by -stern-, 14:24h
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IWITNESS Honestly, I don't see how this picture can prove anything.
by tommyblank, 18:03h
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by tommyblank, 20:02h
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EVIL MONITO Lots of good stuff to read: Evil Monito Magazine
by tommyblank, 18:59h
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ATTENTION CRASH Very interesting article at cjr.org: Overload! - Journalism’s battle for relevance in an ?age of too much information: "News is part of the atmosphere now, as pervasive—and in some ways as invasive—as advertising. It finds us in airport lounges and taxicabs, on our smart phones and PDAs, through e-mail providers and Internet search engines. Much of the time, it arrives unpackaged: headlines, updates, and articles are snatched from their original sources—often as soon as they’re published—and excerpted or aggregated on blogs, portals, social-networking sites, rss readers, and customizable homepages like My MSN, My Yahoo, myAOL, and iGoogle. These days, news comes at us in a flood of unrelated snippets. As Clay Shirky, author of Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing without Organizations, explains, “The economic logic of the age is unbundling.” But information without context is meaningless. It is incapable of informing and can make consumers feel lost. As the AP noted in its research report, “The irony in news fatigue is that these consumers felt helpless to change their news consumption at a time when they have more control and choice than ever before. When the news wore them down, participants in the study showed a tendency to passively receive versus actively seek news.”
by tommyblank, 15:09h
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KNOW YOUR MEME I just love Rocketboom's Know Your Meme ! Found by Dr. Watson.
by tommyblank, 17:21h
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EGYPTIAN BLOGGER WINS HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD Menassat: "Egyptian blogger Nora Younis has been awarded a prize by the US-based rights group Human Rights First (HRF) for her activism on human rights issues in her country. (...) Through her videos, photos, and writings, Younis has for some years exposed rights violations in Egypt, including the raid of a Sudanese refugee sit-in in Cairo by Egyptian police in 2005 and the sexual assaults on women in a Cairo demonstration the same year by plainclothes security officers. Her work has been used by various rights groups and media outlets around the world in exposing issues such as sexual harassment and the struggle of the Bahai community in Egypt-topics that previously went largely unnoticed in the mass media or even by Egypt's legal system." Global Voices AdvocacyEgypt: Facebooking the Struggle - Interview with Nora Younis
by tommyblank, 15:23h
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by -stern-, 15:27h
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by tommyblank, 16:35h
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by tommyblank, 14:39h
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THE NEW YORK TIMES VISUALIZATION LAB This is just the coolest thing for journalists! Play around with it! Go to Visualization Lab, where you can create visual representations of data and information using the "Many Eyes" technology from IBM Research. Create your own visualizations using data from today's news
by tommyblank, 23:05h
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BRITNEY ON TWITTER Interesting post on Techcrunch: A Missed Opportunity - Britney On Twitter: "Twitter is just another stop on the social media PR train — blog, MySpace, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, et. al. Twitter has had ample opportunity to lock in its disruption by enabling a subscription option for publishers. As a Twitter user you should be able to designate your own service model for those who follow you: free (default), pay only, or freemium. (...) The bigger these “supertwitterers” become the more opportunity they have open to them. What is it worth to Pepsi for Britney to twitter “drinking a pepsi” to 1M followers?" On Twitter - "Yes! This is the real Britney Spears!" Here's a typical post: " New pics of Britney and her boys at the pumpkin patch just went up. Way closer that the pics the paparazzi hasn't even released yet! ~Lauren"
by tommyblank, 12:02h
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"THE SARAH PALIN SHOW" IS A REALITY ALREADY Hollywood Reporter - Hollywood looking to capitalize on candidate's fame: "Love her or hate her -- there doesn't seem to be much middle ground with Palin -- the 44-year-old hockey mom has captured the public imagination in a way no politician has since, well, Barack Obama. But as more and more polls cast doubt on the McCain-Palin ticket, producers and agents across the entertainment world are discussing possibilities for capitalizing on her fame, ranging from an Oprah-style syndicated talk show to a Sean Hannity-like perch in cable news or on radio. "Any television person who sees the numbers when she appears on anything would say Sarah Palin would be great," said veteran morning-show producer Steve Friedman, citing the double-digit ratings gains her appearances on "Saturday Night Live" and "CBS Evening News" generated. "The passion she has on each side, love and hate, makes television people say, 'Wow, imagine the viewership.' "
by -stern-, 15:15h
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HANDBOOK FOR BLOGGERS AND CYBER-DISSIDENTS Reporters Without Borders (RSF) : "Blogs get people excited. Or else they disturb and worry them. Some people distrust them. Others see them as the vanguard of a new information revolution. Because they allow and encourage ordinary people to speak up, they’re tremendous tools of freedom of expression. Bloggers are often the only real journalists in countries where the mainstream media is censored or under pressure. Only they provide independent news, at the risk of displeasing the government and sometimes courting arrest. Reporters Without Borders has produced this handbook to help them, with handy tips and technical advice on how to to remain anonymous and to get round censorship, by choosing the most suitable method for each situation. It also explains how to set up and make the most of a blog, to publicise it (getting it picked up efficiently by search-engines) and to establish its credibility through observing basic ethical and journalistic principles."
by tommyblank, 17:15h
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VANITY FAIR FALLS FOR MARILYN HOAX Ha, ha, funny! Happy 25th Anniversary!
by tommyblank, 15:44h
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CREEPY OLD ADS Weirdomatic has a pretty cool collection: Old Creepy Ads
by tommyblank, 10:51h
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I'VE BEEN RICKROLLED! The Rickroll Internet Phenomenon (as described by Wikipedia): "In 2007 Rick Astley became the subject of a viral Internet meme in which an estimated 25 million Internet users were tricked into watching the video for Rick Astley's 'Never Gonna Give You Up' by posting it under the name of other popular video titles. The practice is now known as Rickrolling. The phenomenon became so popular that on April 1, 2008, YouTube pranked the Internet community by making every single video link on the front page a Rickroll."
by tommyblank, 17:26h
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INTERNET ALMOST DEAD - "PORN" NOT THE MOST POPULAR THING ON THE WEB ANYMORE News from Australia: "DESPITE the old truism, pornography is not the most popular thing on the internet, according to Google's new search analysis tool."
by -stern-, 00:49h
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DAMN INTERESTING Some Damn Interesting News. Still a great site!
by tommyblank, 21:01h
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WIE DENN, WO DENN, WAS DENN? Ich bin erneut erstaunt, dass es immer wieder interaktive Leser und Leserinnen gibt, die meine Videothek nicht finden können und denen auch das lustige Video-Widget ganz oben rechts noch nie aufgefallen ist.....
by -stern-, 13:41h
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EXKLUSIVE ANLEGERINFORMATION Google will demnächst mehr an Sprache und Übersetzung kaufen und nebenbei in Jobvermittlung machen. Monopol auf Wort und Bild, wo es noch keines gibt, Content regieren etc. Danach dann alles auf Kleinanzeigen (Craigslist!) und das bedeutet fast zwangsläufig Auktionen (Ebay?) kurz danach. Wenn Sie mich fragen, die Firma Google wird langsam zum Problem, aber nicht wegen dem Unsinn, den der "Spiegel" da letzte Woche verbreitet und auch noch aus'm "Atlantic" abgeschrieben hat.
by tommyblank, 22:14h
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GEORGE LUCAS DOESN'T LIKE BAD REVIEWS OF "CLONE WARS" Slashdot: "George Lucas CGI 'Clone Wars' movie has premiered to reviews ranging from MSNBC's 'Ugly animation and an uninspired storyline drag down the film' to AintItCool's 'I hated the film. HATED IT. REALLY HATED IT.' Critics have noted the animation style, music and slapstick humor had more than a passing similarity to Pixar's Toy Story, and wondered if the introduction of new action figures (sorry, characters) like Baby Jabba Hutt and Jabba the Hutt's Gay Uncle may have taken the franchise a bridge too far. enforcing an embargo, forcing the reviews to be taken down
by tommyblank, 12:36h
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BUNDESLIGA 2.0 Da wird es diese Saison in jeder Hinsicht scheppern. Oder haben Sie etwas noch nicht den Wimpel auf die Facebook-Seite gehängt und die eigene Foto & Video-Abteilung ihrer Fan-Community aufgeräumt?
by -stern-, 15:08h
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by tommyblank, 15:25h
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BE AN EXPERT ON ANYTHING Brilliant essay by Stephen Colbert! Quote: PICK A FIELD THAT CAN'T BE VERIFIED. Try something like string theory or God’s will: “I speak to God. I’m sorry that you can’t also.” Security experts are in this category: They have security clearances, we don’t. We can’t question the expertise of the NSA because we are not in the NSA. CHOOSE A SUBJECT THAT'S ACTUALLY SECRET. Dan Brown invented a secret subject for The Da Vinci Code, so now he is forever an expert on this secret subject that no one can challenge. Anybody who attacks the secret subject is, by definition, part of the cabal.
by -stern-, 22:16h
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INTERNET LITERACY "When is reading reading? Or, rather, when is it good for you? The New York Times looks at how the internet is changing the ways we think and how we learn." From Metafilter
by -stern-, 22:04h
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ARCHITECTURE TO DANCE TO "Why would Freddie Mercury bother to impress me with his taste in furniture?" "THe Guardian": Tim Lott about his disastrous career as a music journalist in the 70s
by tommyblank, 16:28h
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SPIEGEL INTERNET TV ZU GAST IN TIGERS SÜPER EM STÜDIO "Im Internet längst schon Kult!" Sagen die.
by tommyblank, 19:58h
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"9/11 SEQUEL"?
by -stern-, 13:06h
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TAZ BLAMIERT SICH Mr. Smith vom Spiegel: "The German newspaper Die Tageszeitung has a reputation for leftist social sensitivity. All the more bizarre was its choice of a cover to mark Obama's victory in the race for the Democratic Party nomination: a photo of the White House under the headline 'Uncle Barack's Cabin.'"
by -stern-, 15:26h
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