by tommyblank, 18:16h
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D*FACE Art of Dface Hypebeast about D*Face's aPOPcalypse Now Exhibiton: "The show’s focus on pop culture led to several pieces referencing topics such as superheroes from both the world of DC Comics and Marvel as well as popular pieces in our current cultural landscape."
by tommyblank, 14:42h
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VICTOR ASH BACK IN BERLIN ...just taking pictures!�: "Guess what? Victor ASH returned to Berlin for a new Mural. After his Astronaut in Kreuzberg his new Project is showing some “falling Graffiti-Painters”…
by -stern-, 17:52h
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STOP MOTION PHOTOGRAPHY Crazy pictures over at Orschlurch
by tommyblank, 16:08h
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CHEW THE FAT - OFFICIAL TRAILER AND HOMEPAGE ![]() Thanks, Flo! The Trailer is online! I worked as a consultant/editor on this for a year! Cheers to Rirkrit! Official synopsis by Raimar Stange: "Just say it – in his feature film "CHEW THE FAT“, 2008, Rirkrit Tiravanija meets up with twelve international artists of his own generation. He takes a stroll in the Californian desert with Andrea Zittel; in Berlin he visits Angela Bulloch, as well as the recently arrived Douglas Gordon. He relaxes with Elizabeth Peyton on her porch on Long Island, NY, before hooking up with Jorge Pardo in his spacious Los Angeles studio. Upping the pace of what begins like a roadmovie, he checks e-mails in New York with Liam Gillick, receives a visit in Thailand from Pierre Huyghe, and inspects Carsten Höller's birdcage in Stockholm. Then he enjoys a glass of wine in Paris with Philippe Parreno, and saunters along the Seine with Dominique Gonzales-Förster. Finally, with Tobias Rehberger, he rides a train across Germany. The only absence is Maurizio Cattalan, who is nonetheless present in everyone else's memories. If this sounds varied and entertaining, that is exactly what it is. But the relaxed mood of these meetings in locations chosen by the artists themselves also makes for pleasantly focused yet far-reaching conversations. Tiravanija begins each talk by asking the artist to tell him about his or her motivation and art education. What happens next is left to chance: the topics covered in "Chew the fat“ range from the Football World Championships to current art projects; from street cleaning in Paris to structural changes in artists' working conditions since the 1990s. High and low, life and art are intentionally yet casually intermingled; participants discuss the value of art as a commodity and as entertainment; again and again the materialness of art objects is eclipsed by discussions of key temporal and spatial relations. While each one of the twelve conversations is unique, they share one aspect: playfully yet searchingly they adress reflections and ideas that have made art so fascinating since the 1990s. Rirkrit Tiravanija made "Chew the fat“ in the context of twelve individual artist portraits created over the past several years. A must-see! © Translation from German, Oct. 2008: Margret Powell-Joss"
by tommyblank, 00:41h
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FRIENDS OF CRYSTAL BALL BALL The third group exhibition of Crystal Ball associate artists of the program with good friends and companions of the gallery for a big versatile presentation of art works. The exhibition should help to secure the gallery work in the future. Parallel to this the Circle of Friends Kristallkugel is launched under the auspices of Svea Lena Kutschke. I want to thank the artist who participate or donate their works for this presentation and all of the debut members of the Circle of friends Kristallkugel! Teilnehmende Künstler sind: Julia Baier, Norbert Bauer, Thomas Behling, Matthias Bösche, Marion Bösen, Francoise Cactus, Alexander Callsen, Stefan Demming, Marcia Farquhar, Anja Fußbach, Elke Graalfs, Marco Goldenstein, Christian Haake, Mareike Hube, Juwelia, Aylin Kayser, Andreas Kotulla, Ins A Kromminga, Max Müller, Wolfgang Müller, Astrid Küver, Jonathan Kroll, Monika Müller Kroll, Henrik Jacob, Michael Jungblut, Lydia Karstadt, Martin Löhr, Stu Mead, Kay Michalak, J. Maizlish Mole, Sugár Meliton, Flowrian Pauly, Christian Metzner, Hannes Niepold, Veronika Schumacher, Inhalt und Sinn, Alexander Steffens, Annette Stemmann, Zoe Thorne, Silke Thoss, Bob Tooke, Heike Walter, Ole Wulfers, Barbara Wagner, Daniela Weber, Sabine Wewer, Ming Wong und weitereGalerie Crystal Ball Manfred Kirschner Schönleinstrasse 7 10967 Berlin / Kreuzberg www.galeriecrystalball.de U Bahn Linie 8, Station Schönleinstrasse Di, So: 15- 20 Uhr Fr: 15- 24 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung
by tommyblank, 19:42h
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by tommyblank, 01:19h
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A PERSONAL MOON - PHOTOS BY LEONID TISHKOV & BORIS BENDIKOV I just found this amazing series of photographs by Leonid Tishkov and Boris Bendikov. Sweet stuff!
by -stern-, 13:21h
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by -stern-, 17:05h
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JOHN POWERS - STAR WARS: A NEW HEAP Are you familiar with John Powers? Anyway, check out his latest work Star Wars: A New Heap. It's "a piece on the relationship between Star Wars and modernism" (Eva Hagberg).
by -stern-, 16:52h
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KRIS KUKSI - IMMINENT UTOPIA "Imminent Utopia" Kris Kuksi Solo Exhibition Exclusive You gotta watch the high resolution version of this! Kris will have a major solo exhibition in New York City opening November 22nd at the Joshua Liner Gallery located at 548 W. 28th Street Suite 334, New York NY. Lots of cool stuff at Kuksi.com.
by -stern-, 16:32h
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On Vernissage.TV: Robert Kusmirowski - DATAmatic 880 / Galerie Magazin, Berlin / Performance
by -stern-, 16:22h
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RETURN OF THE BILLBOARD LIBERATION FRONT You might wanna check out the Home of The Billboard Liberation Front or the Billboard Liberation Front's photostream
by tommyblank, 16:20h
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by tommyblank, 16:32h
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// A R T E F A C T Very interesting new site from Croatia: / a r t e f a c t: "While some speak of power strategies, it appears to us to be much more justified to join those who not only talk about but also create strategies of resistance. And it is for this purpose that we have started up the on-line magazine ART-e-FACT, intending, in the digital age - in which power lies neither in institutions nor on the streets but on the Web, that is, in the communications system - to seek and to encourage possible answers, exchanging ideas about the burning questions of both culture and art, and of society at large. ART-e-FACT, then, not at all accidentally, is not just a magazine for contemporary art and culture. It is above all an open and public forum for the critical consideration of society, of new practices in art, their interaction with the theory and politics of presentation in an artistic and indeed a non-artistic context."
by tommyblank, 15:01h
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ONLINE THEATRE : ALL THE WEB'S A STAGE Very interesting story in The Independent: "Theatre company Punchdrunk is renowned for pushing board-treading boundaries. Since its foundation in 2000, it has won praise from critics and audiences for shows in which participants are free to choose what they watch and where they go. (...) Punchdrunk has teamed up with games company Hide & Seek, Hewlett-Packard research arm HP Labs and online design firm Seeper to create a 'hybrid experience' between real and computer-generated worlds. And at first glance it seems very different to the average console adventure. (...) Last Will begins with two players walking into disconcerting darkness. Both are led through a series of "tunnels" hemmed in by drapes that hang either side of a dim, central corridor. The players then split up. My gaming partner for the evening, Ben, enters a "physical" realm – several interconnected rooms in the warehouse which have been made up to look like an elaborate theatre set. Meanwhile I enter a "virtual realm", which is a dark room in which sits – less glamorously – a computer workstation and headphones. Without wishing to give away details of the plot to would-be players, it's the story of an old man in trouble – whom both players have to help. To do this, I must navigate through a computer-generated version of the physical space in which Ben is located. I'm charged with solving a number of puzzles, which involves clicking on various objects within a computer-generated room in sequence. I later discover that my actions within the virtual world are having effects in the physical world – such as unlocking doors. "
by tommyblank, 14:51h
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VIRTUALLY LOST Awesome web art! Check the portfolio of the artist here! This has nothing to do with the TV show "Lost"!
by tommyblank, 16:35h
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The Act of Drinking Beer with Friends Is the Highest Form of Art There is hope! We can all be artists! Event: "The Act of Drinking Beer with Friends Is the Highest Form of Art - Tom Marioni with Guest Bartenders Drink beer, meet people, and hang out with friends at this weekly informal gathering hosted by Marioni, a pioneering Bay Area conceptual artist who has been regularly staging free beer salons as social artworks at his studio, in museums, and in alternative spaces since 1970." At the Koret Visitor Education Center, San Francisco Thursdays, November 13 - February 05 (except November 27, December 25, and January 01), 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
by tommyblank, 12:31h
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OWN WORST ENEMY RETURNS Art of --Meggs-- 'Own Worst Enemy Returns' Red Screenprint over pink stencil Hand screened, stencilled & signed by Meggs 760 x 560mm Edition of 25 Screenprints are now available online through NiceProduce.com
by tommyblank, 17:20h
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Song by Broadcast 2000. This is soooo beautiful!
by tommyblank, 17:06h
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SELFCONTROLFREAK Meet Olivier Otten! The coolest interactive videos I've seen in a long time. I mean, wow, this guy is good!
by -stern-, 17:21h
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ROY & ANDY Boingboing: Interview with Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol
by tommyblank, 02:25h
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MCGOVERN Vote McGovern by Andy Warhol, 1972 Licensed by ARS & VISCOPY, Australia The American Master Printer, Kenneth Tyler was keen to invite Andy Warhol to make prints at his Gemini GEL workshop in Los Angeles in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Unfortunately no long-lasting collaboration with Warhol was possible, but the artist did produce one print work at the workshop in support of the Democratic party’s presidential candidate George McGovern." More at artsearch.nga.gov.au
by -stern-, 16:49h
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GUGGENHEIM, NEW YORK - KÜNSTLER ÜBERNEHMEN DAS MUSEUM Art Magazin über theanyspacewhatever: Übernachten im Guggenheim Museum und Espresso im Kinozimmer: Die Künstler der New Yorker Ausstellung "theanyspacewhatever" spielen mit der Institution "Museum". Eigentlich ein spannendes Thema – trotzdem bleibt bei den halbherzigen Installationen ein Gefühl der Leere zurück. "
by -stern-, 17:12h
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by tommyblank, 12:13h
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by tommyblank, 16:24h
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THE KILLING MACHINE The Guardian: Adrian Searle on The Killing Machine an installation by Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller: "The Killing Machine is based on the device in Kafka's 1919 short story In the Penal Colony. This has never struck me as one of Kafka's better works. At the heart of the tale is a fiendish mechanised harrow that carves or tattoos the sentence handed down to the prisoner into his flesh. Kafka seems to relish his detailing of all the embellishments and refinements too much. The artists, according to the catalogue, were also thinking about the death penalty in America. The Killing Machine comes at the very end of their exhibition. It is the coup de grâce, the finale, the main attraction. But it's a flop. No one is even mildly appalled. We've seen and heard too much for this to touch us. Show us how waterboarding works. Show me those pictures from Abu Ghraib again, or those things the junta did down in Argentina. How about a public stoning? Compared with real life, this is entertainment."
by -stern-, 19:22h
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TONIGHT: CHEW THE FAT - WORLD PREMIERE AT THE GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM IN NEW YORK A toast to the artist! I worked as a consultant/editor on this for a whole year! Rirkrit Tiravanija - CHEW THE FAT Sundays at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Mondays at 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Friday, November 14, and Tuesday, December 2, at 8 p.m. In conjunction with the exhibition, Tiravanija’s documentary film provides a perspective on the art of the 1990s through interviews with artists, including those participating in the exhibition. Part of the Theanyspacewhatever (October 24, 2008–January 7, 2009, Guggenheim, New York) INFO: "During the 1990s a number of artists claimed the exhibition as their medium. Working independently or in various collaborative constellations, they eschewed the individual object in favor of the exhibition environment as a dynamic arena, ever expanding its physical and temporal parameters. Using the museum as a springboard for work that reaches beyond the visual arts, their work often commingles with other disciplines such as architecture, design, and theater, engaging directly with the vicissitudes of everyday life to offer subtle moments of transformation. This loose affiliation of artists, each of whom now boasts strong, independent careers, periodically and randomly joins forces to create a variety of projects. The Guggenheim Museum has extended an invitation to a core group of these artists—Angela Bulloch, Maurizio Cattelan, Liam Gillick, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Douglas Gordon, Carsten Höller, Pierre Huyghe, Jorge Pardo, Philippe Parreno, and Rirkrit Tiravanija—to collectively formulate a scenario for an exhibition, one that will reflect and articulate the unique nature of their practices. Organized by the museum’s Chief Curator, Nancy Spector, in close collaboration with the artists, the exhibition will present a genealogy of their shared history through site-specific installations of new, often self-reflexive works created on the occasion of this project." More: TTDocs.com
by tommyblank, 12:46h
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Visit The Village Petstore and Charcoal Grill on the web and watch the videos.
by -stern-, 14:05h
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by tommyblank, 11:51h
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DER PHANTASTISCHE REBELL ALEXANDER MORITZ FREY oder Hitler schießt dramatisch in die Luft
DER ROTE ELVIS oder Das kuriose Leben eines US-Rockstars in der DDR
Taschenbuch (7,95 € / 14,80 Sfr /3-7466-2261-1) (Hardcover, 314 Seiten, 34 Abbildungen, 22,50 €)
"Von Stefan Ernsting hervorragend übersetzt." (Bayrischer Rundfunk))
...Playlist: Songs for the Sun ...Story: Jobs - Work in progress ...Buffalo Bill und der Western als Weltanschauung ...Comics: Animal Man & the Meta-Fiction Discussion ...Buch: Tomte - Die Schönheit der Chance ...Comics: Nach der Krise ist vor der Krise ...Politik: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation ...Art: Destino - The Disney/Dali-Project ...Medien: Lost: Mindfuck Marketing ...Musik: Kettcar: Im Bett mit Marcus Wiebusch