MUNTER WEITER Spiegel: "Drei Mitarbeiter des Bundesnachrichtendienstes sind nach SPIEGEL-Informationen im Kosovo festgenommen worden. Die örtlichen Ermittler verdächtigen sie, an einem Anschlag beteiligt gewesen zu sein."
by -stern-, 14:42h
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VAL KILMER RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR Dry your eyes, Palin fans! 236.com: Val Kilmer is considering a run for governor of his adopted home state of New Mexico. According to the New York Post, in a cell phone interview from Bulgaria (which raises a whole host of other questions), Kilmer said, "There's sort of a rumor around that I'm maybe thinking about running to be governor of New Mexico? Well, it's sort of true."
by tommyblank, 16:23h
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by tommyblank, 15:58h
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by tommyblank, 15:53h
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For those who can't get enough of that funky new president (and that would be every single woman I know): check out this incredible photo gallery at digitaljournalist.com.
by tommyblank, 17:00h
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HEUTE: LESUNG VON DR. HANNO BALZ ZUM THEMA RAF UND MEDIEN Neues Buch im Campus Verlag: Von Terroristen, Sympathisanten und dem starken Staat Die öffentliche Debatte über die RAF in den 70er Jahren In den 70er Jahren war die RAF zentrales Thema in den bundesdeutschen Medien. Die Presse prägte das Bild des Terroristen. In Angriffen gegen linke Intellektuelle wie Heinrich Böll wurde zudem ein Umfeld von Sympathisanten benannt. Nicht zuletzt schürten die Medien die Vorstellung, dass jeder ein Opfer der RAF werden könne. Anhand dieser und weiterer Themen zeigt Hanno Balz, dass der Terrorismus bei aller realen Gefahr auch ein von den Medien »gemachtes« Phänomen war und ist. Autor: Hanno Balz, Dr. phil., ist Kulturwissenschaftler und Historiker an der Universität Bremen. Heute offiziell um 19.30 Uhr bei b- books, Lübbenstr. 14 in Berlin. Mir persönlich hat der Herr Doktor was von 21 Uhr gesagt, aber vielleicht gibt es vorher noch Tee und Gebäck. Am 18.11.2008 um 19.30 Uhr auch im Bremer Info- Laden, St.Pauli- Str. 10- 12.
by tommyblank, 16:34h
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MEANWHILE IN THE SOCIAL NETWORK Darius James is thinking "Polling stations is like a nigga dick out there. Its long and BLACK!" In case you're bored before the first results come in: Barack Obama: Our Moment Is Now, full speech, December 27, 2007, Des Moines, Iowa.
by -stern-, 22:13h
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by -stern-, 17:55h
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RIP Obama's grandmother died just in time....! "Human Interest" for the last day....
by tommyblank, 02:22h
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by -stern-, 13:33h
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CAPTAIN AFGHANISTAN Another one from Passivitate Imunitass
by tommyblank, 11:28h
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ROBOTERATTACKE Huffingtonpost: Wave Of McCain Robocalls Reported, Some May Violate State Law Nerdcore über Obamas Robot-Halloween-Spot: John McCain lässt durch eine PR-Firma (die übrigens im Jahr 2000 eine Kampagne gegen McCain fuhr) automatisierte Anrufe durchführen, während derer eine Roboterstimme Obamas angebliche „Nähe zu Terroristen“ erläutert. Und dessen Antwort darauf ist nun ein Video mit Gort, dem Roboter aus „Der Tag an dem die Erde stillstand“. Video bei YouTube oder rechts in der Leiste. Da hat man die Nerds tatsächlich mal gezielt bedient!
by tommyblank, 15:04h
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SARAH TODAY Salon: "Somehow, in Sarah Palin's brain, it's a threat to the First Amendment when newspapers criticize her negative attacks on Barack Obama. This is actually so dumb that it hurts: Palin told WMAL-AM that her criticism of Obama's associations, like those with 1960s radical Bill Ayers and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, should not be considered negative attacks. Rather, for reporters or columnists to suggest that it is going negative may constitute an attack that threatens a candidate's free speech rights under the Constitution, Palin said." Metafilter: Sarah Palin's Church: Prayer Warriors, Spirit Mapping & FEMA - "Thomas Muthee, the witch-hunting prayer warrior who anointed Sarah Palin, is part of a much larger movement called the New Apostolic Reformation. Researchers at religious watchdog site Talk2Action have released a 36 page report on the NAR"
by tommyblank, 14:31h
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by -stern-, 15:13h
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OBAMA ASSASSINATION PLOT THWARTED WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Law enforcement arrested two men in Tennessee who had plans to rob a gun dealer to shoot Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and "as many non-Caucasians" as possible, an official said on Monday. An official from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said police found the men in the Jackson, Tennessee area with a number of guns, including a sawed-off shotgun, in their car. More over at Google News The Smoking Gun is on it's way! Knoxville News Sentinel, TN: Plot unusual for skinheads, expert says - "The type of alleged assassination plot targeting Barack Obama by neo-Nazi skinheads is unusual for a group that is known more for street violence and music concerts than organized plots, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. (...) The only known skinhead chapter in Tennessee is based in Knoxville, although it's very difficult for authorities to track skinhead movements because they avoid using public Web sites to communicate, said SPLC spokeswoman Heidi Beirich. We haven't seen widespread threats on Web sites, but we have seen threats," she said. "Obviously, for extremists in the white supremacy movement - which has a long history of extreme violence - there's no question that having the first potential African-American as president is something they are greatly concerned about. The fact that the Secret Service put protection on him earlier than any other candidate reflects their fears."
by tommyblank, 23:16h
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WILL FOX NEWS DROP MCCAIN AFTER THE "PITTSBURGH INCIDENT" ? The Guardian's Campaign Diary will keep you up to date: "More and more questions emerge over the horrible story of the McCain campaign worker who says she was attacked in the street in Pittsburgh by a black man who carved the letter ’B’ on her face and told her: "You are going to be a Barack supporter." Police now plan to administer a lie-detector test over contradictions in her account. "If the incident turns out to be a hoax," writes a senior Fox News executive, "Senator McCain’s quest for the presidency is over, forever linked to race-baiting." KDKA a little while ago: Police sources tell KDKA that a campaign worker has now confessed to making up a story that a mugger attacked her and cut the letter "B" in her face after seeing her McCain bumper sticker. Via Warren Ellis
by -stern-, 15:06h
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PALINASPRESIDENT.COM This has been all over the place, but some folks haven't seen this site yet nonetheless! Good work!
by tommyblank, 12:03h
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THE GREAT SCHLEP The Great Schlep: "The Great Schlep aims to have Jewish grandchildren visit their grandparents in Florida, educate them about Obama, and therefore swing the crucial Florida vote in his favor. Don’t have grandparents in Florida? Not Jewish? No problem! You can still become a schlepper and make change happen in 2008, simply by talking to your relatives about Obama."
by tommyblank, 13:13h
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RESIST - A SEARCH FOR PROFOUND AUTHENTIC FREEDOM Resist is a new film to be released in 2009 with Gael Garcia Bernal. How will decentralised communications networks shift the way we understand poverty and our power to resist its causes? Join the debate online on October 16th New York: 10am / London: 3pm / Mumbai: 7.30pm Global media conglomerates no longer monopolise the ability to transmit messages both locally and internationally. The use of the internet, mobile phones, satellite radio and the declining cost of media technologies have transformed the way individuals and communities voice their concerns. Many have argued that these decentralised communications networks have lead to an increasingly democratic and accessible media culture. Yet there has been little discussion around how these networks might impact our understanding of poverty as well as serve as a means to resist its causes. This event will ask how we can harness the power of these networks in order to more effectively depict and understand the complex web of reasons behind the existence of poverty. And can these networks in the long run open up a space for people who live in poverty to participate in the culture of political life?" The Panel Gael Garcia Bernal is an actor whose credits include The Motorcycle Diaries, Amores Perros and Babel. He is currently making the Resist documentary to be released in 2010. Colm Ó Cuanacháin is Senior Director of Campaigns with Amnesty International. He has held a number of other roles in Amnesty, including Secretary General of the organisation's Irish Section. He worked formerly as Head of Campaigns with ActionAid International. Roland Harwood is Director of Open Innovation at NESTA. He heads up NESTA's Connect programme, which supports innovation through extreme collaboration. Flagship projects include working with Sir Tim Berners-Lee on the future of the web. Wai Mun Yoon is a digital strategist and consultant who has over a decade of experience of using innovative technologies and emerging media platforms to communicate with global audiences.
by -stern-, 14:04h
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